Can you give me all the proof and research you have against circumcision? I don't trust those jew motherfuckers and I wanna argue on internet with the purpose of preventing this from happening to more children
Can you give me all the proof and research you have against circumcision...
Other urls found in this thread:
Similarly with regard to circumcision, one of the reasons for it is, in my opinion, the wish to bring about a decrease in sexual intercourse and a weakening of the organ in question, so that this activity be diminished and the organ be in as quiet a state as possible. It has been thought that circumcision perfects what is defective congenitally. This gave the possibility to everyone to raise an objection and to say: How can natural things be defective so that they need to be perfected from outside, all the more because we know how useful the foreskin is for that member? In fact this commandment has not been prescribed with a view to perfecting what is defective congenitally, but to perfecting what is defective morally. The bodily pain caused to that member is the real purpose of circumcision. None of the activities necessary for the preservation of the individual is harmed thereby, nor is procreation rendered impossible, but violent concupiscence and lust that goes beyond what is needed are diminished. The fact that circumcision weakens the faculty of sexual excitement and sometimes perhaps diminishes the pleasure is indubitable. For if at birth this member has been made to bleed and has had its covering taken away from it, it must indubitably be weakened. The Sages, may their memory be blessed, have explicitly stated: It is hard for a woman with whom an uncircumcised man has had sexual intercourse to separate from him. In my opinion this is the strongest of the reasons for circumcision.
What does the foreskin do?
Provides MAJORITY of male sexual pleasure (densest nerve endings anywhere on the human body, denser than in the clitoris)
Acts as a rolling bearing in masturbation and intercourse
Prevents dyspareunia (painful sex)
Stimulates partner's genitals (6 out of 7 women report preferring uncircumcised men)
Supplies skin to cover shaft and prevents tightness during erections
Stores pheromones and releases them during arousal
Stores, releases and helps distribute natural lubricants
Provides seal against vaginal wall to contain partner's sex fluids
Makes the glans a visual sign of arousal
Protects glans from being keratinized. Keeps them soft and moist.
Protects glans from injury
Protects nerves of glans
Protects against contamination, especially during infancy, and against meatal stenosis as adult
Provides lysosomes bacteriostatic action around the glans
Pigmented - protects unpigmented glans from sunburns
Vascular - protects less vascular glans from frostbite
Embryologically guides formation of end of penis and urethera
Contributes mass, size and girth
For the most part it is unnecessary surgery.
It was more important back in the day when we knew nothing about hygiene.
>What's the harm of circumcising a penis?
Well besides removing the most sensitive part of a man's body (it has 10,000 - 20,000 nerve endings. The clitoris has 8000 nerve endings. As the huge disparity should tell you between 10,000 and 20,000 is that this is poorly known and hasn't been studied for 50 years) and losing all the functions described above, there is also deep psychological harm done by circumcisions.
There is a 51% chance for kids to meet PTSD diagnosis if they've been circumcised. (Iraq war veterans have 20% incidence of PTSD)
It changes the brain permanently and irreversably. (higher anxiety, hyperactivity, attention problems, mood disorders)
A study by Lander and colleagues (1997) about circumcision without anesthetics (which is not uncommon in practice) had to be stopped because babies began choking or even had seizures from the pain. The post operative pain of infants is severe and persistent.
>Stores pheromones
Fuck I love smelling my guy's cut dick aND THE FUCKING JEWS TOOK AWAY AN EVEN STRONGER SMELL
There is nothing like the smell of uncut dick after a long day of honest to God work
Here's the full info with sources
Inb4 >reddit
KEK! get out NEWFRIEND you have to go back
My wife is trying push to get our unborn son circumcised. I told her I’d allow it if she got it done too.
fuck I'm a girl but I had my ears pierced when I was born. If that did hurt that would probably explain my hyperactivity and some other shit as a child
Fucking boombers they're stupid as hell
Relax faggot, at least reddit can be more mature a lot of times than Jow Forums
Had to check what board I was on for a sec; makes sense now
the main reason for why people get, got, and will continue to get circumcised is for cleanliness reasons.
it cuts your chances of STDs down by 60%. Anyone with foreskin has to clean it. Modern day showering makes this irrelevant, but imagine the desert where water is scare. Foreskin gets infected a lot. Fucking google it.
Also, this shit about not having girth, or sexual pleasure is bullshit. Most male pornstars are circumcised. I think, idk.
Tits or gtfo bitch
Literally everything in your post is a lie.
