>The Perfect Pull Up - Do it right!


>The Fighter Pull-up Program - Increase your reps!


>Can't do a Pull Up? Start with Negative Pull Ups!


>Can't do Negative Pull Ups? Do Bodyweight Rows!


>How to grip the bar correctly!


>How long between sets?

>A longer rest period between sets increases the larger post-exercise muscle protein synthetic response compared to a short rest period (5 vs 1 min)(McKendry, 2016). In agreement, a longer interset rest period improves muscle mass gains compared to a shorter rest period (3 vs 1 min) (Schoenfeld, 2016).


Attached: CHAD.webm (1920x1080, 2.77M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>look mom I posted it again

Attached: 1533485696805m.jpg (1024x1024, 151K)

Yes I did, Sally.

Yes I did.

Attached: miss jane 20 pullups.webm (440x360, 3M)

Attached: 1533875772794.webm (640x640, 311K)

Attached: 1533872882626.webm (640x640, 1.03M)

pretty amazing for a girl to do pullups that easy. most cant do them. and then when they do struggle or cheat. she is doing them easy. that normie bf is lucky

Any substitutes for those of us with no access to the proper equipment for pull-ups?

>no money
>no trees
>no playgrounds
>don't want to fuck up my door hinges

>GTG pull ups
fuck off

She's actually doing chinups, but here's another to satisfy you.

I think if you really put your mind to it, you could find somewhere to do pullups. If you really gotta be ghetto about it, you can stick a blanket in a door and do bodyweight rows.



Attached: 1533873399919.webm (440x640, 2.96M)

Attached: Marines pullups scoring.png (1295x890, 162K)

Why the fuck is nobody in the background staring at her? My eyes would be glued.

imagine rubbing up against her body on the way up mmmmm

>anterior labral tear
>can't do pull ups
>pull ups were my favorite lift

Just fucking kill me. There is no reason to live if I am confined to gay ass rows. I used to do 5 sets of 8 with 25 pounds added before my injury, now a single pull up makes me feel like my arm is getting ripped out of the socket.

Attached: 1525715621652.jpg (480x480, 16K)

Ouch. I'm sorry man.

How did it happen?

Benching caused the tear. Touching the bar to my chest was too stressful on my shoulders. I always had a bad shoulder, though.

I'm training for that perfect 300 PFT score, wish me luck bros.

anyone out here doing dem scapular pullups? they feel weird and i don't know if i'm hitting it right. you're supposed to just hang and pull your shoulders up and down right?

>tfw can't do more than 3 pull-ups

At least I'm close to a 3-plate skwat

Women do not care about how much you squat.

Attached: Just+look+at+this+fit+young+lady+that+lifts+90+_59de3e592a8d4bc1dcb85587d15e9f91.jpg (700x549, 48K)

because you never go out, she is average

Good luck, brother. Stay strong in the run.

Calisthenics is Chad tier. Been doing it for 5 weeks and i already show results.

Lifting is quite pathetic unless you do explosive lifts.

Attached: QueasyDeliriousIbisbill.webm (640x800, 1.44M)

It's normal to feel weird, those muscles are typically very underdeveloped in most people, even relatively fit ones.

Attached: passive active hang.webm (1920x1080, 1.86M)

What's your routine, user?

Attached: steven proto 100 pullups.webm (640x360, 2.82M)

Im a beginner so i do this: (all slow controlled reps and explosive while doing the main movement or i could do more reps)

8 chin up
90 s wall sit
20 bw squat
12 diamond push up
6 pull ups
6 leg raises with bar
12 decline push ups
8 dips
20 leg raises

I repeat this 3 to 4 times depending on how much energy i got

No way, this is my gym.
UFC in Torrance.

Do Ski Squats instead of regular wall sit. Add in wipers along with the leg raises. Do rotations on the dips.

What do you mean with rotations on dips?
This is current body btw

Attached: IMG_20180811_223003.jpg (4224x5632, 3.87M)

how the heck did you get bicep vein in five weeks of calisthenics? you got a picture of you five weeks ago?

h-how did you know!

Hi test i think ive always been stronger than most guys without exercising even while being skinny

Attached: Screenshot_20180812_021250.jpg (1080x1118, 232K)

It's a small world I guess. I myself am not more than 15 mins away, pass that place all the time.

She's martinaex on insta if you care.

Looks like he just got done pumping, that's how my veins work too but they subside fairly quickly. He does look developed, but nothing too major that couldn't be accomplished if he had a good baseline to start with.

He definitely didn't start from skeleton mode.

yeah you had a good foundation. good work anyway

Got dumped 7 weeks ago so i transformed the sadness and rage into exercise.

She will regret it, REEEEEEEEEEE

how do i prevent swinging during my pull ups? I feel like it's the only thing that i find wrong with how i do my pull ups

It's because you're not properly engaging your abs and scapula.

Let good ol' Jeff show ya.


It's best to maintain form instead of chasing reps; a lot of people get cocky once they start out with beginner gains and start flopping in desperation when they reach a plateau. Go nice and slow, it'll be a lot easier in the long run.

Most people can't do one, period. Hell, probably half of those that can have poor form and are cheating in various ways.

I can do 1 not perfect pull up (my chin doesnt reach the bar, but my nose does). Should i even bother trying, or should i do negatives instead?

Negatives, scapular pulls. Your body isn't strong enough to maintain proper form, and that's what those help with.

Wow. Damn.
