Hug Your Imouto/Sister/Family Revisited

Sorry friend, I think I was unclear.

>What do you think they would be like?
I was asking what you thought the threads would be like without him.

Please come back and talk to me?

Forget about the drama. Just know that somewhere out there, are anons enjoying cute sibling hugs and affection.

It matters not one bit that they just choose not to post about it here.

Attached: kirino37 share a kiss with your sis.jpg (720x960, 63K)

>Huged her a lot today

Attached: 1519150318440 Reaction - Siscon ani to brocon imouto ga shoujiki ni nattara.png (902x384, 131K)

That's nice but not kissing and noncon.

>That's nice but not kissing and noncon.

Kirino is just embarrassed and flustered, she's actually quite willing and happy to be kissed by her onii-chan.

Attached: 1527989957451 imouto can't hear you.png (376x537, 136K)

Kirino isn't real.