Girls doing this while moaning

>girls doing this while moaning

What are their motives? Its very distracting and the exercise looks fucking useless.

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>the exercise looks fucking useless.

How about trying it yourself, you DYEL piece of shit?

how to do this and keep the focus on the glutes and off the hammies?

sorry im only 99% gay

Kek I do this but single legged and the gym bros will vacate the area immediately

post bobs

pause at the top, after bringing your ass higher than she does in the picture

Do girls actually do this frequently? I haven't been to a commercial/uni gym since 2015 (home gym master race) and I've never seen anyone doing hip thrusts. All the grills in the gym I ever saw were either doing exclusively cardio or some light dumbbell shit like DB rows off a bench.

it's one of the most useful exercises if you do any sports, you dyel faggot

now we all know you don't have glutes

Yeah they do it, lately I've seen less but every now and then I see it. Never heard anything that counts as moaning to me, just usual gym gruntings. While I'm not confident enough to do them myself as a male it is actually a really legit movement as long as it's loaded properly and done with proper squeeze at the top.

Have a kek

They’re practicing for penetration

To continue on this the pic in OP does not represent properly loaded. Even regular gym girls can go really heavy with this.

Do pic related for buns instead. You'll still look like a fag but less so.

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sure those hip thrusting women are all there to turn you on and steal your gains

It works your hammies like mad and gives you glute gains. But you obviously wouldn't know because you probably exclusively curl

so girls are retarded when they do dumbell stuff, and they're retarded when they do hip thrusts.

How about you all start caring about your own lifts instead of what other folks do at the gym

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There's a grill at my gym who does these for reps at lmao3pl8. Shit works man.

>w*men are retarded

>power bottom is a sport

Don't go higher than parallel, you risk lumbar injuries

fuck off

>Autist:what did she mean by this

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>Bends over
>Grabs a pair of black balls
>Drags them across the crotch
Yeah buddy this looks less gay

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Just fuck them right there. They're ready for you.


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you honestly think this looks less faggy?

It's probably equally as faggy but it's quicker to do, quicker to set up and takes up less room so you're time being faggy is minimised.

Is the cable going through her thigh or is shadow just making that shit look weird

Notice how this image has the exercise demonstrated by a woman. Because they know how faggy it looks having a man do it.

How could this possibly look gay if a guy were doing it?

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>so girls are retarded
you can stop there

hip extension is the basis of basically any sport, from sprinting to wrestling, and maximizing gluteal contribution to this movement, which is trained best through hip thrusts and glute bridges, makes a huge improvement. stop looking at everything through your homoerotic fantasies, you flaming faggot

>tfw your gym bro asks you to spot him during glute bridges

You are right about the time, bug It looks ten times more faggy

every hot girl in my gym those these, sumo deadlifts, and some kind of lunge variation.

>Gets in reverse-cowgirl position to spot him

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>implying that being a power bottom is not about power and speed

>What are their motives?
a t t e n t i o n
>leads to
a l p h a f u c k s
b e t a b u c k s

Women are well-understood desu

Is this a recent trend among gymthots? None of them were doing any of this shit when I used to go a few years back.

For real one of the best booty exercises. But most women are plebs that do it with only bodyweight or a Victoria Secret-amount of weight.

It's all about asses these days, user.

I'm not complaining.

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>lockout = lumbar injury

>Random gym goer asked me to help him one day
>Ok man what evs
>Leads me to a bench where he was doing this gay shit
>Wants me to hand the bar to him
>"Why can't you just roll it over your legs?"
>Tis toooo heavy!!!
>Literally 155lbs
>Turn around and finish my workout

Fuck all that gay shit

i wish she would be my findom

this is the lift that destroys the cervix
>not doing this

To do this is my main motivation for a home gym.I don't have the confidence to do this in my tiny gym.

Anyone who gives you shit for doing this exercise is dyel as fuck. What's more badass then going to the gym and literally fucking a barbell?

ever heard of a barbell pad?

if theyre moaning while doing that they absolutely need attention.

How do I politely tell my gymfu to wrap a towel around the pussy pad? She's got bad acne/herpes around her crotch. I don't want to imply that she should do it to protect others from her diseased crotch, I just think her physique would improve massively if she didn't have that infection.
I'm 100% sure those things haven't been washed since they came out of the factory, and are soaked in the dry pussy sweat of thousands of thots.

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>Hip thrusts
The only DYEL here is you

post body

Female exercises are truly a fucking mystery.

nigga you tapping that?

No, but I probably could if I wanted to, and knew how to move beyond casual conversation. She's very friendly and interested in my hobby (powerlifting). Says she might quit bodybuilding (wellness class) for a while after her next show and try powerlifting. I'm a 28yo NEET carless poorfag living with my parents so I honestly don't even want a gf, and am content with admiring her physique, which she shows off for me.

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