/SIG/ - Self Improvement General

Let's Make Arcitea alive again Edition

Welcome to Greatness.
Let's start the process, and let's thrive.

- Sticky, feel free to contribute: 4chanfit.wikia.com/wiki//sig/_sticky

- Another great guide covering lots of fields, including the Spirit, the Body, the Mind, the Social Being, Money/work/Jobs, and General Skills
Anons are working on a new version of this guide, any suggestions/help is more than welcome :

> We don't want it to turn into a 'roll thread' only, so you have to make an actual useful comment with your roll, either on someone else's post or at least by answering the OP questions.

> Rather than rolling in this thread, you can find a random number generator just right there: mathgoodies.com/calculators/random_no_custom

Last : →

> What is your ultimate failure, and what have you learn from it ?
> Since when have you started to self-improve ?
> What are your study materials at the moment ? Recommendations ?

You GOT THIS lads ! You can BE ANYTHING ! We're ALL gonna MAKE IT !

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Other urls found in this thread:


Any addict-bros out there?

I'm currently on probation for possession of suboxone last fall, and I went on a 2-week meth bender that started when I went to Georgia for a business trip.

Ended up going into psychosis and running my car off the road. The sheriff was nice enough to not arrest me (I passed all the field sobriety tests so he couldn't really do anything about it anyway). But he just took me to a hospital for a psych evaluation.

I spent over $2000 on drugs, getting robbed, car damages, towing, an escort, etc. and will probably have to pay more for the hospital trip. I ended up leaving a message on my PO's phone to tell her what I had been up to so that she could intervene, thus forcing myself into (at least temporary) sobriety. She was nice enough not to violate me but now I have to go back through outpatient rehab and can't travel anymore for work.

I'm an engineer who makes almost 6-figures, good-looking, young, and do better in the gym than 95% of Jow Forums, though I've been going at it on and off over 10 years now. I fuck with peptides and some test boosters to give myself that extra-oomfph in life so I guess not completely sober, but I justify it because those drugs build you up, not break you down. Still furthering the mental addiction though.The only way I know how to really deal with it

So now 2 weeks later I'm back into my old routine, lifting, cardio, sleeping and The only way I know how to really deal with it eating well. But this merry-go-round keeps going, and eventually I start hitting the uppers again and go crazy and ruin everything.

I want to become an entrepreneur and change society like Elon Musk, but it's so hard and there's so much work involved I end up getting discouraged and turn back to drugs eventually.

I guess I just gotta live my life on max volume at all times... standard addict thinking and behavior.

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Really ? An EXACT copy past from last OP ?

Fuck you

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shit start but may recover, unless the religion guys come in here again.

please stop posting this image. i laugh every time and hate myself for it. also nice digits.

nice role playing

meth is a poorfag drug

Actual thread

Mods please close this thread, we don't need a splitted convo

this was made first tho thats the thing. niggas always want to be op


I'm the original OP who made this OP message in preivous thread. And I do not only copy paste the same message over and over, it always change. That's just a copycat, who didn't even read the OP.

Actual thread is here :

>implying Jow Forums cares about improving themselves for any other reason than sexual and social validation.
Jow Forums still hasn't even realized that porn and masturbating are extremely harmful. Good luck getting them to show any other form of discipline.





How can we establish a actual friend group? Some call it a "band of brothers" or "tribe" but whatever the name is how can one make it so everyone agrees?

>another family member getting married
>just reinforces the realization that I'll be alone forever
>on short notice too, so I won't even see my therapist again before having to leave town to go
>a full week of dealing with my whole extended family nagging me, insulting me, mocking me and being overall shitty people
>never felt this suicidal before
How do I get through this?

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Actual thread >

Actual thread >

Your thread was posted more than 15 minutes after this one, moron.

This thread as an OP that is the EXACT copy paste of previous Edition. This is not how /sig/ work, you moron.

Actual thread >

Simple, if you do want to get married then go ahead and try to get yourself a loving wife. But if you don't, then don't let them bully you into a mistake. Sounds that you do want to get married or at least have a partner so get fit, look good and try you luck.

