Will SARMS continue to stick around after they're fully banned? Will they be legit?

Will SARMS continue to stick around after they're fully banned? Will they be legit?
It's hard enough finding a legit untainted source now, what do you think will happen in the future once the ban is in full effect?
Will UGL's start carrying them?

Attached: rad.jpg (574x574, 27K)

>Will UGL's start carrying them?

they already do

Do you trust them? A lot of articles stating over 40% of sarms from 'legit' online sarm stores weren't even sarms, just juice, or nothing at all.

SARMS are fucking dog shit

>8 week cycle
>gained 8lbs pure muscle
>0 sides. No suppression, hair loss, liver is ok, no need for TUDCA like with other orals, no need for PCT, etc.

The fuck you talking about? For someone looking for a weak cycle it's perfect.

Cycle details now.

lol it's literally nothing. Taking exactly what's in the OP image, same brand. 8 week RAD-140 from Sarmcenter, nothing else (except supps like protein, Creatine HCL take those all the time tho)

The only minor sides I've had are exactly what's been described as most common for RAD; a slight dull headache once in a while and some insomnia. I've also noticed my body being really warm, but that could just be because it's hot as fuck here the past month or 2. It likely does increase blood pressure as all these minor sides seem to coincide with either blood pressure or increased metabolism. The insomnia improved with time.

I'm 35, real hardgainer all my life, started working out late which made it even more difficult to gain as no muscle memory. This RAD cycle helped break through my plateau weight and lifts. Trying to stay away from real juice, I've done some orals before but they fucked with my liver a lot. Will only ever pin if I'm desperate.

anyone have experience with ostarine?

>gained 8 lbs pure muscle
You can’t even see 8 lbs of weight gain unless you’re a twink and I know you don’t know for sure if you gained some fat

Good for cutting @25mg fault for 8~12 weeks.

Not for mass/strength


Awesome memes bro. Lemme guess, you squat 600 and bench 500? Fuck off. People have noticed. I've noticed. gf has noticed.

Christ why am I even replying.

LGD vs RAD? Last time I looked at SARMs LGD was significantly more researched in clinical trials than most and more widely used for gains compared to the rest of the field.

LGD suppression/shut down likelyhood was too high for me personally.

Does anyone know of a good mk677 source that isn't bullshit or tries to rape you on price?
I can get real hgh for the prices those assholes are charging.

You're a fucking retard if you think you cant see 8lb of muscle on somebody..kys little man

bump this, i have the opportunity to do either but not sure which one

Dont listen to him. Ostraine from a good source is incredible for putting on mass and strength. My friend did it and was putting on strength and mass in a stupid amount...

Did you get bloods done or anything? How did you track progress and everything?

Yes. Irc.bio is really good.my buds and I have used it and we had incredible results.srs

What's a good source? Assuming since sarms aren't illegal source talk is a go, correct?

did the inject it or take it orally

I remember my friend walked in the gym 2 days after starting it and we couldnt beieve what we were seeing. After one set dude had the craziest pump ive ever seen on him, the pump is unresl with this stuff

Orally. Its strong stuff u might need a weak pct after.

OP here, the RAD from Sarmcenter was good as far as I could tell. Results/sides matched the RAD profile exactly.

Heard good things about them also, better jump on IRC bio quick, they're shutting down soon, I keep getting closing sale deals from them.

Err... 2 days? You sure that was Ostarine only? Remember that 40% of products tested positive for juice, and they tested hundreds of sites. I don't think real ostarine would put on that much weight that fast... RAD and LGD are the mass gainers...

Heres the thing it wasnt weight it was just a pump alone. Obviously in two days you can put on nothing but water, its just effect it gives you

Did it while cutting, some strength gains, felt more energetic, leaned out more than I wad expecting, and I think it helped an injured tendon heal. Felt no suppression.

i've been on ostarine for probably about 6 or 7 weeks now. i have definitely gotten stronger. but i also got fucking fatter too because i've been eating like a fucking pig. a good untainted source right now is irc.bio, but you better hurry up because they about to close

Random question: has anyone noticed a diference between liquid or powder?

the fda got a request in its early stages a few months back to ban them, under what seemed like to me false assumptions. (still have seen no proofs for them being bad)

I order ostarine, and s4 again. Ostarine enhanced my libido by a fuckton and its great for cardio too. S4 as a replacement for a pre workout, since I hate caffeine (its halflife is also really short, like 6 hours) s4 worked pretty well the last time I used it, small increase amount of powah.

Muscle is incredible dense,so an eight pound difference will look very apparent.

I would really stay away from S4 as it fucks with your vision, which can be permanent.

Didnt have a yellowing last time I used and read that its temporally but thanks for the warning. I do 200mg caffeine and the ordinary creatine and have found s4 to be equal to both of these together at least.