What's your excuse?

What's your excuse?

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Still looks like a DYEL manlet

better than a weak manlet

rather be a dyel than a liar

>dyel manlet
>not a weak manlet
lol ok

Why can't people get simple before and after order right? Holy shit, even with the dates this was fucking annoying

I have been going to the gym since May from a similar starting position. I'm not quite where this guy is at. Do you think this guy used steroids?

"I struggle to do the most simple things in life like taking care of myself give me attention"

Absolute skelly eats and lifts
So brave upboatedxD

>dyel to dyel

New icon of Jow Forums

how is anorexia real nigga like just eat like nigga just open your mouth

brain still retarded from /nofood/, posts prog pics in 1,4,3,2 order

Try eating when you feel full retard. Most hard gainers feel full after a light meal or snack.

>Try eating when you feel full retard

Not the same user you responded to but all weight lifters do this. Why do you think dieting is one of the hardest part of the program?

My beginner gains ran out like 2 years ago

Where's the after pic? I only see four pics of an anorexic guy

Made me laugh user

I used to have anorexia and bulimia because I wanted to be a cute anime trap

I gained 20 pounds in the past 9 months, wasn't full on anorexic but I was pretty twiggy and soft


Tyler pls go

I like food... NO I LOVE FOOD.
I like eating nice juicey kebab with cherry tomatoes and fresh onions.
Donuts with a nutella filling.
Milka Chocolate with a cup of hot milk.
Cookies of every sort with a hot cup of black tea
Spaghetti with steak cooked in garlic butter.
Ramen with smoked tofu and soft egg.
Any burger I can get my hands on.
I could eat 30 hot dogs everyday and I would still get hard from them.
Bacon with eggs and spring onions.

I fucking love food. My heaven would be me eating food and lifting weights.
I eat everything, I tried snake, frog, snail, insects, goat brain.
When I was a child I ate grass from the playground because I loved how juicey it it.
When I was a child I used to drink a gallon of goat milk everyday, because its much better than cow milk.
I would even try human flesh if I were rich.

My excuse is that food is better than any drug.

"I have a mental disability and Im trying to live with it"
Plus he is slowly lifting himself from thr skelly underwor, so good for him. Sure, he is dyel af but at least he is not in a self destructive path. Plus I bet this shit triggers bodypos bitches in some wat or another, so theres that.

>that drastic change in 1 month
Hes either on roids or five foot nothing

Nah, POWs and the like regain weight FAST once they start having access to proper nutrition. Plus he had 0.00 mucle mass, so eating like a person and the even the dyelest of rutines show up a lot. All the muscle you put on at anorexic bf levels is gonna be very visible.

post pic

>shoulders, chest, and arm muscles noticibly larger and well defined in 30 days
Unless this is some camera trick, im doubtful hes not on something. It would explain why he suddenly stopped being anorexic and started training on a whim as well.

Gaining muscle rapidly does NOT require steroids when your body is essentially in a deficit of lean body mass.

Say your body wants to be 150 pounds if you're 10% fat, but you were starved to 6% at 95 pounds.

It will NOT take years to add 50 pounds of muscle and a few pounds of fat.

If you start lifting and eating you will gain that muscle practically over night.

It will slow down to typical newb gains once you get to that 150 pounds however. It would be like the tyical 150 pounder who was already healthy. On the same frame you would gain from that point on at the normal rate, and his the normal point of diminished returns around 170ish pounds if you were still relatively lean.

That's all assuming average height. The point isn't the specific numbers, but that rapid muscle gains will happen in a starved person because their body wants to gain muscle up to its healthy norm.

This will actually happen faster than steroids grow muscle in a people starting at their healthy point.

You cannot compare the post-starvation gains to anything else because of the extreme natural anabolic process.