Actual thread >

whats with people claiming that motivation is a lie?

>just improve yourself bro

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Actual thread >

Actual thread >

>just be a gentleman dude

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Actual thread >

fuck off retarded autist

Actual retarded person

>thread deleted
lmaoing @your life

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OP here. I just thought I was doing a service to the /sig/ community by c&p and reposting.

I find it hilarious that people got butthurt over me copypasting the old thread into a new one, and then the "real" thread gets deleted. lmao

I'm out, I've got more to do in life than complain over unoriginal Jow Forums content ; )

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what the fuck is going on in this thread?

Anybody currently taking the Nicotine Pill?
>aromatase inhibitor

In simple terms, it inhibits the production of estrogen in your body. That's right, it fights S oy! No wonder it's banned and demonized everywhere

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Anyone else practise smiling, staring and such in front of mirror?
I am an average guy but look retarded in pictures

i do but with a video of a girl staring back at me

What's a good way to improve social skills?

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talk to people, doesn't matter who, doesn't matter what about. Try and have a short conversation with anyone and everyone. It will be shit at first but you'll get better

a girl talked with me every night for 3 nights for about 4 hours and then just started ghosting me, honestly fuck w*men they are not shit

Any social gains from that? That seems interesting.

I find social situations really stressful, I prefer to be alone the vast majority of the time. How do I deal with this? I recognize that I can't be completely solitary and live a good life, but I really get stressed out around people.

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Thanks user, I'll try to talk to more people when school starts back up!

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this happened to me like four times in a row, I've stopped pursuing women and am just waiting for Blade Runner style AI gfs to become real instead

I've read some crap of Jow Forums before, but holy shit you're retarded

why do w*men do this? is it just because the men are rushing into relationships too much by doing this or are we just pathetic niggas and too boring for the femoid, it is honestly really hurtful nigga

Why can’t you say women? Have you ever thought that this might be related to why they ghost you?

like 40% of this board has this problem user

there isn't a solution as far as I can tell besides seeking therapy and that doesn't seem to work very often either

I don't act the same around girls as I do on imageboards dummy

Have you ever thought that this might be related to why people like you deserve to be killed?

Not even the guy you replied to btw.

honestly I give w*men some credit because I don't think they are anything but the result of men, so I don't judge most w*men for being whores but I treat them like my own mother in a respectful way.

sometimes I don't know if the people who congregate on imageboards are legit autists or just poorly socialized and it's actually probably much more the latter than the former.

I just don't think many internet niggas know a good way to become socialized in a healthy nice way, maybe if society opened up more avenues for it the world would be a better place, but just generally I find it hard to know how much people actually enjoy my company and how to become better socialized, so if any redditor tourist has an answer for me I'd be open to hear it.

sorry mate, didn't realised I'd wandered into Jow Forums-lite here. I'll try keep the triggering down to a minimum

r9k is just trannies and faggots

Literally just shave head, learn how to smile with mouth AND eyes, take neckpill, and don't wear lipstick

Easier for me to look at women and have a laugh. Other than that not much.

I’ve been on enough adderal benders to have a rough idea of what your dealing with. You need to really knuckle down and get the addiction monkey off your back. I know Jordan Peterson gets memed a lot on here but seriously, you need to be a better “boss” for yourself and make less self-destructive decisions. Realize these vices you cave in to are appealing to your non-rational primal ape-like side and your giving in hook line, and sinker. Life is agony. That’s a tough pill for a young intelligent engineer to understand when things go your way most of the time. You need to embrace the suck and stop chasing some euphoric state. It ain’t real. Now wake up tomorrow morning, grit your teeth and start digging in. God damn.

How do I keep a deep voice? I hate my normal voice but can make it slightly deeper and cooler but I cant maintain it for a long period of time.

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How do I un-gay myself?

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Stop looking at boys that look like girls

i can't

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Smoke crack

How about your stop whinging and just fucking finish Berserk. Fucking GRRM of the east.

