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why do people always put the after pic first now?
this started happening a couple years ago, and it's just stupid
Did he clean bulk or dirty bulk?
low IQ is my guess. in the western world we agree that left to right is the way to go and if mix that up without realizing that it looks weird then youre jsut fucking stupid
What a gay facial expression.
Dude has actually lost a good bit of weight, damn. He looks and sounds a hell of a lot less depressed than he used to, yeah he took the lazy fuck method of surgery but maybe it triggered something in him mentally to stop being a fatass?
Boogie please kys
>it's no longer easy to lose weight
This is where it ends.
I'm so sick of all of you making these threads about me. Do you have nothing else better to do than bully people on the internet? I literally did nothing to any of you yet you constantly try to belittle me like I'm not even human. Yes I'm fat, I know, but you can at least have some sympathy for fucks sake.
If you take the time to read these threads you'd see a mixture of people putting you down and people silently rooting for you.
apologize right now
>tfw not fat
>Admits to still eating crap
Boogie is never going to make it, because you can't get a surgery for lack of willpower and discipline.
But ultimately, you should just kill yourself.
>goal weight of 270lbs
Lmaoooo this guy is never gonna make it
>implying it’s actually boogie
glad he's losing it, skin surgery's gonna be a bitch though. Hope he doesn't settle at 260 and aims to go under 200.
He's just going to gain it all back later.
Imagine being naked and alone in a strange house with that looking down at you...
not defending the fat fuck but no way he's actually 5'6
He's 5'8, towered over by Link and Rhett
he's 5'9"
>he was 360lbs on 2018-07-08
>he's still 360lbs on 2018-08-07
So literally no weight lost in the month of August? He's never gonna make it
Why tf did u post the wrong thumbnail? This couldve been a good thread you retarded cunt. Nobodys gonna click on his alex jones commentary.
Although, im DISTURBED by the amount of loose skin he already has at 360. As a fellow fat person losing i was 380 now down to 294 and have nothing close to that, just hoping its manageable down at 220.
Shit, doesnt give much hope for fellow fatasses. 180 lbs lost and he looks like...well...shit. its almost like theres a tipping point right before you hit 400 lbs where no matter what you do, even if you lose all the weight, your body is just permenantly disfigured. Scary shit
>Boogie has lost the same amount of weight as me despite being 160lbs heavier and his TDEE being 700 kcal higher
How?! Life would be so easy cutting at 2000kcal vs 1300
He says he's losing 5lbs a month but I don't believe that shit. He's a pathetic person whose never been able to curtail his calorie intake and the surgery didn't fix that. If he's not already plateaud he will and then he will gain it back, then he will blame his upbringing ad nauseam like he always has.
I fucking hate people who use their past as an excuse for their behavior. He even talks about his experiences with big macs and sodas post-surgery. This is a fucking adult who got a $20,000 weight loss surgery and still can't stop himself from indulging on Mountain Dew and Big Macs jesus fucking christ. Fucking pathetic I hate this man because he's a constant reminder to me of what I could be. But I don't; I don't let myself. EAT LESS AND SUFFER MORE YOU FAT FUCK.
0/10 on your boogie impersonation, faggot
If this fatass was introduced to long fasting, the shit would go hella mainstream
Hot Take: Put him as a contestant on Naked and Afraid. Let him lay naked on a tarp in the sun for 21 days living off of rain water and what ever critter is unfortunate to crawl within arms length. He'll be sub 300 and and $10k richer.
>but you can at least have some sympathy for fucks sake.
>sympathy for gluttons
Fuck off Boogie stop bumping your shilling thread
I actually think if he got to a healthy weight (not his target weight, c'mon Boog you can do better) and did some lifting that he might be somewhat good-looking. Proud of you Boogie, if you're reading this keep up the good work!
>failing even when cheating
boogie is a fucking hack
>trying to improve himself and constantly having to take abuse from bitter fucks
What happened to 'We are all gonna make it'?
That is exactly how it is, though; your skin's ability, as well as your other organ's, is directly proportional to how young you are, and inversely proportional to how overweight you became.
A good secondary example is esteatosis, which is fully reversible in, say, a young person 50 kg overweight, but translates into permanent damage and a likely cause of death for a 50 year old man 200 kg overweight.
I guess you missed the story where he fucked some crazy 10/10 chick that wanted to be his feeder.
fuck off boogie shill he hasnt lost anything since he "stalled" ages ago
E-celebs aren't your friends. Boogie is a narcissistic shithead with no sense of responsibility.
I like the way you think
He is never going to make it because his end goal is remaining morbidly obese after bariatric surgery.
So when he succeeds he gets to enjoy the worst of both worlds.
She's an Arkansas 8. A 4-5 in most civilized places.
>1 year after having your stomach reduced to golfball size
>already able to cram half a bigmac in there
i mean, it's probably like an eighth of what he considered a snack before, but i don't think it bodes well for long-term weightloss
do all fatsos get that kind of tits or it's genetic?
Once you get to a certain weight I imagine fat just starts accumulating everywhere
we do
where your body puts fat first is genetic, but get fat enough and you'll get some joocy tattas regardless