That is all.

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lift the weight
eat the food
shitpost the internet

deadlift 2x5
squat 5x5
bench 5x5
that weird ab machine where you try to suck your own dick 5x5
swim for 30 mins

>wake up at 10 am
>lie in bed for an hour
>get up
>eat a bowl of reese's puffs
>jerk off 3 times
>have pizza rolls for lunch at 3 pm
>play video games till 8 pm
>have ice cream for dinner
>jerk off 2 times before going to bed at 11 pm
At least I'm making sleep gains.

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>wake up around 7 am
>turn on the computer
>make protein smoothie on the blender
>take two caffeine pills
>stay on the computer until the pre-workout kicks in
>go to gym
>lift for an hour or two
>go back home
>eat 5 eggs with 2-3 cloves of garlic
>go back to computer
>shitpost, watch youtube, netflix and sometimes fap
>eat more and more
>turn off computer
>brush teeth
>think about suicide
>repeat the same routine for over 3 years with minor differences

Attached: 1530434201778.jpg (468x323, 17K)

Two visits a week:

All exercises are attempted 4x10 usually end up with 10 10 9 8 or with

Weighted chins
Incl bench same
One armed Smith machine shrugs
Cable lateral raises
Quad ext
Leg curl

Smith sitting press
Smith one armed rows
Cable ab work
Pec deck
Bicep curl, ez bar, preacher usually
Tricep cable pulldown

weighted chinups 3xF
weighted, feet elevated pushups 3xF
pistol squats 3xF
ab roller 3xF

A: BP 3x5, incline db 3x8, pull ups 3x5, lat downs ex8, lateral raises3x8, curls3x8, squat 3x5

B:ohp3x5, pull ups3x5, rows 3x8, dl 3x5, lateral raises3x8, curls 3x8, chest press machine 3x8

I want to add dibs and seated cable rows wide grip

bench press 10x4
squat 10x4
ohp 10x4
pushups 6x4
weightless squats 10x2
situps 10x5
hip bridges 10x5
pet my cat 100x2
arm curls 10x3 on each arm


How do you support yourself financially?

i live with mommy

Heh, this will get all of your noggin's joggin'.

Attached: Screenshot_20180801-143911.png (1080x1920, 379K)

Phrak greyskull LP because I’m a recovering lardass
Will switch to ICF after it

My guy what the fuck

It's based off the double m'dude

2x15 bar curls
3x10 overhead dumbbell presses
3x15 overhead bar presses
3x10 dumbbell curls

Attached: cambrian_dab.png (509x556, 304K)


>Squat 5x5
>Bench 5x5
>Tricep work
>Bicep work

>Deadlift 3x5
>OHP 5x5
>BOR 5x5
>lat pulldown/raises

8am wake up
Eat oats
Put frozen potato squares, mushrooms, tomatoes in oven
Take doggo for a walk
Get back eat warm breakfast
Pack yoghurt and cereal multitub with a tub of spinach, quinoa, sweet potato, beet, onion.
Check gym bag for clothing and equipment..
Head to bus stop
Catch bus at 10, eat cereal and yoghurt, hang out about an hour, take preworkout and head to gym
Do lifts
Spend rest of the day studying for degree startig soon /looking/begging for work
Catch bus home around 5
Take doggo for wall
Feed myself and him
Have protein shake through night untill about 9.
Post on Jow Forums, play games, waste my life, contemplate suicide
Bed at around half eleven.

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>Push day
Bench 4x10
DB curls 5x10
Tricep Extensions 5x10
Incline Bench 4x10
Preacher curls 3x10
SKullcrushers 4x10
DEcline bench 3x10
Chin ups until failure
DB flies
>Pull day
Deadlift 3-4x10
OHP 4x10
Barbell rows 4x10
Lateral/Front raises 4x10
Kroc Rows 3x10
Face pulls 4x15
Pull ups until failure
Power cleans 4x8
>Leg Day
Squat 2x10 75% 1x5 85% 1x10
Box Squat 2x10
Extensions 5x12
Curls 5x10
Calf raises 4x40
Leg Press 3x15
Reverse Barbell Lunges 3x8

>pull day
>all that volume

Exactly like my life. Only difference is I wake up later.