How do I stop being such a fucking shutin? Unless there's something that's literally due in the next few days, I never leave my room despite feeling so much better once I've actually got a change of scenery. I've put gym off for the last few weeks because of this and on average I've been going 1-2 days a week for the last year or so (diet is on point but this has still fucked my gains)
wut do /sig/?

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The ONLY solution is to do it. Think about the situations that make you uncomfortable, and rank them by how bad they make you feel. Pick the lowest and do it over and over until it doesn't belong on the list. Repeat. I did this. It took me 3-4 years but my list is nearly empty.

Why? Is it easier for you to think because you only talked to dudes your whole life?

I want to lose my sexualitiy. I'm suffering big time from disgust after masturbating. My fetishes causes me some real ass distress.

Ocd + adhd + Emotional detachment, almost made me flunk high school. Graduated with shit gpa.

At least I'm decently looking.

Some off my chest shit. Thanks for reading bros.

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>What is your ultimate failure, and what did you learn from it?

My ultimate failure is that I refused my duties as an adult and made most of my decisions based on what I thought everyone wanted out of me rather than go for what I want. I'm still not sure what long term lesson to learn from this.

>Since when have you started to self improve?

In earnest, only about a month now.

>What are your current study materials?
Currently reading "How to Make Friends & Influence People" and "Crushing It" by Gary Vaynerchuk.

No recs.

Explain. My back hurts and is under pressure while squating. Does that mean my technique is fucked up and should be revised?

Also I squat a little bit more than my own bodyweight (58 kg, and 65 lift)

Maybe, maybe not.
Your form could be fucked, but it's also possible that your body needs to get used to it.
The only way to find out is to record a video and analyze it.

29khv here. Tried to move out into a rental in the city, but my application was declined. Prospective landlord was concerned about wanting to spend 50% of my income on rent ($2000/month). Toronto is broken, Canada is a mistake, etc.
Was thinking about moving out to the Atlantic provinces, but now I'm wondering about leaving the country altogether. It's astonishing to me that I have so much money (over 100k banked and a 60k salary) and can't afford a fucking thing where I live. Can't buy, won't be approved for a rental, and no jobs anywhere except in the broken cities.
At least I hit 4pl8 deadlift last week though.

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And if it still in pain a day after workout?

Are you sure it's pain and not just doms?

The only thing stopping you from at the very least being happy with your life is you user. Don't get meme'd into never trying!

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Any good recipe books for gains while staying cheap? I'm tired of chicken+carb+greens.

I'm currently reading meditations but am considering taking a break from it to read more fiction.

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>had a bunch of shit to do this weekend
>forget what I did friday evening, probably 4chinz
>attempted on saturday, did an hour or two of work, spent most of day cooking, then watched anime instead of finishing my shit
>today, did like 1 hour of study, already feel the laziness setting in
how do I stop losing my life to 4chin? I got some great ideas and advice from the site that pretty much changed my life for the better, as surprising as it may be, but man I spend too many hours a day here. Can mods permaban me or something? Do I need to post lewds of yotsuba?

If your fetishes aren't Slaanesh-tier you can probably fix them by only fapping once a week, only watching hetero vanilla porn, preferably POV and amateur, and actually interacting with some nice women. That certainly worked for me, made me see how disgusting those fetishes actually were and now i can't even get hard to them anymore.

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>assuming his hairline is anything like that
>assuming he'd take the time to style his hair like that every day
>assuming his teeth are anything like that

Can be fixed. Even if it's further back, that's not a huge deal.
>take the time
"What if he decides to look like shit every day?"
Can also be fixed.

The point is that this shit can changed. He's not stuck in fucking wood imp mode forever if doesn't want to be.

Well, I'm in the mood of writing a little for these kind of threads, I don't know if it worths
the effort or not, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't think it is important. so is up to you
if this stuff is valuable or not. I'll do my best, I'm not native english speaker and I'll probably
mess up frecuently


Theres is some kind of justice sense that I failed to see for long time. You must Look at it and
get rid of it as son as possible.
What I mean by that justice sense is what makes you miserable because you are measuring yourself
with external scales all the time. I'll put an extreme example so I make myself clear.
There are women out there being beated by their boyfriends and husbands, yet you are alone and
Can't find a woman. how is this? I'm worser than a man that beats his couple?
no, you are not, it just doesn't make any sense. there's no one out there keeping justice.
that's why we like believing in god, in karma and such things. That's also why despite your efforts
you may be lonely your whole life.
And this lead us to

>we all gonna make it.

