/feels/ thread

>tfw there's no gym for face
what can men do against such reckless fate?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Care about other things you can control

>dress well
>be well groomed
>have a personality
plenty of ugly guys can get laid or get a gf with effort

Why the hell would you want to play life on easy mode?

-losing weight helps with jaw and cheekbone definition

-if you have a weak jaw you can grow a beard

-you can change your hair style to make your face seem larger or smaller


because life doesn't have respawns.

Get a lot of money.
YIKES. If you're ugly, you're ugly. No amount of lifting will change that and neither will some fancy clothes.

You guys complain over the smallest things. Plently of ugly guys have managed to get gfs user. Just work on what you can change.

-can't grow beard

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not being fat helps a lot

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I've seen literal 2/10 guys get pussy from 8/10 girls because they did all of the things I listed. Sure, a nice face helps, but isn't necessary.

>Plently of ugly guys have managed to get gfs user.
Golddiggers who fuck other guys behind the backs of their bf.


go to a doctor and get your test checked, see if you can get some gel to up it and you might be able to grow a beard in a few months.

incels need to get the fuck off this board if they are not willing to better themselves

If they're 2/10 they got their gf because of their personality/money. Do you think pic related would be ANY more attractive with nice clothes and a nice bod? No! She's hideous and anyone who'd date her would do it because of her personality.

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So? Would you rather have an easy or a hard single life?
Like this guy said. Guys have it good in this regard, being ugly as a girl is much less forgiving.

>Improving yourself for women
Cringe and YIKES. Fuck off, Reddit.

You think thats a 2 bro? thats a -10

If you say so

I'm trying user, gym, hygiene, food and what not. But my face doesn't seem to change one bit.

This, crying about how ugly you are isn’t going to change anything.

Yeah ugly girls get dealt a much harder hand than ugly guys. That's why this thread is so pathetic. There are many things an ugly guy can do to still attract girls. Don't whine about anything you can't change, it's simply a waste of time, and extremely unattractive.

Anons, I come from Jow Forums.

Take solace in the fact you're not as big of a faggot as pic related. Btw, the "girl" is actually some faggot Jow Forums beta pretending to be a girl to learn what guys act like on tinder.

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>Sure, a nice face helps, but isn't necessary.
ok buddy lol

>tfw no matter how good of shape you’re in or how symmetrical your face is or how strong your jaw line is you’ll never have the charisma to pick up chicks

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Because... being successful financially and having a good personality isn't attractive to women? There's more than one way to be attractive ie not just your face

>just be yourself :)

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Is there any hope for charismalets? Sometimes I wonder if I should just end it all. What’s the point?

That's not what he is saying at all.....You can work on personality, skills, confidence etc.

Gamers rise up

Anyone that says you can confidence your way out of being ugly is a fucking idiot and is probably good looking themselves

Nonsense, take a look around. Can't afford to be a low energy beta bitch when you're ugly though.

>dude complements a woman after she stops talking to him
Guys, you gotta fucking wake up and stop putting pussy on a pedestal

If I lift hard enough things will be alright

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Post face. I want to see all these ugly guys banging hot chicks. News flash. It doesnt happen

>can't grow beard
Then keep it shaved
If you're LITERALLY bald, then get Jow Forums. If you're only partially bald, then look into hair implants.

You can improve your face a little bit. Get a stronger neck. Chew gum to try to improve your jaw. Work on your hair and facial hair. You're stuck with the face you've got but that doesn't mean you have to be a pussy little bitch about it. Masculinity is half attitude.

Why the hell you wouldnt?

>tfw im supposed to improve for myself but i actually hate myself

Too bad ugly people are perceived to be uninteresting and attractive people are perceived to be fun loving, outgoing, etc

>tfw I've lost touch with my feels
I might need to start meditating to get them back or something.

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this, this hurts to the core.

>be 6'5 210 lb aryan white male
>be at club dancing with friends
>can't dance for shit
>two qt latinas pull me down to whisper "You can't dance, but you're really cute"
>have no idea what to say or how to respond as they walk away
>friend tells me I just blew an opportunity
Such is the life of having no charisma.


>So? Would you rather have an easy or a hard single life?
easy... it literally means you struggle less for the good parts, do you trully believe that struggling is a good thing? lol

Its not charisma but social skills. Its sad if the only thing defining you is going to gym.

Overcoming struggle... is the good parts.

How much of a loser are you exactly?

charisma can be trained like muscles, just free yourself from he bullshit your mind tells you and your inner charisma will flow.


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not at all, ugly/fat people are always the funny ones, the caring ones, the handsome shredded dude is always the douchebag that cheates on his gf and don't care about anything

if you don't get that you have some growing up to do. Do that or spend your life in misery. Btw good looking people have their problems too.
This guy gets it.

