
>need an extra 1000 or so cals in diet
>"I know - milk!"
>start drinking a half gallon of skim milk a day in top of regular diet
>within two months, pic related

Don't fall for the milky jew, my chest and neck are just fucking riddled with deep cystic acne now. Doctor got me off the milk and in the tane, thank christ, but still. Listen to your bodies, brothers.

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Why the fuck would u drink skim milk if you're trying to bulk? Also just because your body is retarded doesn't mean everyone's is

Good to hear you got it sorted out. Any on the face or back? Tane truly does wonders.

Cause it fit my macros, I only needed an extra 1000cals so skim was perfect for me. Then it betrayed my body and by the time I stopped, it was too late.

Accurate about the rest tho.

Mmmmm yummy rbst hormones be sure to get half a gallon of that in you a day to make your pecs big and sensitive heat your balls as much as you can and be sure to use plenty of plastics and fragrances on your lymph nodes

I've been drinking milk nonstop for the past two weeks and now i have this too. Why did no one tell me about this

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Face was thankfully spared, the back of my neck is pretty fucking bad but the rest of my back is fine. Week two of accutane so no real progress yet, in fact ive had the worst breakout yet in the last two days. Still hoping though

WHOLE MILK NIGGA. 3.5%, NON PASTURIZED. If you are going to take in milk by the gallo, make sure it is the healiest one possible. Skim milk is diluted in water, and thus you have to drink a gallon to fit macros. Also there's a bunch of shit in it, hence the acne.. Or are you lactose intolerant

That's a lot of liquid bro. You would be better off getting a bar of butter (800 cal), adding 200 cal of sugar and melting it all. Delicious fats.

Don't think I'm lactose intolerant, I wasn't shitting liquid or anything for the last two months. You're right though, maybe after my accutane cycle I'll work milk back in sparingly but fuck if I haven't lost trust in the entire substance.

Gains through the roof last couple months tho lol

Kek all all the untermenschen. Drinking milk is a superpower only white people have.

Eating a stick of liquid sugar butter? Surely, you're trolling, sir.

>tfw literally an ethnic swede and this still happens

I drink whole milk all the time and this has never happened to me

>skim milk
congrats you're a fucking retard

Genetics, milk allegedly has inflammatory hormones that can aggravate those with a predisposition to acne.

Explain this

You're just a trolling vegan shill

>Swedes are white
Not anymore

3.5? I've only seen 3.25 and 3.8 for cow, 6% sheep milk is God-tier gains juice but it's so expensive 'cause they can't be milked 10 months outta the year like cows or goats

Miss me with that skim milk, I don't even touch it when it's on sale

>Genetics, milk allegedly has inflammatory hormones that can aggravate those with a predisposition to acne.
Okay? So why is this a thread then? This fag just had a reaction big deal

Op is trying to convince people that everyobe is like that.

I drink like 1 bags of 2% every day, you have problems.

lmao ive drinken atleast a liter liter a day my whole life without any side effekts.

What exactly is this? I had this same thing on my chest and below my eyes, then I cut dairy and it went away.

This is where you fucked up

Nigger are you retarded? Too much of anything is bad for you, you should have increased your overall amount of food you consume

>need an extra 1000 calories
>try to find the laziest solution
>drink white low-fat jew juice
>fucks my shit up
What did you expect?
Plan your meals better, retard.

Can I pop 'em?

Looks like you got bed bugs

>drinking a liquid meant for baby cows
Drink water like a human man. Leave the milk to the babies.


shutup faggot, I've been doing gomad for a year now, the acne goes away super quick. Enjoy being a bitch all your life

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You have shitty non white genetics

fpbp. also
>bulking when you look like that
op deserves his accutane sides for being a retarded mongrel

I stopped drinking milk and my skin has been clear ever since. I think most people probably consume way too much dairy these days

>shit genetics

Fucking tragic op - stop drinking that bullshit immediately

>skim milk
You deserved so much worse.

I don't think so buddy, spic latino here I can drink milk like no tomorrow and nothing happends

did you try milking your nipples to release the extra fluid cows hormones gave you?

you'll have to wait a few months before you get results with accutane. It might seem slow but damn does it work.

I drink whole milk pasteurized everyday. Usually I snack with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, banana, and glass of milk 16 oz. Milk will make losing weight hard, it's high in saturated fats, and it is easy to see it as a go-to for an empty stomach.

my acne actually cleared up after drinking milk, sucks to be you

Look up lactose intolerance percentages in non whites. He's not wrong, you're just lucky

skim milk isn't even milk. Drink whole raw milk or at least whole organic milk. I've been drinking raw milk every day and my skin is better than ever.

ive had chest acne like that and really bad bacne since i was 12
ive tried quitting milk for months
ive tried peroxide creams
ive tried cutting all sugar for months
i shower daily
i clean my sheets
it is constant it is forever

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I eat plain yogurt every day and never had any skin problems. Maybe you should try that instead.

milk has more than lactose in it. Its meant to grow a baby cow, not your stupid arse.

Lmao, why would a fat ass with bad personal hygiene even consider bulking? You want more stink in your fat flabs?

check gluten allergies anons

I'm 91% Greek, 7% West Asian, 2% West European and I drink a liter of milk per day and have clear skin.

Age 30.

It's because your acne is genetic you mongol, see a dermatologist so they can fix up some chemical cocktail to fix ya up