That looks overly complicated, excessive and fatigue inducing.

Thinking about starting texas method. Anyone have any opinions/experience on it? I hear the "volume day" is a total bitch and takes forever, so I'm planning on scheduling that during the weekend so I'm not rushing it

Yeah I was doing 5x5 but it wasn't paying off where I wanted it to
Doesn't fatigue me so much honestly, whenever I'm done I feel worked out and feel good that I got it done.
I've made a lot of progress on it.
Bench: 320
Squat: 430
Deadlift: 505
Bodyweight: 165lbs

Phraks gslp

Modified wendlers BBB, programming is the same but frequency increased for ohp and squats as I am a NEET until September and even then only working and studying part time. I utilize joker sets and run the volume work at 60% on deadlift and squat and 55 on bench and ohp. I get to repeat squat and ohp and have noticed considerable gains there.

Each day follows the same format;

>Highbar Squats
>deadlift variation (snatch grip, sumo)
(to a triple)(1x8)
>good mornings

>deadlift rows (triple)
>pendlay rows (1x8)
>dumbell rows (4x8)

>front squat
>Romanian deadlift

>Bench press
>Rest is same as B

Any accessory work I want to do follows, normally this will be incline DB presses on an upper day, or just focus in stretching in a lower.

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How tall are you?


Attached: received_199301434276992.png (1699x720, 65K)

5 ft 8 inches

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Every single day:
>Calf raises 10x5
>Shrugs 12x5
>Crunch machine 3x8

>Bench press 3x5 (alternate with OHP)
>BB Row 3x6 (alternate with pullups)
>Curls 3x5, 2x10
>Wrist curls 3x8
>Deadlift 1x5

>OHP 3x5 (alternate with bench press)
>Pullup 3x5+ (alternate with bb row)
>Hammer curls 3x8
>Wrist curls 3x8
>Squat 3x5

Do whenever:
>Abductor machine
>Glute machine

Friday is monday again. Swim 3x a week, then do sauna.

Attached: evangelions swimming.jpg (2370x3444, 1.94M)


Fight me

And you have those lifts? Post body or stop e-statting

Most recent pic

Attached: image.jpg (758x1011, 65K)

Help me

OHP 3x8
Bench 3x10
Incline 3x10
Dips 3xfailure
pullups 3xfailure
facepulls 3x15
hammercurls 3x8-10
tricep extensions 3x10
seated calf raises 3x15

Dips 3xfailure
squat 3x10
deadlift 3x10
shruggies 2x15
standing calf raises 3x15
pullups 3xfailure
lateral raises 3x12
hanging leg raises 3xfailure
ab wheel 3xfailure

5x a week

You delivered I will give you that. Lifts more believable but I still doubt that bench but whatever bro you look good and if i wasnt taller than you, you could be a daddg... you should still start a better routine though.

It's really fucking smart, I actually thought of it. It's nsuns but I do weighted chin-ups instead of squats and weighted pull-ups instead of front squats

if you want (you)'s, go to the gym

surely go to the gym while the preworkout is kicking in, not set off once it already has. Unless you live next door

It's my bench I promise, I tell no lies. The routine works great homie. I can attest to it.

how do you remember it all while at the gym?

Now post a picture with you on a scale. You do not look 165

Start doing arms bro, u really need it

>unless you live next door
pretty much. the gym is only 3 minutes away from my house




Chest flys
Shoulder flies
Back flies

Cardio=jump rope or rollerblading

Post body

MWF: Powerlifting/endurance lifting abomination
MTTrS: Muay Thai(formal)
TWTrSSun: running
Every Day: heavy muay thai bag work at home

fair enough. You should work on not living with mum. Independence does wonders for your social gains

I mean I made that comment with a lot of presumptions about your current situation but still

Tbh the only one if those that's impressive is his bench

Y'all don't do jack shit. If your not putting in 6 hours a week working out your never going to make it.
Every Other Day ******
2x10 bench
2x10 incline
2x 10 Tricip extensions
2x30 pull downs
2x10 OHP
2x10 btn OHP
2x10 lat raises
2x10 shoulder shrugs
2x30 face pulls
2 x 10 wide grip rows to chest
2x 10 inverted grip to hip rows
1xf pull ups
1x10 Romanian or 3x1 DL
6x10-30 calf ups
3x10 Bulgarian leg split squats
3x10 low bar squats
For arm work varied
2x5 weighted chin ups


Why's your right leg so big?