Again, this doesn't mean post starvation gets you bigger in the end, as once you hit that healthy set point your gains slow down to the normal rate of someone at that level of development.

wow eating more is so hard lmao

>hey guys I decided to put a stop to me not taking heroin, and I STARTED TAKING HEROIN

>>shoulders, chest, and arm muscles noticibly larger and well defined in 30 days
>im doubtful hes not on something. It would explain why he suddenly stopped being anorexic and started training on a whim as well.
But hes still a dyel right?

Compared to guys who have been lifting for years, sure. By normie standards hes jacked.

I think it's more like picking up smoking. Your first hit of heroin is (reportedly) the best hit you'll ever have, or something. Your first few packs of cigarettes sucks monkey balls, then it gets tolerable, then addictive. I find no pleasure in eating unless I'm famished, and if I tip over into starving, it is directly painful. My lack of willpower keeps me from getting swole due to my lack of hunger, but on the other hand, my lack of hunger keeps me from getting fat due to lack of willpower so it kinda balances out.

You have to smell like complete shit Jesus you’re autistic. No it really doesn’t, it’s the other side of the coin. Being obese and being anorexic are both gross. I’d still fuck a fat girl and an anorexic one as long as thier pussies worked.

The order he posted these pics in is truly infuriating. How fucking hard is it to post chronologically ordered pics from left to right.

Turn your trip off you stupid samefagging fuck im gonna fucking kill you

Not sure if this confirms what you're saying but I starved for around 60 days and went from 6'1 180 to 115 lbs
When I was able to eat again I ate for a couple months and then started lifting and shot back up to 190 lbs with decent muscle gains in less than a year

>men suffering anorexia
lol what the fuck you first world faggots lmao

Literally can't see a difference
This is what happens when you don't take bulking seriously
Are american standards for fitness that low LMAO?
Or is it just virtue signaling because ''MUH ANOREXIA''?

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>supporting the mentally ill

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Explain how or why physical illness and mental illness is different

>male anorexic
Fag detected

see Also natural selection demands cucks like him BITE THE DUST

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I wish my metabolism was slower. Literally every day I feel like I need to be constantly eating otherwise I'm going to lose weight.

Fuck it'd be so much easier to maintain a healthy weight with a slow metabolism. It's a hell of a lot easier to not eat than it is to be constantly scrounging for food because one day of not enough calories and I'm back where I was a week ago.

>tfw easygainer

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Holy fuck this makes so much sense. I was 115, probably anorexic. Then in just a matter of months I'm 145 and my gains are beginning to slow. I'm 5'8"

It perfectly illustrates the point

People like you are the reason faggots should get legal euthanasia

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its better to worry about how many outlets there are rather than to worry about how much water is left

this. i broke my jaw, one arm and one leg and spent 3 months without eating anything solid, went from 180lbs ottermode to 135lbs skelleton, after i was fully recovered i went from 150lbs to 179lbs in three months while lifting and eating a lot, i did got lots of stretch marks

>still thinking fast metabolism thinks you are hungry less

if your body is able to break down and use resources a lot quicker, that also means you would be able to eat more per day due to your body quickly using or reserving. Your only excuse is that you are a pussy

good for him

What happened?

Trading one body dysmorphia for another

same everything bro, except i started at 117

>What's your excuse?
I'm 6'6 and my diet requires me to eat an insane amount of food that I can't afford with my current financial situation.

he's like Boogie in the alternate universe

Usually it's not due to intentional anorexia.

The most common reason for anorexic proportions these days is video game addicts who just fucking forget to eat.

Not even joking. Video game addicts are often are obese OR skelly mode


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For me it was just that being a little hungry didn’t really bother me. I could easily eat one “big” meal per day (1500ish calories) and be fine for 24 hours which left me really underweight, 135lbs at 6ft1. I tried bulking by just eating 3 meals per day but I always felt like shit, so eventually I began eating 6 smaller meals a day. After a month or so my body adjusted and now I actually feel hungry in the mornings, which I have never felt before in my life. I also put on around 25lbs in a month and a half of lifting. My weight gain slowed down obviously but the other user is correct that you can jump up quite a bit in weight if you start below baseline.

a disease of being a fat fuck
