There are no vegan my 600 lbs life participants edition

A thread to discuss veganism and the vegan lifestyle.

The vegan diet is the best diet in terms of health, morality and environmental friendliness.

There is absolutely nothing you cannot get on a vegan diet.

Vegetarians allowed as long as they won't push their morally unacceptable diets.

Meatcucks can fuck off.

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Honestly. I respect veganism as a dietary option, however, and this is a legitimate question, what part of the process makes it compulsory to indoctrinate and chastise any and all people whose feeding habits differ from yours?

Meatcucks kill billions of animals every single year, destroy the planet with their toxic diet and are the prime reason for climate change.

And the worst is that they're too ignorant to accept how harmful their behaviour is. Talking with this subhuman scum is absolutely useless.

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>There is absolutely no nutrient, including any essential amino acid, essential fatty acid, vitamin or mineral that a vegan diet is inherently deficient in.
>Proceed to google "vegan source of Vitamin B12"
>Everything has a natural animal source (dairy products) or is a supplement derived from a natural animal source

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>Meatcucks can fuck off



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>Subhuman scum
Uncalled-for Namecalling
It is not the food industry alone, but every single other industry, specially those related to petrol distilling and power plants that produce the energy to feed (pun intended) all the rest.
As to your picture, comparing the size of the universe to the size of an abstract concept like a specific horror is utterly stupid. It's either lack of imagination or scientific, literary and logical ignorance.
My question remains unanswered, though, as to why most vegans react the way your post showcases.

I am here trying to find logical responses as to what the specific benefits of a vegan lifestyle is.
Also, I heard recently that if every human being on the planet were vegan the outer crust of earth would be eroded beyond repair in a few years, how true is this?

>Uncalled-for Namecalling

I'm sorry aren't meatcucks literal parasites to Mother Earth? Killing the planet, killing all animals. This "diet" needs to be removed.

Fuck veganism[Open][Open][Open][Open]

>muh ethical reasons

Killing you would be more beneficial to the planet than letting you live.
Yet you would cry like a little bitch if someone actually did something to help the planet.

You only want the moral high ground and not the responsibility that goes along with it.

>pollutes the ground and natural water ways
>uses third world slave labor to pick your meals
>takes land from natural creatures
>literally promote climate change due to changing an environment from natural to one meant for cultivation

You can argue meat eating is worse, but eating vegan is not objectively better. Absolutely destroys the environment.

Not to mention every single vegan i've ever met lives in high pollution cities using AC and non renewable electricity while they literally live on land that is so dense that next to no vegetation can grow.

You know how hypocritical that is?
>muh meat uses up an acre and some water
Yeah try living somewhere where you literally have no ground water anymore because concrete and asphalt have been paved over everything.

Fuck vegans absolutely the most degenerate people on the planet.

Idk where that image came from but you best check your sources, brainlet.
That number isnt even close to true.

All animals feed off each other, we simply have incredibly efficient tools for it.
Therefore, aren't any and all forms of life a literal parasite to mother earth, since they (we) all need the planet to exist?
I do not deny the inherent cruelty of our ways of dispatching animals to our tables, but to say that eating meat is morally wrong is not knowing or accepting what an animal is.
>Tigers are immoral because they eat meat.

I like you, dude, but do not stoop to their ways.


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That's just because vegans don't eat enough calories to get fat. Nothing to do with health

Technically, it might be possible.
Hydrogenated palm oils, lots and lots of starchy foods fried in peanut oil or some such shit. Just tons of it.

If rights/morality should be applied equally to animals as they are to humans, does that mean someone who slaughters a cow should receive the same punishment as first degree murder of another man?

I actually kek'd IRL to the pic

oy vey, it's like 9 1/3 times the shoah!

There are no vegan boxing or mma champions.

Don't use useless slobs as proof of veganism being the best diet. You're on Jow Forums we have to assume that close to 100% of the people on here aren't 500+lbs. And the majority of people on here work out, so fuck your basedboy diet.

Vegans have the most discipline in diet which is why I respect them. I as the meateater only get upset when they try shitting on me as immoral

B12 supplements are made from micro organisms, not animal sources, meatcuck.

