Aside from having THE perfect natty physique?
Thoughts on the joocy pale ork?
>joocy pale ork
there is only one joocy pale ork
i dig his content
Im literally doing his wild hunt challenge right now
Changed my life.
>3 chest days a week
Best advice i ever took
why is he full nordic and wearing that stupid greek wog helmet
you're such a loser faggot it's not even funny. I don't know what else i can say to you
Good luck man.
He has good taste in sci-fi, but fuck latsbra's face is unfixable
maybe braces?
why do you feel this anger user?
I'm in his gym right now
doesn't the plates spinning add momentum and fuck with the lift?
imagine being such a pathetic human bean that you actually listen and do what some delusional larper tells you to do.
Latsbrah thinks very highly of himself and he portrays himself as some sort of demigod with the moral high ground. He talks the talk but never walks the walk. He always talks and does nothing as oppose to his previous persona the zyzz fanboy where all he was doing was cringy retarded shit and promoting homosexuality. Most of his followers are fucking scum of this earth. Drug addicts, porn addicts or other subhumans. It's not like he's attracting people similar to his "current" self, he is attracting absolute lowest tier of people. He talks about morality, being patriotic and fighting the right cause but instead of gathering an army to fight his imaginary war all he got is fucking guerilla made out of delusional shit stains. Im not even going to mention that most of his "pagan" and "nationalist" followers are fucking edgy americans
Found the (((())))
Does he still go by Latsbrah? Got nothing but respect for him desu.
>imagine being such a pathetic human bean
nigger you don't get to call anyone pathetic if you post here lol
U jelly?
are you fucking retarded?
how can you be so retarded to not know latsbrah's character is ironic
he encourages people to lift, read and abstain from pornography, being so seethingly upset about something that wholesome isnt really a healthy thing, he just wants to see aimless nerds develop some discipline.
>latsbrah's character is ironic
i bet he also ironically deleted his old videos to look like a mature guy same as the "WE THE NORMAL PEOPLE" faggot. Latsbrah also blurred his face (very poorly btw) in his videos after that faggot wanted to get into politics
Seconding what this user said. I hope one day you mature enough to realize this yourself.
Agree with this user
hi Jason
It's basic physics.
Why does Jason envy him so much?
>That 45 degree ROM on the upper arms
Literally crossfit
>not posting the OG latsbrah pic
Really? common
Still, his videos are unironically inspiring. I like the guy even tho he is a bit far on the right and pretty cringe.
TL;dr kike
what makes him fraud in your eyes? The fact that he's bigger than you?
he is bigger but not that, his measurements are to crazy to be natty imo
They really aren't. He never stays on unrealistic bf% for a long time and in no point in his career did he ever suddenly experience unnatural growth. His traps are relatively small and his delts aren't over the top either
He's eternally mogged by his non-autistic brother
>legio celtica t-shirt
t. assblasted soiboi
Miss the old latsbrah, now all he does is politic videos
its the nose