let's get huge
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, include:
>dick to balls ratio
>time spent lifting
>Maximum sips per day
>Amount of time you've been on gear without coming off, cruising or getting any form of bloodwork done
If you want to do an oral only cycle, do it but don't ask about you minging fuck.
We can't help you dose your AI, it's different for everybody and there's a lot of factors at play. Figure it out yourself.
And most importantly,
NO SOURCE TALK (this isn't up for debate, you will be banned)
Previously on FAGS BEING JELLY
PREV THREAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This week I am going to donate and check bloods to see if i can blast again. Currently cruising for +2 months now.
I am scared.
Plan is TEST + DHB. Let's turn homo again from high test. LETS GET HUGE
How much muscle can you put on a frame, fuck roelly is the most THICK MONSTER i have seen. Big ramy got shit on him
How long does post injection pain last for?
4 weeks
Fuck I need a laptop for school ASAP. Should I be a fuccboi CHAD and get a MacBook Pro for 3k so I can message sluts on iMessage from my computer during class or get a badass lowkey gaming laptop for 1.7k?
i got a gaming laptop and regret it. the battery doesnt last long and it makes you look like an autistic permavirgin
The Jow Forumssteroids progress thread is up
That is all
i saw one pretty solid guy there
Really because the common pattern in the thread seems to be "steroids took me from 140 lbs at 5'10 to 160"
Get a 2015 MacBook pro. At least this one can change the ram and SSD. Your gonna pay for CPU throttling at about 1.5k. 2015 Mac should cost you around 500-800 max.
Wasn't he as big years ago? Pic is 16.
Pinned 4ml delts relatively sidefree. 600 tren-e and 600 eq 2 days ago.
Another, right delt yesterday. Today first "normal" pin of 100/600/600 e5d. Test/eq/tren.
Depends on where you pin usually. But this volume pipless is rare.
this. gaming is for losers in college
Get a cheap ass crap thing for 6 months, get an updated intel quad-core ULV laptop with TB3 egpu support next year.
Performance of last year's quad-core desktops, portable like an ultrabook. Get an egpu dock for gaming.
Total price under a gaming laptop too.
You're welcome.
If I want to run nandrolone for 16 weeks should I just use Deca? Maybe just kickstart with NPP?
Newer one will perform better when in a good dock.
Better off getting one of those Huawei matebooks with an egpu enclosure.
Laptop for regular crap on the go, dock it for gaming.
It depends on how you use it of course. It really just saves you the price of a second gaming system. For SUPREME MOBILITY it won't work.
20. Kickstart with sdrol/adrol and npp.
Do you just inject delts or do you rotate? I am thinking about rotating delts/glutes but a lot of people say glutes is a waste. Considering quads but kind of fear hitting a vein.
you held on to all your muscle on your cycle?
>roiding for this
weird, I don't even see the 'roid look' ( as in exploded traps and delts)
Like my traps are much better and I'm only 1/4 into my first cycle
Maybe some people are just better responders
he was only on for 12 weeks nigga
What are you doing with it? Are you doing Animation or AutoCAD? Photoshop? 3ds Max?
If all you're doing is writing notes and using basic apps, just get something light weight that has a long battery and a good screen. I've always liked the Dell XPS 13. Good value for the money.
The less truly roided up you look the better you're doing it.
Depends on my mood :').
I’m doing a 22 week cycle of test/EQ with an adrol kickstart but I won’t be able to get the deca until week 5. If I did week 5-22 500mg deca, would I just run an additional 500mg NPP the first two weeks?
Fuck it I am going to start injecting directly into my dick.
should I get a ball python lads they are pretty cute
bemuse python or no go
Deca lasts longer than test.
Make it 24-26 weeks total but cut Deca/eq 3 weeks before cutting test and finish with an oral in its place. Keep the oral in it for a week after you quit the test-e.
So because you done goofed
1-25 test-e
1-4/6 oral
4/5-22 deca eq.
20/22-26 oral
he looks small as fuck lol
Why is NPP drier than deca (if it even is)?
>pin butt
>no blood
>inject and aspirate at regular intervals as its 5ml and we /paranoid/, no blood
>finish shooting last part of oil, blood gushes into the barrell as soon as I let go of the plunger
What did my body mean by this?
can you remind me if you're the guy who used to be big but got small or something? i don't know if i got something twised
>All the retards who shit on mk677 because they don't time their doses properly and don't make any gains
Its my biweekly test dosed at 125mglml with EQ dosed at 200mg/ml, not that much desu. Also no I was never big
>timing it right
>half life is over 24h
>Jow Forumssteroids
absolute joke of a "steroid community" desu
Fuck I was thinking about hexarelin. I don't even lift. Just outed myself.
>Also no I was never big
so i messed up something
in that case, why you are pinning so much stuff and still look the way you do? Why you're not doing something simple like test only bulk to grow?
I always did 100/250 test eq e5d cruise.
That's 1 ml usually.
For me, I like looking great but being stronger than the average roider.
I'm not strong compared to most roiders here but well over the strength/bodyweight that website shows.
I look like a heavy otter but my stats are on par with a natty that has 10kg on me.
I like that better. And I'm getting stronger.
God damn brehs. Just pinned a bunch of tren ace in my buttcheek and that shit starting leaking pretty bad when I pulled the needle out.
Bled all over two alcohol wipes then a third til it stopped. Had to hop in the shower to get all the blood off. I think it was because I moved the needle from the original angle a couple of times.
>I like looking great but being stronger than the average roider
i understand now
what are your stats and lifts if you dont mind posting?
what muscles should be oversize for the most advantage in wrestling/mma?
so far all I know is biceps, lats and hamstrings.
The head.
