World Class Powerlifting

This is what you can expect being a world class powerlifter

Attached: DCBB7424-816A-421D-B917-2F8638B1675A.png (1334x750, 1.46M)

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helms is not world class and was never close to world class, he's on the same level of talent as your average tripfag in /plg/

nuckols is/was very talented but competed in some lolfed and would not be elite today in the era of real genetic anomalies, besides idt he has any aspirations to compete anymore

and why is Mike looking so JUST

Daily reminder that having a high FFMI is literally meaningless, those guys have small arms and legit look like they barely even go to the gym
I know you are ten times his size, hes only 105kg but could you show us your guns?

None of these are world class powerlifters, a world class powerlifter looks like this.

Attached: unconditional-larry-wheels-williams-crushes-tall.jpg (735x1102, 121K)

>tight shirt
woah I take that back, he looks like the average guy who does curls twice a week for a couple of years.
if he got lean he would look tiny, that's the sad truth

Actually two baldies won international competitions

but he competed in bodybuilding I set trap and you btfoed himself

Only two of them are world class, and even Mike T, on the far right, is over his peak.

Also they're both natural unlike just about everyone about to be posted ITT (see )

>he looks like the average guy who does curls twice a week for a couple of years
get your eyes checked
>if he got lean he would look tiny
he'd still be massive

Power lifting is a sōyboy sport

larry wheels outbenches mike's best equipped bench, without a shirt
get that dyel fatty shit out of my face

>ruining your health to look like a regular amerifat

powerlifting is a mental illness

larry is also going to be dead by 40 because he's taking enough gear to make his chest spontaneously bleed during deadlifts

>I set trap and you btfoed himself
I know he did bodybuilding, and he was small back then but way better shape than me, but as a bodybuilder he looked small and always has, if he got lean now he would look even worse since he's not focusing on bodybuilding.

Attached: bl.jpg (331x524, 32K)

found a basedboy who cant score stacy so he has to work on his looks in the gym rather than have fun
George, George I heard you finally learned

how do you know if anyone in the ipf is even natty?
do you think bryce is natty lmao? what about krzysztof?
at least one is honest about use

he posted shirtless pics few weeks ago and is legit big, plus hes natty. Im sure if he would enter scene with real natties he would win as he btfoed few roiders on powerlifting worlds

imagine going to the gym just to accumulate adipose tissue

Krzysztof is no longer IPF so try harder

no lmao, there's no way a dude with average-below average bodybuilding genetics and with a small frame can beat roidfags as a natural, he has legit sub 15" arms on stage.

Yea imagine the chad who does everything opposite to all basedboys trying to get toned for bitches and than goes to club and drinks a lot of alochol while in tshirt he still looks like the only one that lifts thanks to adipose tissue so stacy is like
>You are so much bigger than them, but you drink why?
>-b-b-bu-ut m-n--nuh 7-7-7% b-b-bodyfat!

no lmao, there's no way a dude with average-below average bodybuilding genetics and with a small frame can beat roidfags as a natural, he has legit sub 15" arms on stage.
I was also pretty damn big at 210lb at 5'11 with 19" pythons, too bad once I started leaning out the size thing goes away, it's easy to look big when you're too fat to even have any abs showing, all you gotta do is eat peanut butter sandwiches.

that photo was made when you were still in womb of your mom so get that in account

where did I say they were natty? there's no real way to guarantee anyone is natty, not like the IPF's testing is that great

there's a very obvious difference in the compounds and quantities of those compounds between Wheels and anyone in the IPF, though

He has been for many years though, and he had 19.5" arms lean with a a sic pack to show during competition, massively more jacked than any other lifter.
He also passed piss and blood tests, do you actually think he is natty though? Do you think most of the top guys are natty? Even bryce lewis with his sub 300ng/dl of test is probably on dat dere and just cycles off and thus shows up with really low test.

look up pre even competing krzysztof photos at age of like 14, his arms were bigger than his legs back than always looked that massive

>powerlifters are small hahaha! I showed them!!!
>Wierzbicki has 19.5 arms lean!

Imagine going to the gym, just to get better at lifting perfectly balanced barbells at the gym.
Imagine getting fat and looking worse and justifying the time and money spent on your "hobby" at the same time.
Imagine looking worse than the average lower class dude who goes to the beach pullup bars 3x a week and eats tuna and rice everyday.
Imagine thinking you need 7% bf to look good and athletic.
Just lmao at powerfatcels.

and imagine scoring chicks and having fun doing it anyway
This guys have to be so chad!

