My mom started following the diet in Pic related

My mom started following the diet in Pic related.

Is it snake oil bs or reasonable?

Attached: PerfectHealthDiet.png (845x1024, 513K)

This seems to imply that alcohol is healthier than beans and oatmeal, and that it's a good idea to eat a pound of meat a day, that you should flavour with lard.
So no, I don't think this is based on any actual science

Too complicated. Calories in out still applies and carbs are a major constituent of people who don’t workout. The best choice is to find ways to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet habitually. Making a habit of eating fruits with breakfast and part of dessert, and making a light salad or some grilled veggies to accompany lunch or dinner will over time help anyone stuck with typical american poor eating habits.

its reasonable

i see nothing wrong with beans tho

Post mom

What's wrong with peanuts?

>1lb of meat a day
Enjoy cancer and heart disease.

the fuck are those amounts, 1lb of rice would be like 1500 cal in itself

It's more reasonable than many other paleo/low carb style diets. But it is snake oil in the sense that it's not an optimal diet as the 'perfect health diet' title implies.... it's just another variation on low carb with the attendant benefits and issues.

Eat the Perfect Health Diet and you too can look like this!

Attached: https _liveto110.com_wp-content_uploads_2014_07_110_perfecthealth_weightloss-1.png (587x390, 119K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (2247x3000, 406K)


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

No you You should have say be there a couple

Very nice place for good fun to food and drinks a bit more too

Not hor You can get a little good time luck to you

Too much carbs

Habla Ingles por favor

>No peanuts and beans
>No vegetable oils
This shit is full of flaws and i won't list them all, this diet is absolutely retarded

>eating vegetable oil
Enjoy Alzheimer's.

Americans don't consider oil from seeds and fruits "vegetable oil", I'm yet to hear what they do consider vegetable oil.

Why do you need vegetable oils?

Inglés hijo de puta, lo hablas?


Your mom is never going to make it

Haha, yeah dude...

Attached: images.png (214x236, 5K)

Anglais, fils de pute, tu le parle ?

>Source:my ass

>honey is literally flavored fructose
>has fructose free sweeteners listed


Englisch, Hurensohn, sprichst du es?