If your guy is willing he can always restore.
Takes a long ass time though, but it's well worth it.
>t. restoring for 1.5 years
This makes sense. If you look at the people who have traditionally circumcised, basically ME and Africa, they are hot, sandy, dusty places. It seems to be a desert people thing.
meant to reply to
>Well besides removing the most sensitive part of a man's body (it has 10,000 - 20,000 nerve endings. The clitoris has 8000 nerve endings. As the huge disparity should tell you between 10,000 and 20,000 is that this is poorly known and hasn't been studied for 50 years) and losing all the functions described above, there is also deep psychological harm done by circumcisions.
>There is a 51% chance for kids to meet PTSD diagnosis if they've been circumcised. (Iraq war veterans have 20% incidence of PTSD)
>It changes the brain permanently and irreversably. (higher anxiety, hyperactivity, attention problems, mood disorders)
>A study by Lander and colleagues (1997) about circumcision without anesthetics (which is not uncommon in practice) had to be stopped because babies began choking or even had seizures from the pain. The post operative pain of infants is severe and persistent.
Literally only jews need to do this shit, everyone else seems to manage fine
How is it going? My guy was somewhat interested in that and it would be nice, but what I want is irrelevant I mostly care about him and his dick's well being
I suggest watching this. Good speech. Got the guy fired.
There is more than little reason to think that this is through fraudulent studies and exaggeration.
So what are the supposed health benefits?
Prevention of:
urinary tract infections
penile cancer
STD's (including HIV)
It takes 100 circumcisions to prevent 1 urinary tract infection (which is easily treated with antibiotics anyways)
It takes between 922-322000 circumcisions to prevent 1 case of penile cancer. (Penile cancer only happens to elderly men and is so rare that they have no idea whether it's 922 or 322000. They have no idea!)
There are deep flaws in the studies about HIV reduction. Studies where rates of circumcised men with HIV were higher were prematurely terminated. They only taught the circumcised group how to use condoms. Many more flaws, see source below.
Pretty good, I guess in another 1.5 to 2 years I will be done. Gliding motion and glans texture has improved significantly.
If you have more questions, ask away.
It won't undo the physical and psychological damage.
You'll never actually feel a real male orgasm ever in your entire life.
Restoring it will only help resensitize your glans and moisten the few nerves(if you're lucky and didn't get the "beauty cut")you have left.
You'll never be a whole man.
Circumcision was never an african thing.
It was foisted on them by missionaries as a way to harm them and indoctrinate them.
The United States started circumcision 90 years ago, when Kellogg (yes from the breakfast) found that circumcision was the best way to reduce masturbation and that despite the harm that circumcision did, the reduction to masturbation was worth it.
Jewish circumcision goes back to ancient egypt about 4000 years. About this circumcision, revered jewish scholar Maimonides wrote:
>Similarly with regard to circumcision, one of the reasons for it is, in my opinion, the wish to bring about a decrease in sexual intercourse and a weakening of the organ in question, so that this activity be diminished and the organ be in as quiet a state as possible. It has been thought that circumcision perfects what is defective congenitally. This gave the possibility to everyone to raise an objection and to say: How can natural things be defective so that they need to be perfected from outside, all the more because we know how useful the foreskin is for that member? In fact this commandment has not been prescribed with a view to perfecting what is defective congenitally, but to perfecting what is defective morally. The bodily pain caused to that member is the real purpose of circumcision. None of the activities necessary for the preservation of the individual is harmed thereby, but violent concupiscence and lust that goes beyond what is needed are diminished. The fact that circumcision weakens the faculty of sexual excitement and sometimes perhaps diminishes the pleasure is indubitable. For if at birth this member has been made to bleed and has had its covering taken away from it, it must indubitably be weakened. The Sages, may their memory be blessed, have explicitly stated: It is hard for a woman with whom an uncircumcised man has had sexual intercourse to separate from him. In my opinion this is the strongest of the reasons for circumcision.
>circumcision is a symbol of two things necessary to our well being 1) the excision of sexual pleasure and 2) to check a man's pride
Did you lose sensitivity or something? I mean you have less nerve endings (but I heard you adapt to that when is done in infancy) but you are not a child anymore
If you didn't lose sensitivity maybe it could mean you are adapting (?)
Is masturbation easier for you now?
Good luck man
This is also a good video making fun of circumcision.
>inb4 collegehumor
this image plays right into my degenerate fantasies
My father is jewish and my mother is not.
I'm so glad that the didnt cut off my foreskin.
