She has a point, y'know.
STOP body-shaming
No, she's just a retard. Learn to cook and learn to use produce in a timely manner such that it doesn't go bad. That is literally all there is to it.
this is stupid
its just fruits and sugar, i dont give a shit about that
The average person from age 18 on spends about $300 at the grocery store. You can buy boat loads of veggies and lean meats. Fatties don’t want to take the time to prepare them so they but Hotpockets, Chicken Nuggets, and frozen fried shit because it’s easier to make
Not eating anything at all is free
Holy shit those prices for Healthy foods are insane.
For your reference:
> Milk - $1.39 quart
> Boneless Chicken Highs - $4.50 lb
> Boneless Chicken Breasts - $6.00 lb
> Olive Oil - $8.00 0.5quart
> Spinach - $4.00 0.5lb
> Broccoli - $2.00 lb
> Salmon, yeah that seems right
Prices at local cheap-ass grocer.
Fuck your cheap ass healthy bullshit prices go to the grocery store or stop lying about prices.
>a whole pineapple
>Buying imported fruit and prossesed food
>Expecting it to be cheap
Maybe she shouldn't shop at fucking Whole Foods like a hippie. Go to Costco and get meat/veggies in bulk. Bet she charged this shit to her credit card
Major kek
>> Boneless Chicken Breasts - $6.00 lb
That is the same price here in nz and food is more expensive here than it is in the rest of the world.
look at the serving sizes and learn to extrapolate. Eating healthy will cost you more in the short term. Obviously olive oil isn't sold by the teaspoon. You have to buy in large quantities and then once you eat the food, it comes out to less over the course of a day.
People can be so retarded I swear to god.
First off, you bought fresh fruit. This will be expensive, especially if it isn't local or within the province. Frozen or canned fruit, while having slightly less nutritional value, is much cheaper than fresh. You can get more bang for your buck and in the long run, you'll have more food and about the same nutritional value.
Secondly, your bought FRUIT. Veggies are much better for you, and much cheaper. Fruit is just retarded sugar anyways and is a natural trap. So replace that shit with some good greens. And again, you can get frozen or canned.
Third, your dumbass bought a soda. Waste of money. Drink some tap water. I promise you that Alex Jones lied. And if you reloy can't down WATER, buy some calorie free powders, which is the same money as your soda, but gives more uses.
Seriously this woman is retarded.
Why would I eat more than 5 lbs, when I could just eat less than 2 lbs?
>no rice
>no beans
>no chicken breast
>no veggies
>literal boxes of fruit
what a retard
Translation: I went to Whole Foods and stocked on JUST fruit, which is fucking retarded because it's just sugar, and instead of getting super cheap chicken for example I decide to cherry pick the information that I post online and say that I'm fat because of [insert scapegoat here]
>yuropoor prices
This chart completely misses the point on why poor people eat unhealthily. It completely ignores the poverty trap - Unless you already have money saved up (40% of Americans can't cover a $400 emergency expense), buying any of the items on the left will be prohibitively expensive. You can't buy .03lbs of Olive oil - The Olive Oil I buy, (Whole Foods, SF) costs $9. I find it asinine that you would suggest someone buy Salmon if they were on a budget - its not economic at all.
Sure the cost per meal is far lower, but the initial investment is higher, and you also have to factor in the time investment. Healthy food is cheaper in the same way expensive boots are cheaper. If you can put in the initial investment, the goods are more economic in the longer term.
Also, I want to stress - OP is retarded. My complaint is with the chart.
Nice blog post. Upvoted!
Who the fuck is buying boneless, skinless thighs at $4.99/lb? That's almost twice the price of an average grocery.
This comparison is ridiculous. This is shopping at 7-11 for idiots who can't check more than one grocery store and find a reasonable deal.
I don't buy ground beef if it's more than $3.00/lb for 85% lean and I sure as fuck don't buy chicken for more than $2.50/lb.
This is retard bait. Fucking learn to shop you fucking man-children.
I do my entire weekly produce shopping for less than $30. That covers a lot of produce because I'm not a fucking idiot. This is for five goddamn people.