Ive found with steroids more is really more. I dont think test EQ deca is some IFBB level stack. I think the meme of me being on so much stuff is due to the GH, which 99% of fraud has serious misconceptions about. Its an amazing fat burner, great for recovery and thats p much it.
>1ml of oil holds that amount of EQ and test
I'm 6'1 and was 185 pre accident. Looked 170.
340 incline bench, 550 squat being the last 2 I maxed on.
I still give advice and should be back to that by next summer.
I looked like a regular athlete btw. Same reason my wife drives a tuned MINI JCW and I drive a Quadrifoglio.
I'd rather be underestimated.
Eq is found over 600mg/ml or more. Test the 400/ml is available.
It's just 0.5ml of 500mg/ml eq with 0.5 ish T.
>buy hex bar for gym
>coach is disgusted by it, hides disdain from me but I hear about it
I just want to pull easy
good thing im gifted in the "skull" department
What do you boys listen to while you pin?
I dunno why but I have a habit of listening to edgy soundtrack stuff when I'm pinning like this
The amazing Spider-man has good lifting shit.
Original and regular stuff.
I legit thought this was a black man for a good minute.
I just started my first 25 weekbulk cycle with test/EQ, gonna add Deca in a few weeks. How do you like it? Putting on mass and eating a 1k surplus?
>The less truly roided up you look the better you're doing it.
This but normies still think someone like Kali Muscle is natty. Unless you're trying to impress your gymbros, worrying about a roided up look is dumb
I'd add deca asap as its quite a long ester. I dont rate the EQ at all (just maked skin more veiny). Nandrolone is very, very good for mass (added 5kg in 9 weeks) but I'll drop it soon as I cant control prolactin sides even at 0.5mg caber e3d. If its your first time Id choose NPP so you can drop it quickly if prolactin makes you its bitch.
should I start eating like a fat ass fatass at the beginning of my cycle?
Dont wanna gain useless baby fat before the gear "kicks in"
i think its due to the short ester. I can run Deca at 500mg without issues,
Black metal, death metal, and sometimes gangsta rap.
Oh, that says pin. No, I pin in silence.
I’m gonna add it in week 5 with an NPP kickstart, so I’ll be on for 20 weeks total. I had prolactin issues with tren too but I just took 1mg for two weeks then a maintenance dose of .5mg a week. Thought it was bunk since the lactation continues for a few weeks but it’s just leftover milkies. After I had a double orgasm when fucking my gf I knew it was legit. Takes away the refractory period so I just kept going after cumming and came again. Would run it forever but fairly certain fucking up your brains chemistry long term is bad.
Just kickstart with an oral like adrol/dbol for the immediate gains.
Can I get some advice here
I'm 72 kg right now. Made some amazing gains on test e and turinabol 350 mg of test and 30 mg of turinabol
I'm on my 9th week soon. I want to do 16 weeks but everyone says just do 12. I want to do 16 though. What are the cons and pros to this? Anyone help me?
Do 16-20 minimum nigga, 12 weeks is just when it’s getting good.
nice. Thanks. But it wont fuck up my test levels after my pct? Nolva and clomid is enough?
Do 20 weeks
I dont even get lactation, just bad gyno flareups which respond to nothing (crushing e2, SERMs, etc), deca dick. If I could eliminate or control sides I'd run it for longer.
It cant be good for your mental health. Ive convinced myself that my gf invites people over to our house and fucks them while Im at gym
The strokes are GOAT and Is this It is my fav sweet nostalgia album
If you’re so convinced of this why are you with her? Lol just leave it’s easy.
Its tongue in cheek. I have not lost contact with reality fully yet
moonlight sonata to help me relax, or ava maria
t.dead from an enlarged heart at 30
>The less you
It's relatively hard to spot in me. But people that see me lifting should know.
>test and dbol
Wat. Estp put your trip back on.
Is eating 5-6k calories a day on my first enhanced bulk overkill? Don’t want to end up like cucksader, it’s like a 2-2.5k surplus.
i dont understand why you people come up with these insane numbers. I get fat af at the end of my cycle with just a 500 surplus.
500 surplus is 4 lbs a month, how do you get fat gaining 20 lbs when the majority is water/glycogen that you lose after coming off?
>transition from cut to bulk
>gain 10-12 lbs first week
Uhh lads ? Is this normal?
yeah it’s called being depleted as fuck for months and now all the glycogen comes rushing back from all the carbs you’re now eating
depends on the definitions of fat. When i say fat, i mean like 15% and above.
uh sweaty are u calling this man FAT?
why live if not 7 ft tall Viking giant
tfw 6’3” manlet
yes that is very fat in my opinion.
But its a different story, because hes a giant and it suits him
redpill me on mk677
not for gains, helps abit with fat loss, good for your joints, good sleep, better recovery
20mg is the standard dose yeah?
Yeah. That's pretty average
His health issues aren’t worth the height
In theory, would a 16 year old doing his/her first cycle on 300-400 mg test-e be a bad thing?
yeah dude quite obviously had a stroke and can’t move half his face lmfao but claims he has Bell’s palsy
like nigga your BP has got to be 200/150 at that weight with all that gear you know he’s on let’s be real here
yes very very very very bad.
Wait until you- i mean your friend is 21
Are there any combos, aside from Halotestin that could be of last minute benefit to a fighter, 2 weeks out from a fight? (If drug testing is a non issue)
Any Supplements, Peptides, Compounds, Anabolics, Androgens, anything that you would recommend a fighter you were coaching add in with a 2 week window? Best combo of mild sides/shutdown and performance boost?
I meant compounds, not combos*
Yes. If you are 16 doing any steroids you are a fucking moron. You body is not even done with puberty yet fuck tard.
It really do be like that