How the fuck do I get stronger?

I don't get what I'm doing wrong. I started lifting this year and I've barely gained any stronger. I'm still a fucking saggy pile of shit. Admittedly I didn't know what I was doing at beginning of the year in regards to form/nutrition yadda yadda but I still haven't made much gains since then. I started working on it seriously since July and my bench has gone from 30 kg 6 rep max (110% effort leaves me winded) to 35-37.5 kg 8 rep comfortably.

I tried changing my routine from Starting Strength to one where (I forgot the name) where I bench my ORM max for 5 reps (which is 40 kg- but I'm not sure how effective that is because my form gets ruined by the second rep and I start lifting with my forearms/shoulders.

What do I do Jow Forums?

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>to one where (I forgot the name)
Found the problem. You're just not serious or you'd actually know the name of your fucking program.

eat more

Lifting weights and getting stronger is a lot like the fire triangle(heat, fuel, oxygen). You'll gain muscle and strength if you're sleeping enough, working out hard enough, and eating enough. From the sound of it, it seems like you're missing the nutrition part. Read up on bodybuilding nutrition/powerlifting nutrition. Then fix your diet.

Well after a google to be sure it's the 5 X 5 program. My diet and sleeping routine is 100% perfect however.

ignore number targets, work each set till fail (e.g that you can't lift anymore) It doesn't matter that if by your third set you can't even lift half as many as your first set. Only by going to failure every time do you really get hypertrophy and thus the highest muscle growth. Numbers should only matter as far as measuring progress long term.

also: EAT MORE.

My nutrition is fine I make sure I get enough protein and I don't eat junk.

I eat 2500 calories but it doesn't make a difference (5'10/11). I've only gained a kilo since July.

this sentence alone makes me doubt you understand how vital proper diet is to getting stronger.

How much do you weigh? Whats your bodyfat %? What's your current goal? How many kcals are you eating? What's your macronutrient breakdown? If you can't answer these off the top of your head you don't have diet down, which is arguably the most important factor in getting strong.


lmao you're not eating as much as you think you are
start eating until you feel full as fuck and then eat more.

Look everybody, another SS victim. Laugh at him.

Go for 3000, I’m serious

>How much do you weigh?
76.5 kg
>Whats your bodyfat %?
>What's your current goal?
0.5 kg per week
>How many kcals are you eating?
>What's your macronutrient breakdown
125 grams of protein, 311 grams of carbohydrates.

Are you counting the bar?

eat more, sleep better, and bang women like the one you posted in the doggy position


I definitely know how much I'm eating since I'm using the myfitnesspal app

>can't remember 5 X 5
I mean

eat more

does the app weigh the food for you?

i don't even know where to start with this shit

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No I do that myself
What's wrong with it?

>What do I do Jow Forums?
I don't care what you do, but what i do is not care about how much i lift. I do as much as i can 10x for 3 sets and then move on to the next machine or activity. You need to not treat the gym like rocket science and just lift the correct way. As long as you maintain good form, don't injure yourself, and sweat, you should be good to go.

you are no different than the fatties that complain about not being able to lose weight. you know what the problem is and you deserve to fail.

so your training, diet, and sleep are all on point. Therefore you should be getting stronger. But you're not. You must just be a freak of nature OP. There's no hope for you. Thanks for starting the great thread though.

this x 1000

Easy for you to say I lift baby tier weights and still look like a disgusting pear shaped DYEL

I thought going to failure was detrimental to muscle growth?

I don't lift that much either.

Maybe so

*Smacks lips* *hooks thumbs into belt loops* WHO DAT!?

Rin Nakai

*blocks your path*

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How much do I need to lift to make out with her bunghole?

You just don't take it seriously enough. It's that simple.

Level of advice here is fucking sad
Ya'll niggers need help

>I bench my ORM max for 5 reps
>I bench my ORM max for 5 reps
>I bench my ORM max for 5 reps

Listen. Here's what you do.

Go back to Starting Strength.

Start again. Empty bar for first workout on all lifts except the dead lift.

Add 2.5kg/5lbs to the bar each work out.

Eat. Sleep.

Make sure you do your warm ups.

Read the wiki


That's all the help anyone can give you, if you fuck this up, you are retarded. Don't go off track, don't do your own fucking thing, just follow these simple instructions.

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you forgot your height, faggot
I started at 76kg myself, I didn't start gaining weight until I was eating over 3000cals, since I am 192cm, reached my goal of 90kg and I am maintining that for 3 years now with 3k cals. Took me 6 months to get those 14kgs

See a neurologist. You might have a peripheral nerve disorder

>25-30% bf

>my diet and sleeping routine is 100% perfect
What an arogant cunt you're being

>I don't get what I'm doing wrong. I started lifting this year and I've barely gained any stronger. I'm still a fucking saggy pile of shit. Admittedly I didn't know what I was doing at beginning of the year in regards to form/nutrition yadda yadda but I still haven't made much gains since then. I started working on it seriously since July and my bench has gone from 30 kg 6 rep max (110% effort leaves me winded) to 35-37.5 kg 8 rep comfortably.
Your technique sucks.

Pinch your shoulder blades, go into a slight bridge. If you do it right, you will feel your pec and lat group pushing the weight easily.

is the weight gained fat or muscle ?
been training for 6 months and my weight is still the same at 72 kg (179cm)
i got stronger in all my lifts (for exemple bicep curl went from 30kg to 50kg ,chest grow too)
and yet my fucking weight is still 72 kg ,did i perhaps lost fat and gained muscle ? i'm not sure ,well my abs started showing so maybe

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>125 grams of protein, 311 grams of carbohydrates
Is this bait, this is bait right?

weight gained is weight gained, if your weight is the same then you are eating at maintenance

core and lower back isolation, do that for a couple of weeks and you'll progress on all your other lifts.

Progressive overload

Keep on lifting, dont give Up. Eat more and get enought protein.


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>How the fuck do I get stronger?
Lift heavier weights.