Unironically how bad is actually drinking alcohol? It just reduces your gains by 25% for a day right?

Unironically how bad is actually drinking alcohol? It just reduces your gains by 25% for a day right?

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25% for life actually

25% in the afterlife actually

this and it stacks

>hes had alcohol four times

user im so sorry...

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Depends on your tolerance and intake

>makes your blood sugar rekt
>carb cravings increase by 400%
>electrolytes get pissed away
>more electrolyte based cravings
>has a shit ton of calories for the temporary buzz it gives
>breaks whatever healthy routines you have established

that being said, i still get wasted for one entire weekend + friday every month

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its like siping piss

But isn't it fine if I get three protein?


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just drink vodka

Is marijuana bad for your gains too?

>muh gains i don't want to hang out and drink that bad muscle-hurting juice :'(

fucking incel faggot you seriously need to live your life as a normal human being

>drinking something that has zero benefit should be seen as normal and socially healthy

fuck off m8, alcohol is for the weak

>not swigging between sets.
never going to make it foreversmall.

for those weak who have normal social interactions. Drink some alcohol once a week don't transform you into a Blob.


Yes, if you're going to drink, stick to hard liquor only, and maybe mix with a zero calorie drink. Anything else will turn you fat

I'll drink some light beers on special occasions but I've more or less quit casually drinking. What's the fit mixed drink of choice?

I really don’t understand how people don’t get this. Having some beers or shots with some friends or at a party isn’t a bad thing at all. Alcohol drinking gets to be a problem when your pounding back 4-5 beers or half a handle a day.

no you don't. You have smol peener

Isnt a shot of whiskey or 1 glass of red wine good for you?

why not. Once a week mate, on your cheat day.

Marijuana's bad for life you fucking degenerate.

>this knowledge of percentages
Wew lad

A normal human being in this country is a fat faggot. Don't be normal OP.

obviously 25% of base level, you fucking cynic

i read it shrinks your testicles

it differs from person to person and by what you drink

>has a shit ton of calories
if we're talking beer yeah, but hard liquor is the best bang for your buck

Decreases testosterone, kills your cardio vascular system, and makes you fat. No thanks

Swig jim beam and water so i get drunk faster.... she is never coming back.

ever heard of a beer belly? everyone i know who drinks, has one.
and it results in fat liver (look it up)

Alcohol is very calorie dense, but its only an issue if you drink like a god damn fish every night after work or every weekend with an intent of blacking out. If you stagger it out to once or twice a month when you got to parties or concerts, drinking in moderation; it has negligible impact on your gains and health.

>can't sleep

Usually hit me Monday night if I get smashed on Saturday

it basically puts gains on hold until the alcohol is out of you system. just dont work out on a drinking day and dont eat while drunk and its fine

> comparing four or five beers to half a handle (17 shots)

Not if you work out high and eat healthy

>Not consuming pure ethanol

what a cool gif

>taking protein
>instead of preoteins

do you take melanin to sleep too?

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Yeah but is it a compound stack or flat rate?

just take a 100ml shot of pic rel

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Drink hard on friday
Saturday hungover cant even eat 1500 calories
Sunday not feeling hungry also...
Monday you struggle to eat your 4000 kcals but in tuesday you are back in the track.

Alcohol not worth it. even semen demons arent as bad gainz goblin as alcohol


for you

I drink more than 0.5 litres 40% when i go drinking

Now tell me that you arent hungover after that? you cant even drink so much u weak shit


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I don't go drinking unless I already have 0,5l of vodka in my stomach.

drink wine faggot

lol, imagine being so much dependent on a drug

Lol, look at this genetic dead end. No amount of just hard alcohol or dry spirits should give hangovers, sugar from mix is what should get ye. Drank 4 beer half a bottle of red wine and 17 shots last weekend, woke up drunk but not hung over

are you me?

cringe and bluepilled

based and redpilled

by itself it isn’t bad

Alcohol lowers protein synthesis , dehydrates you and makes you fatter

Small amounts of alcohol won't fuck up your gains tho , most research I read says that about 3 drinks is fine , but if you plan on getting wasted GAINS R I P

1 gram of alcohol has around 7 calories and it isn't stored as fat instead as it's metabolized it's used for energy so if you eat anything while drinking it's gets stored as fat since the body is using alcohol as fuel.

She looks disgusting

Sugar does fuck all. Obviously if you woke up drunk your not going to be hung over yet you dumb mother fucker

Vodka soda w/ a lemon or lime, easy for bartenders, somewhat classy, keeps you hydrated.

