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Now show protein per 100 calories brainlet

op is a faggot


>doesn't show the 50g of fat per 100g pumpkin seeds vs. 19g in steak.
Nice try seedfag.

>100 g Steak
146 kcal
22 g protein
6,6 kcal/protein
>100 g Dried pumpkin seeds
552 kcal
32 g protein
17,25 kcal/protein

>fat is bad

>he cannot differentiate between plant based and animal based protein
Never gonna make it.

Now how long does it take to eat 100g of pumpkin seeds compared to a steak?

fat isn't bad, but pumpkin seeds won't work as a primary protein source because the macros are shitty. Eating 60 grams of protein from pumpkin seeds would cost 700ish kcal, versus 400 for steak.

they aren't a bad food, and fat itself isn't bad, but clearly steak >>>>> pumpkin seeds when it comes to being an efficient source of protein

of course, chicken breast is way more efficient than steak is.

fake and gay. Veganism rots the brain.

If you’re a man who’s not actively bleeding you don’t need that much iron. Too much over time can be quite bad for you

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Now show the comparison to beef jerky.

I'm cutting my fat ass down, and that's just shy of 1/3d of my daily budget.

I mean, they taste great, no doubt, but how the fuck can anyone expect people to lose weight and hit their macros with that?

Enjoy your shit tier protein and huge helping of omega-6 polyunsaturated fat, faggot.

Imagine how many pumpkins you'd have to break open and roast a day to sustain such a retarded diet, lmao


Dishonest picture. It is way easier to eat a ton of protein in the form of steak than in the form of any vagitarian source.

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enjoy all that polyunsaturated fat and linoleic acid, i guess you love being a walking inflammation lol

The iron is in the liver. Eat your mother fucking liver, user.
Yeah polyunsaturated fat in seeds and nuts is bad. Saturated fat in meat is good

Saturated fat and cholesterol are good and high T. Fiber is bad and indigestable. Beans contain lectins which cause leaky gut.

>”Eating meat?! Hah! While you’re enjoying your slab of death, I’LL be having my buckets of pumpkin seeds.”

>vegans got fucking btfo again for the 17834561th time
when will they give up?
how will they recover?

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>if organic, contains no chemicals

sure.... 80% fat.

fuck off.... srsly


>mfw i eat both

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>1lbs of the other stuff magically becomes 4 servings

>hormones, but also steroids

Retarded thread aside pumpkin seeds are a great snack for fiber and protein

Good for when you aren't cutting but it's 2x calories.

They are a very cheap bulking food.
More calories especially from fat and protien with a lower risk of heart disease.
Not gonna bother with the guy bullshitting about plant fat being bad for you as he hasnt posted a single sourse.

>not just eating the weights for maximum iron

never going to make it

In the rare case this isn't b8 (which it is) then enjoy all your inflammatory diseases.
>inb4 phonefag

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lmao meatcucks. never stop getting BTFO

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Three times I think.
Steak is what, ~200 calories per 100 grams? Most seeds are like 600.

>implying men need more iron in their diet
Vegans lol

>retard doesn`t know body can`t take plant protein as efficient as meat protein

5 eggs and bacon is not 1000 calories.

who the fuck uses 2tbps of butter to cook 5 eggs

yes it is meaty

I WISH it was, then I could bulk properly in the mornings. As it is I have to have 5 eggs, some bacon, 2 cups of milk and some cereal to hit 1k

>eating 100g of pumpkin seeds in a single sitting
lmao no that shit is disgusting

>4 vegan eggs
into the trash it goes

It's bait. You fell for it.


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>1 hour to cook eggs and bacon
I do it every morning in less than 15 minutes idiot.

I love the hard cope on the protein line for the walking vegetables

I hope these vegan posts are ironic shitposting
surely nobody is retarded enough to fall for that disingenuous bullshit

It tastes good man. I don't know why you'd fuck with it and make it vegan... Vegans ruin everything.

Oh yeah. Also it's Arabic: the only group that hates Jews more than /b/tards do

Everything I've read about it said it's a huge Israeli thing and has its origins there. The arabs eat it too, but they didn't create it

Both memes ngl.