Vegans really can't meme, you should probably stop trying

Think of the poor bacteria you're killing you immoral bastard

microorganisms that dwell in the intestines of animals

>Watch Earthlings and come back
Did that the first time one of you dickheads asked me to, and it was a complete waste of 90 minutes.
The whole documentary is Walking Penis either blatantly lying to you, telling you shit you already knew and have no reason to care about, and/or highlighting how backwards life in Third World shitholes is.

You fucking loons need a better televised Bible.

>can't argue against it
>just call it "edgy" as if that means anything ecks deeeee

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>subhuman scum
>we can't kill cows but we can call literal people less than human

shit meatcucks say:
>all that my body needs is in a piece of rotting dead cow flesh
>plants are full of antinutrients *engorges himself on 4000 kcal to have barely enough energy throughout the day*
>muh keto ancestors
>I sure do love gobbling down milky puss leaking from dirty cow udders
>veganism is unnatural *goes shopping for antibiotics ridden rotting flesh packaged in plastic*
>fats are good for you, carbs are the real racists
>muh sugar lobby
>my brain needs dietary cholesterol *frantically researchs flat earth and sungazing*
>fibers are non-essential *forcefully squeezes out rabbit turds once a week*
>the lack of this one easily supplementable vitamin B12 will kill you
>btw your body cant absorb B12 from supplements, only from rotting meat or milky puss ;-)
>uhmm did you know carots dont actually have vitamin A?
>haha, why would you eat algae- *has problems swallowing from enlarged thyroid due to iodine deficiency*
>my body needs cholesterol from foo- *dies from heart attack*

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>You're lying
Nice argument.

>that pic
You do understand that it's you fuckers coming to Jow Forums and bothering us, right? /ck/ is mostly women, they'll take your bullshit.

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I hope you realise the stupidity of the image.
On a galactic scale, torturing every animal on the planet until the sun expands and consumes the it would mean a grand total of jack shit.

Try using Pale Blue Dot, or humans are capable of greatness next time. You can leech off someone using the relative insignificance argument much more effectively.

Christ, why are most people who gravitate toward these threads mentally deficient? Either crazy vegans forcing an agenda, or non-vegans severely lacking empathy and understanding. Can we move away from the shitposting, and toward recipe sharing, lifting, workouts, etc?

Because nobody takes the threads seriously, so anyone who actually gives a shit stays away.
If it didn't have the one resident fag spamming starwmen arguments at every opportunity, people might actually think there was someone to discuss and debate with in good faith.
As it stands, most people seem to view it as a way to shitpost and pretend it's on topic.


Unproven, and with how ridiculously hard they're trying to prove it yet failing it's fair to say untrue.

Every single bit of research claims correlation as causation and a few even use data showing a vegan diet is less healthy than a similar diet that incorporates non vegan options.


Your morals are not mine. Morality is subjective not objective. Just because you somehow value animals over health is not my concern.

>environmental crap

True, but this falls under morality.

Want to stick to your weird morals without sacrificing health, go eat vegetarian.


Vegans are brainwashed idiots.

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I just don't understand why it's so hard for some to accept, at face value, peoples' choices in being vegan. Found alternative data? Disagree with veganism? Fine, but this isn't a thread designed for debate. It's designed for vegans to discuss /fitness/, and this seems relatively sparse when it comes to these threads.

Please lurk at least one year before posting.

Vegans should be lined up and shot.

I've been on Jow Forums for about 5 years. user, pls.

It's really obvious that you haven't.

Ow! muh laygz

Try harder.

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>It's designed for vegans to discuss /fitness/, and this seems relatively sparse when it comes to these threads.

We're giving valid advice.

When someone comes in, asks for advice on a routine and just keeps dismissing it with "my 27 day bro split is better, all I want to know is whether I can add curls and ab isolation every day."

Well I'm sorry but there are too many people out there who have a severe disadvantage already. People making a conscious decision to be among them is disrespectful.

Whatever, newfriend. Hope you figure things out eventually.

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Only if I get to do the shooting


Why stop there, we are all equal. Kill a fly, go to jail.