Did a blood test which returned excellent according to the doctor and the thyroid test was good too

>did a blood test which returned excellent according to the doctor and the thyroid test was good too.
>jog 15km/week, rising
>don't smoke/drink, don't do drugs, and avoid caffeine.
>sleep 8+ hours a day and wake up at 5am.
>haven't been sick in over a year.

the past 7+ months my physical energy, motivation, and joy felt like they were gradually draining from me; I'm constantly tired and can pretty much sleep anytime of the day and no longer enjoy the things I used to anymore.

I can't think of any change that happened those months ago that would cause this, I'd just been living like I always did.

At this point I just don't know what to do and I'm just desperate for any help, any ideas Jow Forums?

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how old are you?

Fuck you sound like my girlfriend. She has some sort of autoimmune diseases and hypothyroidism along with chronic fatigue. Constantly tired, constantly having aches and pains.

I get you tested all that shit and it came back normal though. I don't know man, I feel for you. I had mono once and those couple weeks was living hell. I can't imagine half a year of that shit. Maybe check your testosterone levels? Honest suggestion because I can't think of anything.

It's called depression. The real kind, not the xD kind

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I feel the same when I eat too much carbs and not enough fats.

Doesn't exist.

Based and redpilled

Honestly sounds like overtraining. Go on a vacation and see if you feel better.

What is your north star? your ursuit of happyness?

>don't smoke/drink, don't do drugs, and avoid caffeine.

That is your problem OP. You will need something to living for.

if you run in the wods alot maybe consider
Lyme disease

Yes it does. Made jokes of it before, until I learned the hard way

That's mental tiredness, not physical

You have depression, so the best option is to tie a noose and hang yourself if you're a dumb libtard

It's because you don't do anything fun. Your body is attempting a mutiny

fucking this

go keto OP, also try to reencounter yourself with a hobby you always liked

>I feel like a piece of shite
>but muh doctor said im healthy

Maybe you should try doing something to inprove the world ...

I haven't checked for those actually but non of these are in the family, only high blood-pressure and cholesterol which I make sure to keep an eye on.
I'll check hormones asap
I hope it's not
Tried that at some point, just felt lethargic. I only exercise to maintain my health not because I enjoy it really

It's more like I never felt a want for these than abstaining from them if you get it me, I drink coffee occasionally if I'm invited to but wouldn't really on my own.
I'm rather light but I'll try it anyway, thanks anons

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Have you had your iron levels tested?

Start injecting test immediately.

>sleep at 9pm
you live the life of someone aged either below 6 or above 80

what are your endeavors? Do you have any short and long term goals that you are working towards, self-actualization? I know if I sit in front of internet all day while taking intermediate breaks to eat and workout I still feel depressed regardless of physical health.

I'm exactly like you. 19 year old male exercising more than enough with perfect diet and blood tests. I feel like shit and I sometimes struggle to get out of bed and I get more tired from walking than my obese friend even though I can run for miles without breaking a sweat.

I've been getting worse ever since I broke up with my gf and went to uni to study something for money instead of passion. Remember, humans aren't machines and we need something to live for otherwise we break down.

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Same, 19. Took a blood test and everything was fine. I stopped eating carbs for every meal like 2 weeks ago. Still eat it sometimes but feel a bit better. Also kinda on nofap, not the religious kind. Have ejaculated twice in the past eight days.

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I would start doing more than lifting. Although exercise reduces inflammation which is thought to be a cause for depression, weightlifting and especially something akin to powerlifting in which you have an achievable barriee than you can surpass (a pr) will make you happy. What I am trying to say is that I think you have nothing to do in your life and something like lifting heavy could give you a sense of purpose with the endorphine secretion when you beat your previous numbers. Anything that does something similar would work imo.

More than running

what a man :^)

I know exactly what you mean op, I'm a year younger. I can honestly say to find a hobby that you GENUINELY like doing. It needs to be something that you can get in the zone with. For me its snowboarding, nothing better than carving down a mountain listening to beats

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Could be the heat. Summertime always makes me aloof and weak because I just can't function when it's too hot

Second this , I've taken the same tests
Easiest thing to do is to take medicine and start exercising.
I have half of it done.

Are we all 19yr old men struggling with sudden changes in our energy levels? Weird enough I still get random boners and I'm constantly horny but I'm always tired. Used to go to the gym 6 days a week sometimes even twice a day. But now I can't bring myself to even go once a day. Even walking down steps is tiring. I smoke a lot of weed but I don't know if that has anything to do with it because I've been doing that for years even when I was gymceling hardcore.

friend of mine is from the middle east
he found drinking our milk makes him incredibly agitated. doctors suggested it was due to the hormones present.

perhaps you've got something in your diet throwing you off

Turns out you are sick with depression,
Classic sign is waking up very early in the morning, as well as your psychomotor retardation (google it), lack of physical energy and anhedonia (inablity to feel pleasure)

For treatment avoid going to any psychologist, look online for treatment manuals which are provided by psychologists (turns out they are online for free). Just follow the guides and you will be feeling better very soon. :))

Check your body temperature, OP. Your metabolism is probably jacked up, and hypothyroidism in men = low test. Also, stop avoiding caffeine. Research a diet that is pro-metabolic.

Sincerely good advice. Young person feeling bad = almost always endocrine system related.

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I had it but still make jokes.

Did they check your B12, docs here seem to only test iron/magnesium for this stuff and forget about the other shit