I'm flexing my right leg and it's turned to its side.


I think he works out man

Squat 3-5x2-4
OHP 3-4x8-12
DB Row 4x8-10
Curls 3-4x8-10
Facepulls 3-4x8-10

OHP 3-4x2-4, 1xAMRAP lower weight
Pause squat 5-6x2-3
RDL 2-3x8-10
Dips 2-3x10
Chins 2-3x10

Bench 3x2-3, 2x8 lower weight
Deadlift 3-4x2-3
Front squat 3-4x8-10
Lateral raises 3x8-10
Chins 2-3x10
Dips 2-3x10

I add reps until I feel like I can add weight, then I do and reduce sets/reps and work back up again. Or just add weight and volume linearly each week when bulking.

what the fuck's with the doors? did you leave your dwarven lair to lift in bilbo's home gym?

no worries, the presumptions you did is probably right.
but yea i don't think i'll be doing that anytime soon. i'm a dropout, left hs on the first year. i live in a country where it's hard to get a job even with a college degree so i'm pretty fucked.
i tried to join the army but they refused due to too many people joining in, so i'm a bit out of options.
of course i could study but i'm pretty dumb, couldn't do it even with concentration drugs. i also wasn't able to do an iq test because the questions were too hard, kek
sorry bro, i don't think i'll make it in this life, maybe in the next one if reincarnation is a thing.

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high school in the first year.. what does that convert to in non-American terms? I'm British and I think that equates to what we'd call 1st year college, like 17 years of age at the time of dropping out?

more like 14

dropped out when i was 15

fucked up PPL with abs everyday and no rest day, im cutting idgaf

look at google sheets on my phone between sets, that gives enough rest time as well after I've changed the weight.

really? it's illegal to leave education in the uk before you finish school at 16.

Either way mate, it's never too late. People say loads of cliché shit like "follow your passion" and "do what you love and love what you do". These are true, but pretty useless things to say, it doesn't help.

What really really makes the difference is if you can, in general, be bothered. Not just career wise, this applies to everything. Family, social, fitness, work, leisure, hobbies etc. It's incredibly easy to go through life not being bothered, doing enough to get by, and getting old without achieving anything. But if you CAN be bothered, you can look back at your life and live it twice. I'd be really happy with a life where I know I gave my all to my family, to my social life, to my fitness, and to whatever hobbies I enjoy. A career would seem pretty irrelevant then. Plus, maybe you'll get lucky along the way and have a good opportunity thrown at you.

There's a place for you in this world man.

Been lifting for 3 months, so I might change up my routine pretty soon.

3x5 chinups
3x10 bench press
3x10 squats
3x10 curls
3x10 overhead press
3x10 lat pulldown

Every other day

Also please let me know if there's anything I should change here. I'm new to all this

I don't have a routine, I just do whatever

Resistance band day
Medicine ball day
Abdominal ball day
Cardio day

Still use weights sparingly but I actually prefer the lower impact stuff now that I'm turning 30

full body autism

do ppl

>maybe you'll get lucky along the way and have a good opportunity thrown at you
that's what i'm hoping for, can be pretty rare for it to happen but i don't know, maybe it will.
thanks for the heads up

Monday - Legs & BJJ
Tuesday - Shoulders & Abs & Muay Thai
Wednesday - Back & BJJ
Thursday - Bi/Tri/Forearms & Abs & Muay Thai
Friday - Legs & BJJ
Saturday - Chest & Abs

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Does she not expect you to help around the house? Or at least help pay some of the bills? My parents would never allow me to live with them without helping out.