My tip is always smooth and juicy.
I've never met a women that said she dislikes that.
On top of that I cant even imagine how it must feel for a guy without foreskin to stick his penis into a vagina.
Whenever I do it, it feels amazing on my tip and because my tip is always juicy its very easy to penetrate.
I'm really sorry for any of my brothers in Jow Forums that have no foreskin anymore.
Really guys, I'm sorry. Its like someone took the best orgasms away from you.
Damn anyone who does that to a child.
foreskin gets infected only if you dont wash it.
yeah I watched like 30 mins of that actually, gonna finish it today I guess
watched that too
Boomers would rather cut their son's dicks than teaching them to wash it goddamnit
Yeah but what about phimosis though?
There is NO proven advantage from circumcision
The whole "less chance of STDs" argument has never been properly backed up, (and is stupid anyway, you can still get HIV if you're mutilated)
The hygienic advantages only matter if you go two weeks without showering
Most foreskins are collected and sold for profit, it's a business
The rise in the destruction of the heteronormative family and ED and sexual dysfuction coincides with the widespread forced adoption of circumcision.
Also explains the increase in anxiety depression and hypersexuality among men.
>It won't undo the physical and psychological damage.
Quite the opposite, actually. Since I was not cut as an infant, but at 21 due to phimosis, I would not say I suffered psychological damage.
But even if I did, restoring your foreskin is a healing process not only for your dick, but for your soul as well. The more covered I get, the more at peace I am with myself.
>You'll never actually feel a real male orgasm ever in your entire life. Restoring it will only help resensitize your glans and moisten the few nerves(if you're lucky and didn't get the "beauty cut")you have left.
Not true. Go visit r/foreskin_restoration and talk to the fully restored people. Full body orgasms are totally in the realm of possibility, if youre willing to put in the work.
>You'll never be a whole man.
This kind of wording only fuel depression. I thought this board was kind of about self improvement? Don't you want peoples lives to improve? Don't paint the picture darker than it is, mate.It is pretty bad, but not as bad as you make it.
I would say that my orgasms felt "lacking", as if there was something missing.
I was cut 8 years ago, so the keratinization was not as severe as had I been cut as a baby.
It is slowly getting better though. I never needed lube for masturbating as my cut was pretty loose from the start, but the gliding motion has improved a lot and made it even easier.
Well in case of phimosis maybe cutting is needed, but in a healthy dick I can’t see why you’d want to
why would a rare condition be the reason for cutting off the foreskin of any other male that doesnt have it?
Logically speaking, uncircumcised penises should see an INCREASE in HIV.
Because the glans is rough and causes microtrauma and slight bleeding.
Anal is even worse, and that is being pushed heavily in the mainstream, and is the norm in homosexual and hyper sexual communities.
And we all know how easily disease is spread with anal sex.
Even for phimosis, there are other treatments. Circumcision is the one thing you do when every other measure has failed.
If you have phimosis, go to a doctor and ask about steroid creams and stretching.
If he wants to talk you into circumcision, leave and go to a different doctor.
>Circumcision is a lie
>The food pyramid is a lie
>The educational system is a lie
what else
>Quite the opposite, actually. Since I was not cut as an infant, but at 21 due to phimosis, I would not say I suffered psychological damage.
So yeah. This won't help the men who were hurt as newborns.
>But even if I did, restoring your foreskin is a healing process not only for your dick, but for your soul as well. The more covered I get, the more at peace I am with myself.
That really doesn't undo the physical damage or mental damage. It's just a way to help repair some of it and hope that it works.
But the organs that were torn off don't grow back.
>>You'll never actually feel a real male orgasm ever in your entire life. Restoring it will only help resensitize your glans and moisten the few nerves(if you're lucky and didn't get the "beauty cut")you have left.
>Not true. Go visit r/foreskin_restoration and talk to the fully restored people. Full body orgasms are totally in the realm of possibility, if youre willing to put in the work.
Those men are litterally missing the portions of their penis that makes sex amazing. It's gone. Forever. Nothing will bring them back.
>>You'll never be a whole man.
>This kind of wording only fuel depression. I thought this board was kind of about self improvement? Don't you want peoples lives to improve? Don't paint the picture darker than it is, mate.It is pretty bad, but not as bad as you make it.
It's true.
But this depression can be used as fuel to fight against something that has real effects on men and society at large.
The more men and women who know how this evil practice harms not only boys but girls as well the more people will fight against it and choose not to do it.
