>veganism is good for y-
Veganism is good for y-
>Veganism doesn't turn you into a sickly skel-
>>The unnatural plant based diet doesn't turn you into a psychotic nut--
i look like this and i eat meat, should i be concerned?
You need to lift as well.
sort yourself out user.
as long as you are low-20s (age) nothing to worry about. If you're healthy, nothing to worry about no matter what age. The spindly vegans are not proof of their unhealth, but when you add that to the falling out teeth etc, the semi-retarded speech patterns of the vegans, then you know you have problems. You are fine, if your diet includes animal fats, absent some other unkown??
This is what Veganism look like take a look---
Is vegan induced brain damage making him talk slow as well?
can we stop with this fucking vegan invasion please thanks
no, he is putting on that gay 'seduction voice' because he knows his vegan audience consists 97% lonely cat ladies and he is the virtual boyfriend.
It's beyond gay to watch, but someone has to satisfy the cat lady libido.
The only thing worse than vegans are are hardline anti-vegan
based and redpilled.
>haha, vegans are sickly and we-
meat roiders > vegan roiders
meat natties > vegan natties
>ak and need steroids to look like remotely like this
>Built his muscle on raw meat and eggs
>Go vegan and pretend his body is from plants.
No. This is what vegans look like--
Ironic how you post Arnold, when he is currently the one advocating for plant based diet.
Vegans are extreme minority, considering that bodybuilding is very niche sport you have very very small percentage of vegan bodybuilders, just by sheer amount of percentage there will be more outliers in meat eating groups than vegan.
If you look at peer reviewed scientific research where sample pools were equal, you will find that vegans on average have better BMI, testosterone, blood protein levels and significantly reduced chance of CVD
Yeah, currently, not peak Arnold who built his body on animal products.
How does that change anything?
There was no internet back then, no easy access scientific literature, not enough research etc.
Arnold is and was a smart guy, if he knew the now very well studied dangers of animal products, combined with AAS increased chance CVD, he would undoubtedly switch to vegan diet.
>How does that change anything?
How does it not change EVERYTHING? If peak Arnold was vegan then you might have a case.
It is very easy to nitpick nutcases/outliers in a diet group (ex. millions of people dying / having severe illnesses on omnivorious diet).
I know Jow Forums isn't really a board that encompasses critical thinking, but if you would use logic and reasoning and look at averages, scientific literature and draw your own conclusions, rather than going through mental gymnastics just to justify meat eating, would be benefical not only to you, but to the planet.
If peak arnold was vegan, he would have been a 85 pound skeleton like all actual vegans.
Go vegan bro if that is what you like. Stay vegan!!
That's essentially my point, but instead he resorts to a fantasy vegan Arnold that turned out every bit as good.
Vegans basically reach for any lie, and especially emotional propaganda, to promote their suicide club. the week fall for it and ruin their lives. sad.
I would fucker her easily. I like her body and style. She looks like enjoy rough sex.
oops the weak, fall for veganism, the white girls suicide club.
The sad reality is that these vegans are hardly outliers. They are just the end result of an eating disorder that millions of people are currently suffering from.
>vegans are wea-
See? Two can play that game.
>rough sex
user pls she would disintegrate
the results of vegansm are painfully obvious. I recommend you stay vegan strong!! I love to have my leftist enemies self destruct.
Funny how you say that, while doing exactly what you are accusing vegans of doing.
Arguing with an idiot is pointless, i am still doing it in hope of someone being smart enough to draw conclusions themselves.
It has been demonstrated numerous times, that well balanced vegan diet is suited for elite worldclass athletes.
Patrik Baboumian, to name one, is current strongman worldrecord holder in numerous feats of strength, while being on completely vegan diet.
>is mentally unstable
>go vegan
>have to import meme foods from all around the globe to prevent malnourishment and to eat anything else than leaves and legumes
hmm, yes, very earth friendly
I don't care about non white people.
>someone with a good physique on a vegan diet
how much can you cope?
How do people like this manage to have a fat face?
I dont understand
>not roiding
kek I wish I was as naive as you
Good luck promoting that suicide club here bro. You would do way better at any left wing blog or board, they are ripe for a starvation guilt regimen.
I just can't wait for "Emaciated Vegans part 4!"
You have any advanced knowledge when it's coming out??
So someone being a different color is a logical wellfounded argument?
Yeah, talk about being malnourished, you are lacking glucose buddy, your brain is not working.
>>Look how healthy I am am an proud vegan!!
Non whites are not human and so are irrelevant to our argument.
Desu he looks good, but would even better on an omnivore diet.
