Why are women so retarded when it comes to eating habits?

Why are women so retarded when it comes to eating habits?

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It's not just women, the fatties on Jow Forums are all keto shills.

Shit bait

Glucose causes diabetes. Do you really need another reason to stop eating carbs?


Not even baiting, keto is retarded.

Because advertising works best on the weak minded

It works, but it isn't sustainable. You really can't live your life running away from everything from hot dog buns to ketchup to cinnamon rolls to meatloaf just because it has an essential nutrient in it. Learn how to count calories, it is infinitely sustainable and you can literally eat anything on earth.

I've heard people here say "oh I'm just going to do keto for the rest of my life" or "nah I won't fuck up when I come off, it is easy to not overeat" but every single time they fail and gain some weight back.

I dropped from 270-170 then went right back up to 215 before dieting correctly and now I'm back down to 205.

maybe if you pure sugar 24/7
keto is just for fatties who cant layoff the sweets, fuck off now

>my diet isn't on the list

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Those diets are more prevalent in female dieting because they're marketed towards women. Whether or not any of them have any products they're trying to sell, people pushing them have a reason to push them and market them effectively for the desired result.

It's not any better for men, either. You have retards eating all-meat diets and doing fads like keto and fasting. It's just to do with how it's marketed. Diets marketed towards women work best as systems or other systems of order (ie: don't eat this food or eat mostly x). Diets marketed towards men work best as extremes and "new frontiers" and "hidden secrets". Women like things like "the x diet" or "the y system/program", men like things that function on extremes and are usually single word descriptors a la "keto" and "paleo".

There's actually no significant difference between Atkins and keto except how they're marketed. They're both diets which keep carbohydrates low (~20-50g or so) with the only difference being Atkins is marketed as a structured program and keto is the hot new reddit meme based on cutting-edge pseudoscience. Both are shit, though - as with any diet that isn't calorie counting.

Not all of us.
To steal a Carlin joke:
>Think of how dumb the average person is, then consider that half the people are dumber than them.
People want to think it's a quick fix to lose weight and if they just do their super quick 2 week snake juice omad keto fast, they will lose their fat, get "toned", and be good to go. Most don't think about or want to think about the fact that their baseline eating habits are shit and if they go back to them, they will gain weight again. That's why most people yo yo.
>all carbs are glucose
What's it like to have a room temperature IQ?

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No one cares fag

>all carbs are glucose
Jeez i thought you guys have atleast double digit iqs. Wow get a better comprehension jfc

>glucose causes diabetes
>says to stop eating carbs (as in all carbs, not glucose)

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>obese people were slightly less obese after
>24 weeks is "long term"
>weight loss is the only thing that matters
>ketards unironically have more serum glucose on their shitty high fat low carb diet than my high carb diet kek

not gonna make it

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t. Insecure teenager

>>Think of how dumb the average person is, then consider that half the people are dumber than them.
clever joke, but that's not how bell curves work

it literally is

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You're projecting.

Most people aren't mentally retarded like you.

Keto is a meme

I mean sometimes meme diets work

For instance, IF is a meme, you're forcing yourself to starve for hours but it works and has benefits

Found one!

Humans are used to starving for hours. Some researchers even say that fasting for a few days every once in a while is good for us.

>when it comes to eating habits
you can blue-pencil this part

Women evolved by not being responsible for themselves and relying on their tribe and their male partner survival. Women suck at decision making because historical they were never in positions where their survival depended upon doing so. Marketing and media are the modern equivalent of the tribal advice that women are hard wired to buy in to.

>glucose causes diabetes
holy shit you're retarded. Also your study doesn't even have a control group. You can't even make any judgements as compared to other dieting methods that allow moderate carbohydrate consumption.

Fucking American sub human brainlet lmao
Dont they teach in High School that every fucking Cell in your body needs Glucose?

