
Reminder that if you're 6'3 and above you can't dunk then you're not actually athletic.

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Some of us are more explosive, with better muscle reaction then others. We cant change our genetic makeup.

Reminder that to dunk the whole ball must fit between your hand and the hoop. Gracing it with your fingers is not even close.

I know that would mean your genetic makeup limits you from being athletic at all

Ape ball is the most retarded sport. Its purely about body composition, so a niche group of skelly Africans destroy much more athletic groups because they are closer to the rim.

A sport like soccer is much better determinate of athletic ability because any body type can be successful. Cristiano Ronaldo is an example of an athletic person not kareem abdul jabar.

we're not talking about the spot of basketball per say. I am talking about literally being fuck able to jump and dunk a ball on a 10ft hoop

Nearly anybody can train for a few months and achieve it, but why anybody would train something so retarded escapes me. Maybe to impress the other apes in your intense pickup game

I can grab onto the hoop at 5’9” 195 lbs but can’t dunk

Its just another measure of vertical don't think about it too hard. You look stupid saying that only blacks can jump over a couple of phonebooks.

have you only ever watched basketball footage from the 1960s? plenty of short/unconventional body-type people play basketball

man you're super salty abt this thread you must fucking suck at basketball

I'm 5'10 and was able to dunk the first time I ever tried. Is it supposed to be hard?

it really isn't and I'm not sure why taller people can't do it. It honestly baffles me

Are you an illiterate spearchucker? I said pretty much anybody can dunk if they put in the time and train for it specifically. It doesn't matter if you can dunk because 6'8 jamal only has to lift his hands up and jump 2 inches to block you. Its a small sub sect of Africans with a build that specifically excels at basketball. On average whites are actually slightly taller then blacks. If you want to judge athleticism through the metrics of sports basketball is probably the worst sport to choose. A athletic person should aim for a build like Ronaldo. And for vertical a towering header in the box is more impressive and a better signifier of athletic ability than dunking a basketball

My Grandpa always used to say basketball was for Jews, I've avoided ever since.

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I was 6'3'' at 13 years old and could dunk despite my shit verticals, can confirm.

I'll take being not athletic if it means I can get pussy from my height alone

Based and redpilled

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