Alcohol damages DNA

so 1/4 for a day? I think you are wasting both your time, food and alcohol. if you drink only costs you 25% of gains for a given day you will be must happier drinking much more for that day.

Try captain Morgan, drink that exclusively since years, haven’t had even the slightest hangover in 5 years. On a real night out I drink a Liter of it.

Not sure if it’s the alcohol in specific of whatever, but I don’t even have the slightest headache or anything.

titos and soda if i'm trying to lose weight
margaritas are delicous tho
also have a mudslide every now and then b/c they're fucking amazing but way too much sugar

>tfw have had alcohol 5 times
the -25% really feels like shit when after a good workout you come out smaller and weaker

>cheap rum
>no hangover
you must stay hydrated and not mix it with coke etc


i've had like 4 beers ever and im sipping one right now. i prefer the taste of red wine but drinking occasionally isn't going to kill your gains. it's like the no-fappers that think if you wank it once a week, you're going to have no motivation

Well it messes with your rem sleep but thats about it.

Sure it may make you lazy and unmotivated, but that depends on th person.

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Today I have the worst hangover of my life

Everything is sore and I want to lay in bed all day

Yeah, beer especially makes you want to eat a bunch of chips or pizza. I agree with others who say stick to hard liquor only. I personally like whiskey or bourbon on the rocks.

Let me redpill you on liquid edibles, bro. Similar effect to an alcohol buzz but very low in calories/sugar. I fucking hate smoking weed but these things are incredible.

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If you are asking it you know the right answer. Sure it's bad

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Drinking alcohol isn't bad as long as you limit yourself to 2 drinks, and drink water and eat food after.

>2 drinks

Most people on this board are still in college. It’s okay to live a little while you’re young. You guys don’t always have to maintain your robot-like self control. Go get wasted with your bros occasionally. You might even find a pretty girl to kiss.

You can live a little without drinking.

You can. I’m just saying it would do some of you a lot of good to loosen the fuck up a bit.


Loosening up is generally a bad idea.

not them but i personally hate "loosening up". maybe it's because i was raised to be stoic or something but i just dont see any joy in getting drunk, partying, and/or having one night stands. my friends invite me to drink with them and i decline because i hate being out of it and i hate being around people that are loud and obnoxious

It absolutely is not. So many guys on this board have issues with shyness and social anxiety. There’s no better time than college to overcome that shit.

Acting like a buffoon isn't going to help with anything.

See that’s the problem. You guys equate going to a party solely with getting blackout shitfaced. Sure that happens, but it’s also an opportunity to practice socializing.

>work out and run 4 times during the week
>go out, socialise and get merry (but not blackout drunk) with bros at the weekend, maybe get laid
>drink Guinness mostly
>lifts keep going up
>no increase in fat
>put in all the work in during the week to 'buy' myself the time off at the weekend

You faggots need to realise you're not training for Olympia and you're only young once.

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Also not every college party is a stereotypical frathouse atmosphere. Go to parties with people in your major or from a club that you’re part of.

> but it’s also an opportunity to practice socializing
You're basically trying to tell me that i need to depend on alcohol to socialize. This is a bad idea because it will weaken my amygdala.

You don't NEED to but humans have been using the stuff as a social lubricant for thousands of years; stands to reason there might be something in it, that it might increase one's enjoyment.

You can nurse a single beer all night if you want. I’m just telling you to go socialize. Don’t just go to class, the gym and then home to post here. I know that’s exactly what a lot of you do.

Lmao you retards take yourselves way too seriously.

This. Occasionally getting away from your Jow Forums comfort zone will do you a world of good.

Yeah, the rare time I drink alcohol (never on a day I lift), it's my REAL hard lemonade.

A little bit of sweetener, about one to two shots worth of lemon juice, and lastly about six to eight shots worth of vodka.

That does me for a night. If I really feel like making a mistake I mix up another. This is why I don't start drinking early in the evening. Right about the time I could watch exactly one movie before bedtime is perfect.

>Don’t just go to class, the gym and then home to post here. I know that’s exactly what a lot of you do.

Nope! I go to WORK, then the gym on workout days, and then home to post here.


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I drink when I'm lonely, and I'm real fuckin lonely these days

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Just drink once or twice a month, jeez. Just don’t pound 6 beers after work every night and your gains will be fine.

Red and basepilled

iktf bro. I’m trying to break the habit of drinking every night.

i feel you there brother

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Don't. There's nothing worse, lads, and it robs you of your vigour. Earn your sessions and never do it alone, if possible.

I’m trying bro. I’ve started going on night runs and it’s already helped a lot.