>So user, what do you do for fun?
So user, what do you do for fun?
Y-you too
>Every Saturday night i head downtown to hunt homosexual prostitutes with my crossbow
Post on a Cambodian competitive underwater basket weaving forum for at least 4 hours per day
I shitpost here while pretending to work at my job half the time, and then I rock climb or practice muay Thai afterwards.
I see you are a practioner of the skin flute.
Kill yourself faggot, I bet you’re one of those faggot ass office workers
So listen here girl, you've never met a real man like me. For fun, I like to figuratively push a huge boulder up a mountain. I like to suffer in order to self improve. I lift weights, read classic literature, watch classic films, connect with god and nature, and mostly do the right thing in spite of it being uncool in our dying society. Do you want to get out of here? I can show you my collection of vintage ww1 (it was a the better of the two world wars) collectibles.
I think about u hurtin :'(
Jelly af
Is this pasta? If not it is now.
I look at everything cynically because I’m afraid to have fun....
>tfw have depression so i can't take interest in anything enough to make it a hobby
I'm personally offended by this post.
hopefully you
I like to read and watch movies on tcm
>Goku cheating at tournament to win.jpg
this but unironically
I can almost see your pathetic skellington frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a little girl as you once again type your little "So user, what do you do for fun?" up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha. Maybe you’re such a useless skellington you need help typing so as not to break your fingers, so you just choose the joke. Oh, and we all know the joke. The “epic” no hobbies except for lifting joke, isn’t it? I imagine you, you little shit, laughing so hard as you click it that you knock your Monster can over, but it’s ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a frail fucking manlet, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a half-grown man who spends all his time on Jow Forums posting about autism and gfs. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a bodybuilder or a powerlifter or at least play a sport, and then you became a DYEL. A pathetic one-rep DYEL. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even try to talk with you because all you say is “IF I WANTED A JOKE”. You’ve become a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little manlet laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be.
Something about this girl's face is very unsettling. It's too round or something. I can't place it.
She has the face and jaw of a child imposed onto the head of an adult making it look like an ayylmao child
I weigh my food, lift weights and measure my body to keep track on my progress. How 'bout you?
I love you. Please marry me
no pasta, just some panty dropping material for my /fit boys to use.
I like to break a mental sweat as well
One day, I'll fucking figure that out.
I listen to history podcasts and sometimes I record amateur audiobooks of classical sci-fi and fantasy novels. I'll pensively strum a few chords on my guitar when the inspiration hits me, and you might often catch me singing showtunes. You know, just the usual stuff.
It's fun
criminally underrated
fresh pasta
I bake kickass cakes, would you like to come over and have a taste ?
t. actually enjoys baking fucking kickass cakes.
absolutely F R E S H
>On today's menu : Creampie
Good for you user. Unconventional hobbies are the shit.
Spend time with my bf (no homo).
I'm so glad this has been done. I love these.
Bury my face in tits.
ummmm I uh haha make money, I uh lift weights a lot and in my free time I like to play video games. Could you please teach me how to live a regular life?
i make dresses and write poetry about birds.
L-lots of things. Haha.
Vidya and shit posting on reddit.
Read yaoi manga
I like to do shots
[spoiler]of apple cider vinegar with baking soda[/spoiler]
trying to correct that lazy eye
Torment myself.
Nothing entertains me anymore.
That's the shittiest name to tripfag with ever holy fuck.
Several times a week I go to a cold unfurnished room full of people I don't talk to so I can move heavy objects around before placing them back where I found them. I pay money to do this.
Nothing I am living in poverty
I would bet everything I have that she's either Danish or of Danish ancestry. They look like lego figures. Blocky features. Once you see this, you can't unsee it.
Fuck dumb bitches like you
Anyone else see this as a bretty fun Saturday night?
>MRW thinking of you hurting
i go on Jow Forums
The truth is most couples aren't actually exciting people. The general problem with guys on Jow Forums is that they have low self esteem and don't try with girls for fear of rejection.
>tfw heart is still recovering from the emotionally abusive/crazy girl I had to break up with a couple months ago
Hanging out with a new girl tomorrow but I don’t feel ready for it honestly. Even if it’s the best way to move on. Life sucks and is constantly painful
>i make dresses
not based
>write poetry about birds
VERY based
They aren’t, it’s mostly circumstance that gets them paired. Which is why dating is a numbers and effort game.
Yep. I have a couple friends with really hot girlfriends and they mostly just lay around watching Netflix.
this hits a little too close to home
Hide threads started by thirsty femanons and shills.
>feeling pressured to have interesting hobbies from someone who spends all of her free time browsing through instagram and ordering makeup from china
I like going on hikes and leisurely walk. What about you?
You browse Instagram? Huh? I think I hear my mom calling me. Bye
Nice dubs,but start with jews
Ww1 is good bc mist chicks don't know shit about it but they ve been told at school that it was very important
I like to clean my sheets and cook breakfast
>dont have friends
>as a result dont pick up hobbies
>dont really do much of anything
>as a result of not having/doing either, too embarrassed to try to meet girls or friends so they dont see this shut-in ness
>as a result have no friends
>and cycle continues
Piano or just browse twitter
Why are you like this?
Yes, and its more steam punk than virtually any other war
Change the cycle up fag - hobby first and you'll make friends
I play lacrosse and take face offs. When I'm not lifting me and another dude basically spin around in circles trying to jam a small white ball into the back of our lacrosse stick then push the ball ahead to the offense.
stare at cute girls in the gym and go home alone.