One(1) guy from poland that's totes natty.
The guys in the OP are all fat and unimpressive.
Krzysztof is the only drug tested powerlifter that looks like he lifts with and without a shirt on and isn't morbidly obese.
Either extremely supreme genetics or roids, or both at work, he's not the average elite or world class powerlifter.

I bench 360 now, so maybe. But I also deadlift 700 so... Almost.

>he has to work on his looks in the gym rather than have fun
What if im having fun in the gym and outside the gym aswell? I mean that any of those fat shits could hop on gear, do bit of hypertophy work and look like a beast (not to mention getting a lot stronger) as oppose to looking like a regulrar couch potato.

You know nothing about powerlifting my dude.

>scoring chicks
talking to girls is not scoring chicks, boomerfatcel
>s-surely chicks prefer dadbods
Girls prefer lean guys, keep on coping lmao.

you're totally right!
Look at this fucking dyel!

haha, you got me there my friend
these exceptions surely override the mean that is fat and unathletic and unfit in powerlifting

>they're so inescure that they have to say stuff about other man
Guys, you arent into girls afterall, are you?

You know nothing about aesthetics, post body with timestamps, the only guys that look good powerlifting are on roids or have supreme genetics for building muscle and keeping fat away.
IPF isn't even clean, the guys with the best physiques are always using, they just avoid getting caught, just like the poles.

Word you seek is "natty" I think

>projecting insecurity and homosexuality
Something wrong?

>look good
imagine being this gay

>Krzysztof is the only drug tested
drug tested does not mean he's drug free

>say stuff about other man
calling someone fat makes me gay? You fucking wish you fat faggot

Even most roidfags in powerlifting look like bloated sacks of shit
You are literally linking the profile of a genetically elite lifter that was an track and field athlete that broke a world record in the IPF as a natty and that's on tons of tren nowadays.

Certain nations are definitely not clean but again, I know much better than you who is and who isn't on. I know this because my coach from three years ago was the head of anti doping for the IPF and he was kicked off the exec for insisting that nations like Kazakhstan get banned for using drugs.

Also, having your "aesthetics" lense tuned to what roid monsters look like is sure to end up with your being bitter, depressed and probably on drugs too.

I'm probably disgusting to you because I'm over 20 percent bodyfat and 103kg. I don't train to impress you though.

>drug tested does not mean he's drug free
That's exactly what I was getting at lmao.
The most developed lifters in the IPF are 100% on roids, one has to be completely delusional to deny this, powerlifting and aesthetics just don't go hand in hand for natties.

You are only 103kg?
Absolute state of twinks

I know about the wilks thing, pretty hilarious.
What was his opinion on lifters like krzysztof?

>I'm probably disgusting to you because I'm over 20 percent bodyfat

it's not that, it's the way your eyes pop out of your skull Total Recall style when you squat

you have to give him that George, your squat is disgusting but its not about eye thing

>He doesn't know what isley looks like
Neber lern mane

>I don't train to impress you though.
Dont take this as personal attack or something but i would like to use your post as response to this fag since he brought up gay stuff

>lifting and not being able to impress females with your aesthetics
>lifting to impress some some old fat fuck
that is totally hetero and no homo right?

Attached: lifting for this.png (569x546, 307K)

I dont lift to impress anyone why you always have to impress somebody? Parents gave you no attention?

isley unironically has amazing structure and would look incredible if he leaned out with his current mass and did some fucking curls

people that preach about not having to impress anyone are so cringe and are almost always pretending

>that guy who lift in his basement alone
yeah, what about them?

I know, he was aesthetic in the younger Jow Forums years.

You wouldn't say that if you saw George in the street hes huge and ripped. he wears the freshedt clothes and hangs with the coolest people.

He actually said he was certain wierzbicki is clean. (when he was a 93 with 18inch arms)
I don't believe that anymore.
No argument from me.

My arms are actually 17.5" now :)

But I would need to lean out. I'd rather bench over 160kg though.

>bench over 160kg though
for 1RM?

for 10x10, Isley only does GVT

Yeah ofc. I think i can do 162.5kg now.