Tfw when there are chads out there who have never lifted in their life

>tfw when there are chads out there who have never lifted in their life

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>tfw there are virgins out there who lift a lot

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literally me
I started in 10' btw lol

There are chads out there who have never had sex.
They're autistic but in time will bloom.
Social butterflies, be Jow Forums and a content.

Have a good day, anons.
Your time will come.

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Thanks fren, we are all going to make it

cheers mang

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Will I bloom once Im 30?, this is taking too long already!

Sounds like cope buddy

life is unfair son, learn to live with it

This is bullshit. Good luck learning 20 years’ worth of social conditioning in, well, less than 20 years while being set back by being an awkward full-grown adult rather than a normal growing child.


this. like anything else, socializing is a skill that takes time to learn, and non-autists have had probably at least 20,000 hours of practice by virtue of interacting with the world instead of shying away from it

you know what they also have? an attitude of getting shit done, instead of complaining on a filipino meth cooking forum about how other people started earlier at something they want to learn

i hope you don’t think i’m complaining. i’m satisfied with how much time i’ve put in, i’m just commenting on the nature of it.

>he still thinks lifting weights will make him a Chad
Chad is a mindset, a lifestyle, a religion.

You either are or you aren't.

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Chads are born

Am I the only one who actually likes lifting? Bros who lift for girls are so cringey. Plus they only train biceps and chest and usually look like shit.

>t. rex

t. frustrated gymcel

What the fuck happened to her, dude

she left humanity behind.

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Chads are born but you can still find >her if you're willing to try.

It is amazing how many anons bitch about being single or about how she got away, and when you ask how often they ask girls out the answer is always either never or rarely.

You have to be what you are: a fucking hound. Ask out any girl you find even moderately attractive. A lot of them will either shoot you down or the texting will lead to nowhere. That is why you ask so many out. Then the ones you do meet up with can be narrowed down. And you can decide what you want to do from there. Eventually you should only be talking to one but you should always have options.

Most of you faggots are petrified of girls and think there is 0 hope if you're not Chad Thundercock who doesn't have to ask out anyone and just has a million girls throwing themselves at him everywhere he goes.

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Looks like i hit a nerve

That guy that never lifted in his life and looks better than me because he doesn't have gyno

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Cheers my dude, we are all gonna make it

>Am I the only one who actually likes lifting

....That's shopped... right?

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>That guy who never touched a weight once in his life but still has a qt gf that loves him unconditionally for who he is.

>>tfw when

Who said anything about 20 years?

why do so many of you fuckers on here have gyno?

It's Jow Forums, what do you expect?

underrated post

Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not who someone else is today.

28 and still haven't bloomed, come at me.

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Post body

22 here and just lost my virginity last month. At that point it wasn't even about the act itself, I pretty much knew I could do it once I got over the mental barrier. We all grow at our own pace. We're all gonna make it. Lifting helps ofc, that's why we're all here.

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I usually just lurk here, but this is just retarded. There's no thing as a "Chad" you fucking diarrhea squirt, being Chad is a mindset, it has nothing to do with lifting. It doesn't matter how much you lift, you can lift 1/2/3/4 and still be a complete turbo autist, being Chad is a character, we all have a little bit of Chad in us, but we also have a Virgin inside who spent most of his life playing vidya thinking that lifting would get him laid. You're the one who'll decide who you'll be.

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Don't be pathetic. Most people who are socially healthy never focussed on developing it but allowed it to build up over time. If you apply yourself to studying and improving your social skills you can make a world of progress in a year