You might not like it but this is what perfection looks like.
This is the ideal male physique
Other urls found in this thread:
He looks like a midget here
Those bricks look like the doom HUD in the thumbnail
head is literally the same size as his torso. I'm short but I'm thankful I was born with a normal head to torso ratio
fuckin lmao
Hahahah holy shit. Wtf. Shopped?
Once seen can’t be unseen. Is this a Manlet thing, like how dwarves still have normal sized heads? I like Alex but goddamn! I’ve seen conspiracy threads proving he’s around 5’3
probably just the angle. I wish he would get a damn haircut. makes his big head even bigger and he looks like a child. he looked best at bearmode here
he should've never cut
>balding at 23
>chemical beard
>manlet below 5'4
>dyel in a t-shirt
post timestamped body
thought the same
Seething already
You forgot
>recessed face
Has he ever thought about not looking so fucking pasty?
Is he actually below 5'4"? I'm 5'7 barefoot and I use Alex as an example of how not to act as a manlet.
well, this is the most pathetic thing i have ever seen
>calling someone pathetic
>posting on Jow Forums
>sit all day on Jow Forums and reply with this shit to every post
can you stop already you faggot?
How do I get back like this?
Friendly reminder that AlphaDestiny is not actually big, he only seems that way with a pump and camera angles . After all he is an expert in optical illusions as he claims in his book (pic related ).
Drugs and being a manlet.
>a lifter tries to look his best in shirtless pictures
Based quads
>I wish he would get a damn haircut
He's fucking bald in the OP
roiding for this...
> C:\ > memmaker
Hello my fellow boomer
lol, your chest look like they are breasts instead of muscle.
You just look too disproportionate to be "ideal" in male physique.
Lift weights
> not knowing manletdestiny
lurk more, post less
>he might actually be serious
>bearmode at 5'7
yeah, sure
you should really thinks you're ugly to rock a beard like that
Looks interesting
Based friendly reminder poster.
>bear mode
chose one
i really wanna know how insecure you need to be to get a beard that doesn't grow on your cheeks
Post body
>he doesn't own the copy of Naturally Enhanced: Overhaul in the year of our lord 2014+4
you're not even trying are you?
That looks hilarious.
All of it is solid advice.
Fuck off Alex
Alex, we talked about this sweetie, no leaving the pit without a permitt
>This is the ideal male physique
no it isn't. this is.
This is very similar to doorbreh's ( the guy with an anti-gas mask )
Strong and well developed but with balance and elegance ( no bb gay ripped shit )
Sure but it's funny because of how autistic that shit is. I recognize myself in stuff like this
Based as fuck
nigga that's a normal hairline for an adult like 80% of men looks the same
>that tiny dick