I'm not the guy, I'm 24 and live away from home. However my parents have always said if I ever need to live at home I can do, free of charge. They view having children as their commitment to provide for them as long as they need it.

A - Chest + triceps:
> bench 3x5
> weighted dips 3x6
> incline bench 3x8
> tricep pulldowns 3x10
> lower chest cable flys 3x10

B - Back + biceps
> deadlifts 3x5
> chin-ups 3x6
> seated rows 3x10
> shrugs 3x10
> curls 3x10

C - legs + shoulders
> squats 3x5
> OHP 3x5
> lateral side raises 3x10
> lateral front raises 3x10
> hanging crunches 3x10

ABCxABCx, usually workout 5-6 days a week

Basically 1-2 compound lifts for strength and then accessories each session.

Done SS in the past for a bit, but really like this kind of brosplit routine that I’ve been doing consistently for the last two months

Been bulking hard, pic is me after putting on 20 pounds in the last two months

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>does she not expect you to help around the house?
no, she does all the house services. cleaning, washing clothes, making food etc
>or at least help pay some of the bills
i'm a neet, i don't have any money to pay the bills.

Proof of concept

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Damn. Your parents are super cool.

...I wish my parents were like that. T_T

AxBxAxBx SS slight variation with accessory work

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench
1x5 DL
3x5 Weighted Chin-up
3x8 Lateral Raises
3x10 Hanging Leg Raises

3x5 Squat
3x5 OHP
3x5 BB Row
3x8 Lateral Raises
3x5 Weighted Chin-up
3x10 Hanging Leg Raises

Walk on treadmill at 3mph at 10% grade for approximately 1 hour for those calves. I do this while I watch tv or a movie

hey bro, it is what it is really hey. The important bit is whether you'll take that attitude with your children.

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How old are you? Just wondering

Squats 4x5
Lunges 4X8
Deadlift 1x5
BB Rear delt rows 4x8
DB Curls 4x16
Concentration curls 4x16

Day 2
DB incline chest press 4x8
DB Chest Flys 4x8
DB Shoulder Press4x8
DB shoulder Raises 4x8
Tricep Extensions 4x10
Tricep Pull downs 4x10
Core exercises (10-15mins)

Day 3
Squats 4x5
Lunges 4X8
Deadlift 1x5
BB Rear delt rows 4x8
EZ bar curls 4x8
Concentration curls 4x16

Day 4
BB Bench Press 4x8
DB Chest Flys 4x8
DB Shoulder Press 4x8
Lateral raises 4x8
Skull crushers 4x10
Tricep Pull downs 4x10
Core exercises (10-15mins)

Please critique and tell me if I'm majorly missing certain muscles. Close to 1 year of lifting but I think this was good to hit most muscles twice a week while I've been cutting for months now.

Hepburn method for bench, test 1rm after my second cycle
Squat, I work up to a 5x3 at 80-85% of 1rm, test 1rm when I feel like it
Deadlift, 1x5 at 90-95%
Triceps, front squats, and weighted pullups all for reps

Deadlift 1x5
Squat 3x5
Close Grip Bench Press
Push Press
Weighted Chin Ups
Plus any accessories i feel like I need to do. Usually lateral raises.

For everything but squats and deads (i’m still progressing linearly on them) I do 3x5, if I complete the sets then next session i do 3x6, then 3x7 then 3x8, then increase weight by 10% and start over again at 3x5

Monday: squat then hamstring accessories followed by bicep stuff
Tuesday: bench, chest, tricep
Wednesday: deadlift and back
Thursday: shoulders and biceps
Friday: squat round 2, quads, tricep
Saturday: bench round 2 and general arms work.

Cardio every two days, core work on days I don't do cardio.