A woman can never love you the way you love her.
marriage is a lie and kills the man.
Marriage is for the children, not the couple
I guess idk lmao
>was circumsized at 14 cause of severe phimosis and complications
>had to wear a skirt for a week, and a bucket to cover my junk
damn, I feel bad for retards who got it cut as a baby, I definitely felt a bit of a downgrade afterwards, though to be fair the orgasms back when I was 10-12 were insanely good
Marriage is bad
Women are bad
Children are bad
Anything else you people want to push on these idiots?
Pretty traumatic and pointless thing to do to a babby. I had it done as an adult so I could continue to advance in my career as a banker (just kidding I had phimosis) and aside from the recovery there are no noticeable side effects. Although I may have retained more of the sensitive tissue than a baby would.
You’re lucky if it hasn’t happened to you yet.
Nice attempt to normalize circumcision.
Why do all of the people who have this super super super super rare condition always manage to show up and talk about how circumcision saved their penis and how everything is a-okay afterwords?
Look, I'm trying to help here. I was in that dark hole as well.
Hating being circumcised is an almost inescapable situation, and it's oh so easy to just say "fuck it" and be depressed forever.
Every point I replied to in my last post can be used again as a reply to your replies. What that tells me is that you have given up. But this is not the board where people give up.
If you want to be depressed, that's fine, I wont stop you.
I thought like you for a long time as well, and I was wrong, dead wrong.
>Those men are litterally missing the portions of their penis that makes sex amazing. It's gone. Forever. Nothing will bring them back.
Just to quote what that subreddit reports in numbers:
Sensitivity-wise, an uncut penis is a 10/10, circumcised is (depending on the grade of keratinization) 2.5-5, fully restored is 8-9. That includes, I say it again, FULL BODY orgasms.
Stop being a sad cunt, wrapping yourself in these stupid, misinformed claims you made.
You can improve your situation by doing something, or you can sit around being sad.
I know what I decided to do, and it has been the best decision I made in recent years.
I wish you all the best.
Nothing I said in my entire post is wrong.
All of it, every single thing I said is 100% correct and the fact that you chose to ignore it and push restoring the foreskin manually as the 100% cureall is bullshit and an attempt to help handwaive forced circumcisions.
Fuck that.
Fuck you.
People need to get mad and direct that anger at something that deserves it.
>Marriage is bad
you know that this is true bro, you know it.
Can't help you then. Stay sad.
>an attempt to help handwaive forced circumcisions
You don't know me, dude. I'm not even from the US. Like many people outside the US I want to help putting an end to routine infant circumcision. This post was made by me.
Not sure where that claim comes from but if you lash out at people trying to help with irrationalities, maybe there are some deeper lying issues. I wish you godspeed in dealing with that. This will be my last reply to you.
>attempt to normalize circumcision
if that's what you're taking away from my post you are actually fucked in the head. Yeah bro I'm totally running psyops on your circumcision thread lmao
uh huh...
>removing half the skin on a baby's penis while he's strapped to a table, without anaesthesia, so he can piss himself while the wound heals and have it soaked in acidic urine
>when he hits puberty the lack of slack skin causes scrotal skin to be drawn up and now he has a hairy cock shaft
>but at least it was done when he was young, and his malleable brain is more susceptible to the issues caused by traumatic experiences
This should be more than enough.
Beware: NSFW, dick pictures. It shows how much tissue is lost.
- The Three Zones of Penile Skin
>Stimulates partner's genitals (6 out of 7 women report preferring uncircumcised men)
I can make up statistics too
Not sure about what women number of women prefer what kind of penis (which should not be a criteria at all, they like what's "in" at the time), but the stimulation part is true.
NSFW vid related:
Dudes with tits arent women
Uncircumcised dicks are ugly as fuck
Do you really care about the opinion of women who've only had sex with circumcised men?
Those kind of women are oft fairly fucked up when it comes to decent sex and sexual closeness.
If you’re circumcised as an infant does it make a difference?
I never mentioned woman I'm just stating what I think, I'm not gay but circumcised dick is pretty fine
Cope harder
I think the opposite - the glans on cut dicks always looks so dry and scaly, intact are moist and pink
I'd say yes (a bit), since the glans has been rubbing on the inside of your pants longer and is more rough and dried out.
you remember the pain but it your brain is more developed so it fucks with your head less and it's a lot easier for doctors not to fuck up if it's a more developed dick
historically most boys had shit like that done as a coming of age ritual, not when they were a baby so it seems some kind of regression has happened desu
Genitals have a function to perform. They have to give you and your partners stellar orgasms.