Why are you desperately trying to use logical fallacy here?
>Good luck promoting that suicide club here bro. You would do way better at any left wing blog or board, they are ripe for a starvation guilt regimen.
>Literally links videos as some sort of proof(while providing no scientific literature), from the guy who promotes eating raw rotten meat, flat earthism and sun gazing
>but to the planet.
>from the guy who promotes eating raw rotten meat, flat earthism and sun gazing
ad hominem lol
The esrth is dying because you think esting meat is weak.
All meat eaters attacks on vegans stems from cognitive dissonance. You know eating meat is bad but youre too weak to change yourself so you come up with facecious arguments aimed at diminishing vegans attempts tp do the right thing but pointing out their hypocrisy.
Its like when you were at school and people thought it was cool to pretend to be dumb
>"The esrth is dying because you think esting meat is weak."
>goes on to promote veganism
did you forget your b12 shot this morning bud?
It's not hard to adhom a literal suicide cult vam.
Ok, but plant based isn't vegan
Stop co-opting us vegan faggot
Yea he totally looks giood with his lack of a six pack and zero core.
I did not eat much meat for years, started eating more protein this year, never felt better in my life, Fuck off vegan shill.
What's Arnold's current body? Post it
>this thread
pretty good innit
Chick in the first few seconds of second vid has an even worse hairline than sv3rige hehe
jesus FUCKING christ
the two vegans i know faint regularly, have thinning hair, are extremely thin, have dental issues and look at least 20 years older than they should.
>for the planet
said unironically while using a device that consumes a hilarious amount of electricity, made of rare earth materials that cause more damage to the immediate surrounding area and oceans than cowfart co2 will in a lifetime, likely in a lit room. Good job
i dunno, my buddy has chipmunk cheeks and im not sure he can ever lose them
nobody ever thought it was cool to pretend to be dumb at school. the only time it was, was to catch people off guard and make them fall for a joke. anyone with a slow wit got ruthlessly made fun of, left behind, and sometimes didn't even understand the joke.
>carnism is good f-
Oh right, brad pitt is still vegan. Never mind.
I'm not even vegan, OP is a faggot.
he also has several black "children" and got divorce raped
dios mio, la creatura...
I've watched quite a few pro-plant based documentaries on netflix. Whilst they are right in that more people need to eat more plants, its always funny to watch someone who looks borderline Auschwitz mode lecture someone on how plants provide more than enough protein for a human being.
Lol it was probably dr Michael Gregor, or earthling Ed, to of the more emaciated vegan warriors.
>no one posting simnett nutrition guy
You fools.
Lol Brad Pitt is actually a mega cuck by having lots of nigger children that aren't his and also got his wealth stolen by marriage. Sounds like a cuck to me nowadays.
This is what I've noticed as well. The people saying veganism and plant based foods are healthy 95% of the time look unhealthy, skinny and they have a weird tint of colour on their skin. This is why I still don't trust them.
Inb4 roided models are supposed to prove this pic wrong
>millions of dollars
>ego inflated
>no stress
>plastic surgery
Just think if he ate decent meat. What a fucking loser.
Oh it's the famous tapwater goblin. Glad to see him make it on the big stage.
>oi mate, what's that roo doing in ere
If people want the legit reasons why all these vegans look like shit, it's mainly because these are usually the hippy type vegans who spend all day in the sun yet for some reason, refuse to every use suncream to protect themselves since it's not natural. Also, many of them don't use moisturiser either. So they look good in the 20's then rapidly age in the 30's. The fact they eat barely any fat as well doesn't help them either.
Also, a lot of them don't supplement with vitamin D or B12 or get their essential fatty acids through flaxseeds or other shit.
And most of the ridiculously skinny ones are fruit/raw based, which is fucking stupid and has minimal health benefits to it.
>eating enzyme inhibitors
But the video shows that half of those hippies still look terrible while going on about which supplements they have to take everyday. It really is saddening to see those people so far into the abyss.
lmao vegans btfo
There was this video compilation similar to this one but addressing raw vegans, and i also remember they were all some half fucking zombies can anyone help me with with sauce on the vid?
>face swollen from botox
>all natural & vegan
Sure thing. He's always had terminal gay face.
>hollywood celebrities are never photoshopped
But they are funny as hell to laugh at bro you must admit??
If the vegan looks like shit...you must admit!!
IDK bro, there are three 'best of sickly vegans' vids, all compiled by carnivorous advocate Sv3rige. Pls check out his channel, and search his likes as well, lot of good stuff there.
Two questions:
>How long has he been a vegan?
>How long has he been on sterons?