Jesus Christ, this is everything wrong with the West. Take some responsibility. Learn to make some real goddamn food that isn't a dense wad of starch, flour and sugar.
I'm glad this image is still around to be posted because here's the receipt
>pay fourteen fucking dollars for some grapes
it's groceries, not an emergency medical intervention. and you don't have to get the organic shit from whole foods, jeez. there are cheaper prices you can get on these basic foods. you're making the classic mistake of projecting your middle-class lifestyle onto the poor when they don't need to live and eat like the middle-class; they simply need to eat healthy.
>not just buy whole chicken and process it yourself
>not using canola oil instead of olive (muh smoking point)
>not buying cheap as shit bulk frozen veggies (its actually better than fresh ironically)
>not buying cheap as shit canned sardines for your omega fats
please end your life for this god awful post.
>balance due 24.58
what a lying little cunt
>"""diet""" sprite """zero"""
Rice and beans is the cheapest food on the planet and more nutritious and filling than any fast food
>(Whole Foods, SF
So you picked the most expensive place in the country to shop in?
>milk $0.35
What kind of meme is this?
>bone less, skinless
Just remove the skin and bones yourself genius. You will save money and its basically the same.
I don’t know why people think they need to shop at Whole Foods to be healthy. Just go to Costco and buy frozen things. Eventually you can get better stuff
2 cups of it. Try actually using your brain once in a while
I live in SF, those prices are competitive with most grocery stores near me - and only inflated cause of the delivery - it’s cheaper in store.
I still stand my point that is a retarded image macro for anyone trying to shop on a budget.
Rice, beans, chicken, broccoli/bok choy/spinach is still healthy and far cheaper at checkout
The funniest thing about this is that they couldn't even bring themselves to not buy a fucking bottle of soda for their "look at this healthy shit" post
They walked into a healthfoods store, wandered around picking out all the most expensive "healthy" foods they could find, and then didn't have even the barest willpower to not grab a sprite on the way through checkout, all the while thinking to themselves "this will show everyone why I'm not thin and attractive"
Well, she did.
Is she implying that's not junk food?
Implying fruit is healthy. No, it's just weak people's "health" food. Still chalked full of sugar. Albeit not processed, but still sugar.
Fucking expensive fruit
Fucking expensive fruit
Soda instead of a case of water
This bitch is retarded.
>normies think all that fruit is healthy
>wild Atlantic salmon
This triggers me so fucking much
where the fuck are you buying chicken for over $4 a pound? I get 5lb bags of breasts for $10 at HEB
>Boneless Chicken Highs - $4.50 lb
>Boneless Chicken Breasts - $6.00 lb
What? They're both less than $2/lb at Fred Meyer in Seattle
But hating on poor or fat people is what leftists like Jow Forums do.
Frozen veggies are cheap as fuck and work well. Canned too. Some fresh veggies are regularly discounted. These people believe things have to be organic in order to lose weight, I've seen on ig a fat blk womyn unironically complaining about organic pizza bagels being too expensive as the reason why poor people are fat
canned veggies have way too much salt, my dude. always buy fresh
Frozen is just as good, though.
There's no excuse to be fat. No one's making her eat shit to the point of weight gain. And no one can tell me eating fast food is cheaper than bulk buying bread, oats, pasta, beans, eggs, milk, peanut butter etc.
The mental gymnastics here is strong. Do op she doesn't have a point.
>shopping at a value added organic storee
Not the same thing. Even most middle class families don't do this
I'LL never understand why Jow Forums is so fucking dumb about this. I am 300lbs but have lost 20lbs this quarterdecade so far, so I know how to lose weight. But healthy food is expensive.
For the cost of a day of McDonalds ($15) I can't get nutrtionally complete foods
Can't buy fruit or veggies because they expire. I don't have a freezer. Only veggies that don't go off are potatoes and sweet potatoes which are not nutritionally useful, and may be worse than McDonalds.
Can't live on lentils beans and rice, they lack amino acids. If you don't get your amino acids your body can't break down your amino tissues (which are 80% of the fat in your body)
Can't buy fresh meat, it is too expensive
Can't buy canned food, the salt content makes me hungrier.
