What are the requirements to be seen as buff by the general population?

What are the requirements to be seen as buff by the general population?

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Literally anything above average.

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1/2/3/4 with bf below 12-13%

25 bmi lean

Have biceps bigger than your forearms. Literally any size on you and people will think you're fucking massive. The average person does not exercise or even know what anything other than a curl or a bench press is.

what does 1/2/3/4 even mena

Big traps, delts, triceps and forearms with a flat belly and proportional legs.

90# OHP
180# Bench Press
270# Back Squat
360# Deadlift

Is that kg or that stupid american system?

Do you know what that symbol is called?

A body fat percentage


It's a pound sign, zoomer.

people think you are jacked when u have a slight v taper

Shouldn't you be in bed already grandpa? Think of your lawn mowing you have to do tomorrow

you have to be 18 to post here

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30y old boomer go home

on the bar? Typically I include the bar when discussing how much a lift is.

OHP = 135
Bench = 225
Skwaat = 315
Deadlift = 405

The symbol is literally a pound sign. You're just a retard.

>counting the bar

>I include the bar

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No you boomer fuck, it's called a hashtag nowadays
Do you also say you're gay when you're happy?

>counts the bar
Not gonna make it

Brits (and) Pajeets will call it a 'hash sign,' Hashtag is for fags and zoomers.

>he counts the bar

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lel, that was actually funny. That being said, learn to read context clues. He left a symbol after the weight so you didn't have to ask if it was metric vs US.

Here that sign means number

Your weight in centermeters @ 10% bodyfat.

5'7 - 171cm = 171lbs @ 10% bodyfat.

Literally, actually, unironically kill yourself


>that 30y old boomer who calls hashtag the pound sign

Be tall.

I’m 23 yo and I’ve known it was a pound sign my entire life. Have you never made a phone call before with something that wasn’t an iPhone? It’s past your bedtime, little baby

>23y old boomer
>still here
top kek

Somewhere before the 1/2/3/4 mark you start looking pretty buff to normies.

Around 2/3/4/5 is when you start looking buff among the buff people.

Striations on your arms and shoulders.

The amount you can lift has LITERALLY NOTHING to do with how much muscle or body fat you have

To absolute normies?

>Relatively lean (13% plus or minus a little)
>50% BW OHP
>~BW bench press
>5 chins

is that from uniqlo? i have the same shirt