
rate this guys cuts

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Seems to be a Manlet. Pitty.

homo has the proportions of a ten year old

generic roidcel who is starting to bald

see this fag spamming everywere

Look at that cringy propaganda in the back
He's a Jow Forumscel, he's not going to make it.

I used to fuck guys like him in the ass when I was in prison. They all tried to act tough but took it up the ass in a heart beat begging to be pumped full of cum.

It's not gay if you're in prison.
May as well take the opportunity to enjoy the pleasure of getting cummed inside
no homo

His abs are weird as fuck

Watch roadhouse lately?


I don't understand why you get so much hate here. Is it just some few permabulk neckbeard lifters who get buttmad ? I'ts so beta and cringeworthy when people try to bring people down instead of empowering and uplifting them.

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hes based
you will not make it, just give up

maybe I'm just coping but when I see bulging delts im always thinking of juicing

nice physique, gay ass hair, unusual facial aesthetics. He looks like a askeletor with those sunken cheeks. I think he should go full freak mode and stay as pale as he can get for that undead warrior mode

Manlet with a weird chest and abs and a gay face

Head:body ratio indicates severe manletism

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Attached: Armaldo-Pokemon-Go.png (300x300, 11K)

tiny frame

his haircut is the best cut of all