McDonalds is also prepped fresh. If I buy broccoli and eat the day after it loses 50% of its vitamins so the mcdonalds is now healthier. its called nutritional drip. look it up
They do it on purpose to make it look like not being a fat fuck is impossible for them, then all their fellow fatties who want the bullshit to be true nod in agreement.
I only buy canned beans
I buy chicken breasts at Sam's club for 1.78/lb kek
Stop stuffing your face at mcshits, fatty. Yes you can actually lose weight eating shit food. Enough with the excuses.
A week's worth of sweet potato, brown rice and ground beef would cost you less than $15. You could buy small packages of ground beef daily.
i guess that once you decide that 'healthy' means the same thing as 'marketed correctly" you can justify throwing good money away.
grapes, raspberries, pineapple, nuts.
this idiot is about to put the nuts in a mizer bowl and the fruit into a big punchbowl with goo nand vodka.
dudes not complaining about 'eating healthy', he's complaining that hosting a party isn't for povo people
makes ur cums taste better
n-no homo tho
Are you larping 'the average ameritard'?
So much in your text is wrong. Rice n beans+groundbeef will be fine for you and cost 15$ for 3-4 days worth of foods. For breakfast you can eat plain steelcu oats (not sugar drenched ones). And Guess what? Water is free.
> canned beans
person in op pic is a buffoon. i will continue to make fun of fat people who are poorer simply because they generally consume a lot of calories which indicates that there is still a lot of money being spent. also it is important to note that someone can get fat from eating healthy foods if they consume enough calories to be in a surplus for a long time. it is also possible to lose weight eating mcdonalds and other "unhealthy" options, as long as you are in a deficit. is it optimal? no. but it's that fucking simple. also, if someone is poor it is unfortunate, but you can't change that immediately so do what everyone else does and adjust to your budget. rice and chicken is really cheap and is used to bulk, cut, maintain, whatever the fuck you wanna do.
HEY Jow Forums
Just want to let any fellow amerifats know to check out Grocery Outlet if you have one near you. I get chicken there for cheap as hell because it's all the stuff that's going to go bad in the next 3-4 days if not sold. Just buy it and cook it all right after and you'll be fine save a good amount of money. I get bone in chicken thighs with the legs attached for ~$1.00/lb. They come in packs of 4 which are usually around 4.25-4.50. If it's going bad the next day they slice 2 more bucks off so it's even cheaper.
They also have Halo Top for 1.99/pint, and usually highly discounted packs of protein bars.
>If I buy broccoli and eat the day after it loses 50% of its vitamins so the mcdonalds is now healthier.
completely, patently untrue. how about you look it up first so you don't spout bullshit :)
Just /fast/ breh. Potassium, sodium, and magnesium are going to be way cheaper than food, and you're fat enough to fast for a while. I was 205 and only ate 1 meal/week for 1.5 months until I got down to 180.
>donated to charity to up the price
>If I buy broccoli and eat the day after it loses 50% of its vitamins so the mcdonalds is now healthier.
One meal a week.
Pick one.
rice is cheap
eggs are cheap
milk is cheap
chicken is cheap
fatty has no point
>fasting means you never eat again
t. brainlet
Come to Switzerland, it's more than $10/pound for chicken here...
>drinking usa tapwater
Hey fatty you dumb, rice+lentils+beans have complete amino acid profile
I lost braincells reading this thread. Thank god I'm not fat
This one's gonna make it
This is so fucking dumb not only because 2 bags of grapes raspberries and a pineapple are probably the most expensive "healthy" foods you could buy at a grocery but just because you eat mcdeath doesn't mean you'll eat enough to get fat, JUST EAT LESS.
That was the point ;)
Do you live in a third world country? Those prices are 3-4x what they are in the US.
Milk is under $3/gallon in most places, for example.
dem micros and macros
>I'll respond anyway
Your shitty shopping choices don't reflect what actual people buy. Learn to buy things when they go on sale. You have a freezer for a reason.
1 gallon is $2.79 for me.
1 gallon is 16 cups
2 cups is 1/8 of that
1/8 of $2.79 is $0.34875
Weak bait.