No. It is matematically impossible. not everyone will make it. You might try harder than anyone,
for longer than anyone, and yet don't "make it".
I don't mean to sit on your ass and do nothing, this advice has to tell you two things.
-Be realistic: come on man, if you lack social skills, weight a ton and are bald, you won't be a
rock star, you know it. Think of little goals and achieve them.
-Do it for yourself: you do it for you, for your on good, for your health. You don't train to drown in pussy or
to kick everyones ass. this kind of "goals" will lead you to frustration.

Whats your fetishes? We probably have a few in common

how do u even fix a hairline

>probably going to move overseas for a job in about 6 months
>trying to get rid of excess belongings now
>already don't have much but really need to reduce as low as possible to make it easier when it's time
>had a friend who moved overseas for a job, he was going crazy the 2 weeks leading up to departure because he had a small apartment's worth of stuff
>he did basically nothing but throw shit in a dumpster for 2 days straight
>I just relisted all the saleable crap I don't need to live, try to make money on it at least
>want to donate the rest and what doesn't sell but don't have a car to take it to goodwill
Other shit to do that's smart as preparation? Other than the obvious (passport etc)

I have a high hairline (been like that since I was a kid.) Finally cut in some bangs, never looked better. Increased like 2 points just with that.
Sucks that I spent my whole life up to that point being more ugly than necessary.

>Just lift breh

I hate this damn meme too much. I've lifted for some years. It helped me a lot back in my teens,
it was like some kind of meditation for me, but now I can't stand it, I'm all about calistenics
and martial arts now. here is what I want to say: do whatever the fuck you want.
You need to move. of course playing chess won't give you sick muscle gains, but what do you like?
you like climbing? go for it
you like boxing? go for it
You like dancing, running, swimming...? DO IT.
many people doesn't like lifting, they find it boring, so they get tired pretty fast and stop training.
training something you don't like is like torture yourself. no one likes to spend hours of his free time
suffering. If you train something you like, you'll also suffer, but as you are training to get better in
something you like, you'll doing willingly.


As you might seen already, I'm not a positive person. but I think these kind of things have to been said.
This one will be quick, then I'll put an example. First of all: make sure you are not a dick.
I think this example with help.
>some friends are into table games, Role-playing, cosplaying and so...
>go with them to some kind of event
>watch some people with figurines and so
>they are the prototipe of nerd: fat, neckbears, poorly dressed...
>walk to them to have some chat, make some simple question about figurines or whatever
>they start mocking me because "he doesn't know this kind of magic can be countered by this kind of weapon haha you poor thing"
>I'm being mocked by turbo nerds.
>I just walk away.
>later that night at some club with friends, I start thinking
>Those poor fuckers are probably at their homes right now, asking why people doesn't like them
>they have to fall sleep knowing deep down that their only friends are those figurines.
>they'll spend their lives feeling victims of society and other people without seeing how much of a dick they are
You sure get the point by now. As much as it might sound like a meme: nosce te ipsum

Recovering /fat/ty here.

Wanted to hit a 2pl8 DL by the end of the summer for 5x3. Finally got it this week...although I failed the last rep.

how did his hairline come back?

>current group of friends is mostly into the brodude lifestyle of partying, drugs, smoking weed etc.
>their nice and actually smart people but i enjoy spending time with them less and less
>people more aligned with my interest are usually annoying dipshits

Don't know what to do. Being some robot-chad hybrid is really weird at times

> What is your ultimate failure, and what have you learn from it ?
My 7 years relationship falling apart. Dropping out of med school because I couldn't keep up.