Looks are secondary.
If you want to improve your dicks visuals at the cost of performance, go ahead.
But you better be smart about it and not do it to your son.
Only inferior subhumans remain uncircumcised. Getting circumcised is becoming like the anunnaki gods who engineered the human race. Only smart people would understand.
This. Who cares about some gay ass sensations. Domination is all that matters and it does feel good.
Teach me your restoring ways, foreskin-sensei!
I genuinely feel like modifying your private parts at the age when you aren't able to reject it is no different than rape, except you don't go through the experience of it at the time when it happens.
It disgusts me that it's actually legal in some countries to have your parents make that decision for you.
For getting started, visit That site is an information goldmine.
The guy documented his complete restoration with monthly pictures, see
Also see r/foreskin_restoration for general information on how to get started.
Thank you
>you don't go through the experience of it at the time when it happens.
You do actually
The psychological damage is so severe that the boys are permanently emotionally scarred for the rest of their lives.
It's why there's been an upswing in many psychological and mood disorders in the last few decades. Also semi explains the autism explosion.
I'm cut, and I have none of these sensitivity issues anons talk about. in fact, I'm overly fucking sensitive and sex is annoying because I spend most of it trying not to nut in 5 strokes. This has always been issue for me. I can't ever fuck continuously; I have to employ tricks and slow downs and pull outs ect. I wish it did lower my sensitivity tbhwyf.
I meant the actual surgery, not after.
Circumcision is the leading cause of PE.
>“Circumcision removes an important component of the overall sensory mechanism of the human penis… the ridged band helps control the ejaculatory reflex.”
Yeah, you do.
You're describing why people who are circumcised tend to be quick shot johnny's.
The glans allows men to control the amount of pleasure we get with each stroke.
You guys just get full pleasure nonstop on your glans.
There's a reason why those guys in porno or slamming away and that is being normalized.
Because circumcised dudes are literally incapable of feeling as much pleasure as they did when they are younger and are slowly losing the ability to feel anything at all.
Don't worry. In time you'll lose the ability to feel most anything from your glans and will have to depend on shaft stimulation to get off.
I honestly think phimosis is environmental. I basically had it until I was 11 and started jacking off causing me to pull the foreskin back. Now my dick looks like it's circumsised when erect and my girlfriend only realized I was uncut after I lost my boner.
Sorry I mean the foreskin allows men to control the amount of pleasure we get with each stroke. Not the glans.
Because gross scars on your dick look super attractive
Nice LARP.
What you had until 11 was probably not phimosis.
It is not unusual that 11 year old boys cant retract their foreskin, but it is not because of phimosis.
It is because the glans has not fully seperated from the foreskin yet, which happens very slowly and the exact age it happens varies from person to person. That is not phimosis.
Phimosis is when the foreskin opening is too tight for the glans to fit through.
Do you not bathe or something?
Watch Eric Clopper's presentation on it and you'll be seething that you let the jew mutilate your cock and remove the part with the most nerve endings for blood sacrifice based on fake science.
Eric Clopper is also a jew and got a graduate degree in physics in his early 20s from an ivy league school so he's sharp too.
I don't have any scientific argument but I have experience with girls.
I have an uncut dick and there's no extra foreskin (when I get hard it looks cut). It's only an ant-eater when soft. I can't speak for full on ant-eater dudes.
Anyway, point is every time I've been with a girl they practically fall in love with my dick. They almost worship it because it's so nice looking. They call it the nicest looking dick they've ever seen. I also have decent size. Cut dicks are usually dry and my dick is moist but still has the no-foreskin aesthetic to it.
Tl;dr: Small foreskin uncut > cut > anteater uncut
This is literally me, wtf?
I had phimosis, stretched it myself, now when I'm hard I have a cut dick without the circumcision side effects.
High five brah
WTF so I didn't even had phimosis then? Can't believe I was almost circumcised for something that is completelly natural.
>mfw this thread
Consider yourself lucky.
What almost happened to you is simply because the general cluelessness of the US about foreskins, from doctors and parents alike.
Check out this website, there are so many first hand negative experiences listed here it will make your head spin.
>Can you give me all the proof and research you have against circumcision?
That's not how it works, we're born with a foreskin to you need to post proof as to why we need to cut it off.
fuck off with this b8
Sorry, wrong
I'm a proud owner of an uncut dick but come the fuck on