WTF is america even. You earn 2x what I make, pay half what I pay in taxes, your food is 3x cheaper, etc. yet you still manage to have insane poverty, no savings, and terrible debt. What hidden money trap am I not seeing? What's going on here?
Housing, utilities, and insurances.
>buys the fruits and berries that are generally expensive anywhere in the world
>ignores buying apples, bananas etc
>no vegetables, no wok mixes, no cabbagemixes
>32$ of food at mcdonald's is basically two days consumption
>those fruits are 4 days worth of substitutes for snacks
>"It's more expensive"
Yeah, if you eat everything day 1 like candy and think that you're supposed to consume that amount in one day, it gets expensive.
ITT: Kids who let mommy do the shopping.
Where the fuck do you live? In Texas those prices are a bit high. Buying food at HEB or similar is pretty cheap.
No one told you not to wash the content before cooking, just like regular fresh veggies.
Honestly have no idea. It baffles me how people can be poor here. I'm fresh out of college making $80k in a low COL area. I make more money then all my family members now, not sure what happened.
>eating healthy is super cheap
>just eat rice and beans for dinner every day like a prison inmate luoooooool
no wonder everyone on Jow Forums is so miserable.
Learn how to cook, you literal manchild
I would kill myself if I had to eat that everyday. Learn how to cook.
>entire thread is literally telling OP to buy rice, beans, and chicken
>"just cook it better bro0 xDDD"
there is only so much you can do with those three ingredients. it has nothing to do with one's ability to cook.
I understand that Jow Forums likes to perceive themselves as stoic cavemen who subsist only on the very basics, but normal people like a little variety in their food as well.
Jow Forums's obsession with rice and beans borders on neurotic.
Fucking lmao at amerilards. I'm living in a literal shithole (Poland) and even poorfags by our standards have no issue affording healthy food. Is america officially 3rd world country now?
>only inflated cause of the delivery
Fuck off
This post, the very first fucking post, Shows how full of Shit you are.
Stop making excuses, Fatty.
Raspberrys are expensive mayn
where I live you can buy purified water for 60 cents a gallon.
Bottled water is only expensive if you buy the overpriced stuff at the checkout line
>chicken breasts 6$/lb
Damn that's pretty expensive
>chicken thighs 4$/lb
Now what the fuck. The titties are somewhat understandable I guess but the thighs? I never see those for more than $1/lb here in burgerland.
A few other user's already pointed out how ridiculous the portions in that image are.
>0.03 pounds of olive oil
come on bro, try harder.
>implying the fatty is even able to make a trip to grocery store and back on his own feet.
thats ableist user baka
twat. i can easily support myself from Tesco alone, but i'm not about to turn down local produce for even less. if she got off her arse and did waste money on retarded shit she would be fine.
Sounds like they need to get their income Jow Forums before they can make their body Jow Forums.
>there is only so much you can do with those three ingredients. it has nothing to do with one's ability to cook.
Those are just the staples. You can add all sorts of spices and seasonings, other vegetables, and even certain sauces and you have a varied palette while keeping up macros. I actually skip the beans because legumes fuck my intestines up and stick with rice, chicken and one or two veggies. Tons of cuisines are based on such staples, so if you're suffering from "lack of variety" then you're not creative enough, too lazy to look up recipes on the gigantic cookbook that is the internet, just a faggot, or some combination of all 3.
Yet I was able to as a guy touring through the US cooking his own meals. Meaning unable to buy in bulk.
>Nutritionally complete foods
Wtf. I go to my local vegetable shop and can get two weeks of veggies for about $30. I'm lucky to live in Florida since most is grown locally and cheaply, but still, you can always find stuff in season that's crazy cheap (AKA don't buy fucking pineapples and raspberries when they aren't in season).
At aldi I can get two weeks worth of meat for like $50 (this includes stuff like steak, chicken, salmon, hamburger meat, etc). Chicken breast regularly goes for $1.69 a pound there, and I got sirloin steak for 4.99 a pound.
Meanwhile in my area a dinner for two a casual dining restaurant is about $30, maybe $15 if they have a promo.
My healthy food I buy is literally cheaper, or the same, as mcdonalds when it all averages out. REEEE.