This. Also one of the main reasons (among others) that female independence was pushed is because women are much less smart with their money. They're more likely to spend their (or their husband's) hard-earned cash on frivolous bullshit and live paycheck to paycheck. The corporate jews like this because they want to have a pleb class that just constantly keeps buying goods rather than saving.

do you know what your body breaks carbs down into? it just takes more work to break down into the same shit

Technically every cell doesn't *need* glucose, but biochemical processes like ketosis are clearly meant to be backup emergency utilities during prolonged starvation. It was never evolved to be a main metabolic process.

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Carbs become glucose you moron. Might as well eat sugar.

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Umm neoglucogenesis dumbass. You don't have to eat sugar fat fuck.

IF is actually not a meme believe it or not. It’s very sustainable.

Yeah I know, that's why I said it works and has benefits

It was considered a meme at one point though, sometimes memes become breakthroughs lol

read above

because women are retarded in general

not eating for 12 hours isn't a meme.. fat burning is how you sustain yourself for that time period. i naturally don't eat until noon.

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Who goes to the gym while fasted here?

Anything to avoid the daily grind of hardwork and privation. Most women are spoiled little princesses. That's why.

Reducing carb intake and increasing healthy fat intakes does benefit the body and promote fat loss. There is factual evidence on this and is still currently being studied for diabetics and people under certain medical conditions.

Same noonbro

It's not just another tool to help lose fat. Just can't really live on it but I've dropped 50 lbs and switched to normal diet and barely gained any weight. Still count my macros and go to the gym 4 times a week. People who think Keto is the only thing you need to do to drop weight is retarded. You still need to put in work in the gym.

Both of my sisters are currently on a 'fabric softener' diet, where they will eat 'hard foods' like candy and then drink a small amount of fabric softener as they think it will help them digest the food (they think they are fat because they cannot digest food and it 'clogs them up'.)

They used to do a diet where they are all of their food out of buckets because 'it should make them feel greedy', they both gained 14lbs eating buckets of food.

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That woman shares a lot of your DNA, user.
I would be concerned.

You should really consider that not everyone who does keto is doing it from the angle of being overweight and looking to lose weight. There are legitimate health benefits for some people to eating and being in ketosis.

>not eating for 12 hours

Isn't that called sleep...?

lmao you don't get it at all

glucose isn't the only monosaccharide, brainlets.


If you said median =/= mean you'd be on to something. Instead you just made me respond to a baitpost. Sad!

Women in general are retarded
yep it is , even the great Jason Blaha admitted it

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fructose and sucrose are even worse for you

fructose and glucose aren't the only monosaccharides, either

sucrose is a disaccharide

Who the hell thought that ingesting fabric softener would be a good idea? Of all the laundry supplements to choose from, I'm surprised they didn't pick bleach.

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You should also consider that half of people are smarter than that.

first of all not all carbs are glucose, second your body fucking runs on glucose

But when you consider how stupid the average person is, that just means most people are clustered around stupid.

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sugar will literally kill you because it makes your body release insulin which instantly causes diabetes, whereas unlimited fat consumption of all types is good for you, mark sisson and gary taubes told me so and anyone who disagrees is a shill for Big Sugar

don't ask me about all the skinny asians with a high carb low fat diet btw

not all fat is good for you. you need to make sure you get enough saturated and trans fat, which trans(forms) your body fat into pure muscle

>3 day diet

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It's absolutely unbelievable how braindead women are when it comes to nutrition. I've known so many girls that have passed out because they just didn't eat and couldn't figure out what the fuck was wrong with them. Then they go and run on a treadmill for three hours.

I'm not falling for any keto or snakejuice shit. Just strictly following the sticky and it's working amazingly.

I always find it funny how literally EVERYONE unironically thinks they are smarter than the average person. People who think they are smart, tend to be dumb.

You don’t suddenly use fat for energy after a measly 12 hours
if just makes it effortless to eat at large deficits

checking in, IF bro