>spend 15 hours of my day eating pumpkin seeds and vegetables for protein when I can just eat meat and be done in twenty minutes

I'm not a cow, you can't milk my tits and put me in a field and expect me to be happy eating grass all day.
I have fangs, I have thumbs, I can use tools, I like to have sex.
Meat takes less time to eat.
I do not want to sit in front of a tv like a fat fuck and eat food for multiple hours a day to maintain muscle mass. I also don't want to be shitting for an hour a day.

Ahh. A bunch of arabic immigrants I've worked with ate it, so I thought it was Arabic.

pumpkin seeds have terrible omega 6 omega 3 ratio

however omega 6 and omega 3 in seeds are different to those in meats. complicated. but the latest science is saying omega 3 in seeds is not that good and omega 6 in seeds is not that bad.

So theoretically... eat lots of pumpkin seed on a bulk and get some oily fish like mackerel and you have good omega 3 and omega 6. however this is high fat and calories.

So use chicken breast in combination with the above. not a bad meal plan.

t. Sneed

omega 6 in seeds is supposedly not as bad as the kind from meats. this is new stuff from last few years. Also omega 3 from seeds is not as good as omega 3 from fish meaning chia seeds are now a total meme food. Well they already where a meme but now they are nothing but a meme.

get your fresh/frozen oily fish once a week lads.

Pumpkin seeds are extremely high in phytoestrogens.

You can literally scramble and plate an egg in less than 2 minutes. Perfectly seasoned and garnished might I add.

Interesting read.

Sound prefect for keto.

Stop using commas for periods, for fucks sake


>being this retarded

Meme too

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Fuck off third worlder. Commas are for rests, not stops. Your number system is retarded as shit

>being american
>not acknowledging your objective inferiority

>bacon 30 minutes
Nigger what the fuck

underrated post but this single handedly blows OP out. Meat is leaner, protein.

>100g of bacon
That's like 10 fucking slices

I love how the egg cook time is magically doubled for the "meatcuck" breakfast. Also
>1 fucking hour for bacon and eggs


Sorry sweaty ;), but other than onions isolate, all the best sources of protein are meat and dairy.

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>no cumin

Bacon and eggs takes 15 minutes

> also (((Shakshuka)))

Steak: God tier
Pumpkin seeds: Shit tier

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hahah this is some shit bait literally google the nutritional acts fucking vegans

What is complete protein? What is a complete amino acid profile?

Not with the tremendous amount of carbs they've got they aren't.

>today I must remind them
Plants do not have comparable protein content to meat.
They aren't actually measuring the exact protein content of plant matter, they're using a crude calculation and doing process of elimination. Around 60% of the protein content in plant matter is just nitrogen. Whats printed on the label of a food item isn't an exactly measured content.

I would like to watch you eat 100g of pumpkin seeds

I do it almost daily. It's really not a lot

>protein overhydration anemia

>not getting your protein from 100% renewable, free resources

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Ma nig/g/a

Sunflower seeds have a crazy amount of iron and zinc, that's all I've had for like a month because it's way too hot to eat.

man I can easily eat hundreds of grams of steak, but pumpkin seeds get fucking disgusting after a while. I managed to force 100g down once and stopped eating after that cause they tasted like shit and made me miserable.

Google says that pumpkin seeds have 19g of protein per 100g at 446 kcal while steak has 25g of protein per 100g at 270 kcal.

If you were so convinced about your cause, you wouldn't feel the need to lie about it. Steak trumps pumpkin seeds in both protein by weight and protein by kilograms.

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Seeds: filled with anti nutrients, indigestible fiber, tastes like crap, man made and unnatural, therefore not human food

The hell are you all talking about, pumpkin seeds are delicious, I'd eat even more if not for extra calories.

why do you retards keep responding to this obvious bait thread when it's on page 10? let it die

>Protein Overhydration Anemia
>1 hour to cook something that takes 10-15mins max
>2 tbsp butter for that
>only 20mins to prep all that vegan crap
worst bait ever

Now show me the amount of seeds you would have to eat before you get full

Do you have a single fact to back any of that up

A quick google search will show you that this is total bullshit.