Yeah and not all tall people play basketball. Just stop.

>>have a personality

tfw no gym for personality and people avoid you at work but you are an expert for a very obscure thing so they have to work together with you even if they would rather not.

>overcoming inborn autism

Really good looking people are often quite boring actually. Goes for girls and guys.

>Overcoming struggle... is the good parts.
traveling with friends, reading good books, meeting people, playing music, going to cool places
those are all amazing things that aren't overcoming struggle, it becomes it when you need to work 10 hours everyday to pay for your plane tickets and you can't afford to eat decent food when traveling...
i was really poor when i finished college 4 years ago, nowadays i sold the company i started for a couple millions and i'm enjoying life in a way i never thought i could

Okay now I just know you're trolling lol.

people are often boring though

>this amount of cope

you are in serious denial, the people who put effort into their looks are usually the ones who also put effort into all aspects of their lives and have much more interesting lives than someone who spends all day on their computer.

LMAO. Absolute state of bluepilled normalfags.

I completely agree with that. Not talking about putting effort into your looks.

It's so pathetic to see guys worrying about their looks so much, But I guess guys like to play victim these days as well.

>I don't have any social skills, I must have autism
Nice diagnosis. Go write about it on your tumblr blog with the other retards.

>traveling with friends, reading good books, meeting people, playing music, going to cool places
Distractions, hobbies and breaks that any faggot can enjoy from time to time. These do not offer fulfillment or meaning, or a reason to get up in the morning, or a counterbalance to tragedy and suffering of a cruel world, or a lasting legacy after the inevitable end of your short life.

>nowadays i sold the company i started for a couple millions and i'm enjoying life in a way i never thought i could
And now here you are posting in a fucking /feels/ thread on a Tibetan yak butter churning BBS.

Plus you're on fucking Jow Forums, where we voluntarily suffer and struggle to lift weights in order to strengthen and transform ourselves into something greater than we are. What do you have to look forward to besides atrophy and a descent into mediocrity?

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>These do not offer fulfillment or meaning, or a reason to get up in the morning, or a counterbalance to tragedy and suffering of a cruel world, or a lasting legacy after the inevitable end of your short life.
go be deep somewhere else, we're here on fit to get aesthetic, fuck bitches and party untill our livers can't handle as much molly and steroids faggot
>What do you have to look forward to besides atrophy and a descent into mediocrity?
i look forward to TRT and having a kid, doesn't matter if i have to adopt one, don't really want to get married

>Distractions, hobbies and breaks that any faggot can enjoy from time to time. These do not offer fulfillment or meaning, or a reason to get up in the morning, or a counterbalance to tragedy and suffering of a cruel world, or a lasting legacy after the inevitable end of your short life.

You talk like a pajeet I know who's ugly af but thinks he's all enlightened and above everyone who takes pleasure in earthly things. Fuck off.

>These do not offer fulfillment or meaning, or a reason to get up in the morning
god you're pathetic

id love to hear you say what you typed out. I bet youd have the most nauseatingly thick accent

Not him but I agree with him. A McDonald's here is the same as a McDonald's that is now the shithole of Paris.

thats a fake dont worry lads


Go to 6.20 to get the answer and never be plagued by unhelpful thoughts like that again.

You bros really are fucking pathetic.

I wasn't ugly or anything but after about 10 months of mewing, my sleep apnea and breathing have improved, my teeth are slightly less crowded and I objectively look more attractive. Like it's really surprising how a subtle change can improve a man's face and health that much. Not posting pics but the meme is real lads.

post face and bod. You won't beta lol.

that's the retarded time wasting stuff you're doing over there in your containment board, shoo shoo go back quick

nah lol

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If the mods are doing their job, this whole thread will be there soon like the others.

>realize perhaps the loneliness I've felt my whole life is just my natural state
>People tire me and make me anxious, it's hard to imagine spending the rest of my life with one person
This is it bros

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Jesus Christ the amount of cucks in this thread.

M.O.B. Money over bitches. Get on your hustle, build your life, fuck the way you look nigga just take care of your business, seize the motherfucking day nigga bitches will fall in your lap when you start focusing on the things you should be

this looks like those koopas from the mario movie.


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....what, this is not fucking true

>implying women are attracted to the same things men are
Women are attracted to status, now being handsome gives an individual a position of status but if he's a neet with no friends or job and unconfident then his status is going to be lower than a socially and professionally successful fugly bloke who has confidence. Apply yourself cunts

You are a Jew and a nigger

Thick BRITISH accent m8

>id love to hear you say what you typed out. I bet youd have the most nauseatingly thick accent


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Lmao @ all the faggot who don't realize tony Montana gave you the formula to fuck any bitch you want. " First you get the money, then you get the power, THEN you get the woman".

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cringe and bluepilled

based and redpilled

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