> Since when have you started to self-improve ?
I was pretty determined to die, at the end of last year. I ended up dropping out of life as I knew it and taking 6 months away from family, friends, and everything else I had to see if I could fix my head.
I spent those 6 months focusing on myself. I even found love, kek.
I found a new career path. I came back with a new menality, I am a completely different person. I am getting back in shape. I'm working a lot harder to be happy with myself.

It's going alright.

Did 2 items on my to-do list and studied an hour more.

Drive fast and calm

Never purposefully did it in front of a mirror but it certainly can help your image. I would always be half laughing while I smile and tend to look decent and normal in pics.. it's similar to "pickup artist" strategies, it's easy to get lost in the moment and focus on what you learned and completely forget to put it into practice. Basically just try to get to the point that you feel your natural smile is comfortable, I'm certain your outward expression is nothing short of acceptable

Not who responded but the average person just wants small talk, make a comment about what they say to keep it going/prod for more info if it's something they're really into.. basically act like you're interviewing them, it's your job to make them interesting with the questions you ask and adopting such a strategy helped with my own social anxiety. Knowing when silence is acceptable and remaining comfortable when it happens was really important for me too

Practice makes perfect and there will be a day where you aren't bothered or worried about your skills

How to eat faster bros?
I'm wasting so much fucking time due to my slow eating.

It happened to me, she stopped responding a couple of days ago.
We had three dates during which we took long walks around the city (first date was 25 km), I clearly saw that she liked me, kissed her on the third date, we were talking a bit after the last date over the internet and the next day she just stops responding. Does not block, does not unfollow, just stops reading my msgs.
I am so ANGRY and CONFUSED, why would she do it?

Don't seek for an explanation. don't spam her either.
just get over it and move for another girl. it might sound drastic but it works that way. there are many scenarios that can go on:
-She wants another guy and was flirting with you to forget him but she couldn't
-She has a problem and can't answer for some days
-She's testing you
-She doesn't know what he wants and neither how to play
She is not the one, she is not special, there aren't that kind of girls out there, just girls, pick another one.

not him, but why do women do trash like this?

We play the same game, but with different rules, think about chess pieces, each one has its moves, for good or bad.
Woman have more power because they hold the pussy, and many of us unconsciouly make stupid moves around they. they may seem "bad" as they take advantage of this, but men also do it, just different ages and different context.
The quick and easy answer would be that women don't understand even theirselfs and they feel more than think.

It's not that it's a lie it's that it's nothing without discipline and a concrete achievable goal.

Put yourself in more of them. It's the only way.

>Don't seek for an explanation
That's the thing, I am not even attached to her or have any special feelings, I just do not understand why would she do it, not a single logical reason in my head why and it drives me mad.
>She wants another guy and was flirting with you to forget him but she couldn't
Highly unlikely. She came to my city to do some volunteering work, she is first time here and does not know anyone.
>She has a problem and can't answer for some days
Very unlikely too, she works 9-5 and just walks around town in her free time. I see her posting stories and pictures of her wandering on instagram, so she clearly has time to use her phone.
>She's testing you
What for? She is going to her hometown at the end of the month
>She doesn't know what she wants and neither how to play
That may be the case, but it is still weird.

Alright anons here's the situation
>Best freind of 2 years, dated for 7 months, ghosts me for a week and then I find out she's been cheating on me with another guy during that time
>mutual freinds(hers) say they told people they were a couple during that time
>she stis me down and tells me I'm dead to her, always loved him, we'll never be freinds, didn't matter, I'm worthless, lets me know what they've been doing and how happy she is
>bullies me for a month straight with public and private putdowns and attacks
>I call her out on it, she says she enjoys bullying me, manipulating me and wants me to kill myself
>go no contact, and she switches gears to trying to be freinds, I ignore her, life goes on

It's been 3 months and I'm still fucking recovering
I'm upset I still give her time on my mind, but also my psyche took a huge hit from a narcissist like her.

How the fuck do I heal and build myself up?
I keep thinking 'why wasn't I worth it?' 'why didn't I do something sooner' 'how come she never loved me' ect ect and it's not helpful at all

I just want to move past this and be happy and succesful but it seems I'm stopping myself

Help me out Anons, I need it.

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shes fuckin sociopathic bro