M: Push, Tu: Pull, W: Legs, Th: Push, F: Pull, S: Rest, S: Rest

5x5 Bench (or Incline)
5x5 Dips
5x5 Skullkrushers
5x5 OHP
3x10 Side raises (or Rear side raises)

5x5 Bent over BB row
5x5 weighted pull ups wide grip
3x8 Machine row wide grip
5xX Bicep Curl (To failiure)
5x8 Preacher Curl (Or hammer)

5x5 Back Squat
3x8 Leg Sled
5x5 Hamstring Deadlift
3x8 Leg Curl
5x8 Standing Calf Raise
5x8 Seated Calf Raise
*Superset the calves

Any advice for my push day? It takes like 3 hours to do chest tri AND shoulders :(

How much rest do you take between sets? I recall my PPL Push days took fucking ages too. I think I was just resting too much and it added up.

I rest for like a minute between sets. Does this look like a good program to you?

I think it would definitely do the job. Personally I'd go higher reps on dips(10) and skullcrushers(10) and lateral raises (15) but that's entirely upto you. They can take a shit load of punishment.

You’re right I’ll go higher on dips and raises but skullkrushers destroy me so I think they’re working. Thanks for the help!

Can anyone recommend a full body 3x/week workout that isn’t shit?

Day 1:

Bench: 3x5
Incline bench 3x5
Dips: 3x10
Cable cross 3x10
Military press 3x5
Lateral raise: 3x10
Shoulder press: 3x10
Skull crusher: 3x5

Day 2:

Deadlift: 3x5
Pull-ups: 3x10
Barbell row: 3x10
Lat pull-down: 3x10
Seated rear delt fly: 3x10
Face pull: 3x10
Rear delt fly (machine) 3x10
Barbell curl: 3x10

Day 3:

Front squat: 3x5
Back squat: 3x5
Romanian dead lift: 3x10
Standing calf raises: 3x10
Lying hip thrust: 3x10
Leg extension: 3x10
Glute extension: 3x10

It's worked well for me, been doing this for a couple months now and seen moderate increases in strength while cutting. Haven't been going extremely heavy but when I lean out more I am excited to clean bulk and build some muscle

bridge 2.0

>Monday - Chest/Triceps
Bench Press 5/3/1
Incline DB Press 30° 3x12/10/8
Machine Fly 3x12/10/8
Machine Bench Press 3x8
Tricep Cable Pushdown 3x12
Skullcrusher 3x12

>Tuesday - Back/Biceps
Deadlift 3x5 (Recently started)
Cable Row 3x12
Lat Pulldown 3x8
Strict Curl 3x8
Crossbody Hammer Curl 3x8
Spider Curl 3x8

>Wednesday - Legs
Squat 5/3/1
Leg Press 3x8
Seated Calf Raise 4x25
Leg Curl 3x10
Leg Extension 3x10

>Thursday - Shoulders/Chest
Overhead Press 5/3/1
Side Lateral Raise 3x12
Arnold Press 3x12/10/8
Bench Press 50 reps between 4 sets
Incline DB Press 45° 3x12/10/8
DB Fly 3x8

>Friday - Accessories
Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curl 3x8
Hammer Curl 3x8
Standing Calf Raise 3x20
Standing Calf Raise (Toes in) 3x20
Standing Calf Raise (Toes out) 3x20
Situp 4x25
Ab Roll 3x12

Still working some stuff out. Just recently added the Friday workout so I can get more forearms and calves volume and am adjusting Thursday cause my chest needs work.

>deadlifting on day 2, squatting on day 3
whyyyyy that sounds miserable

It's not that bad since I'm doing light weight for deadlift to get the form down. My lower back wasn't progressing fast enough to keep up with my squat, otherwise I wouldn't be deadlifting at all. So I deadlift enough to make my pathetically weak lower back sore but not enough to make my legs sore.

Once I start deadlifting heavier I'll have to figure something out, maybe make Wednesday a rest day and push everything back. Or actually maybe just switch Friday and Wednesday.

Back Extensions
Lat pulldown
Calf Raises
Leg Extensions
Horizontal Cable Rows (with close and wide bar grips)

Weighted Pullups
Inclined Dumbell Press
Dumbell press
lowered Cable Flies for upper chest
Weighted Dips
Curls (rotate between normal one day and hammer next)
Rotation between Inclined and regular pushups
and if i have any gas left ill do 3 sets of max setting rope pulling for a min 1/2 in between the pushups

wtf are you preparing for with all that martial arts training....