ITT: Things that trigger Jow Forumsizens.
Ill start...
The term "dadbod"
ITT: Things that trigger Jow Forumsizens.
Ill start...
The term "dadbod"
>"Nah bro, i just want to tone my arms and abs"
>people skipping leg day
Tf you talking about nigga skipping leg day is the most Jow Forums thing ever
Fitness doesn't fix underlying mental problems
>I don´t go to the gym because i don´t want to get too big
That pic makes no sense unless its another wojak taking that photo
>I run so my legs are already big enough
>I have a thyroid condition
>being fat doesn't mean your unhealthy!!!!
>I just want to look like Brad Pitt from Fight Club
If you cant get through your day without coffee or a sip, then youre a caffeine addict. You think it makes you feel energetic but really you’re getting your fix to feel normal.
"Lift weights? I don't want to look like those gross muscle ladies, I just want to tone up"
when you realize a dick smaller than 9 inches is small
>how do i lose fat in one specific area?
dyels in my uni gym sitting on benches looking at their phones
wearing basketball shorts to the gym
We should gym together but i don't want to get as big as you....
You'll need to train 7 days a week and get on gear to get as big as me.... But ok....
Dont fall for Squatz and Oatz meme. Real Chads are curl bros 24/7
based and redpilled
>squatting with a belt
People that don't rerack their weights so I spend 45 minutes of my gym session putting other people's shit back b/c they don't respect the gym and don't care about others and so I don't explode from OCD overdose
interracial couples
>Brown eyes
She was born interracial.
>lifting wont fix your face or autistic personality
>allowing yourself to get triggered
work on your mental strength as well as your physical anons
Fatasses who do isolations, especially curls.
I have no problem with fatasses who go on the treadmill all the time or do strength training because that really helps burn calories.
Fatasses doing crunches
>You have to workout? haha you can do it tomorrow
>Lifting only for aesthetics is forever, and will always be, gay
This. But also
>"Oh I can eat [Insert unhealthy meal/snack] beacuse I work out user! It's my treat for doing some exercise tee-hee XD"
chinks who've never step foot in a gym hooking up with pure blonde qts
>people who rack the weighs randomly so smaller plates are loosely in larger racks and vice versa
>I don't want to get too big
Sorry fren, that's not your most pressing issue right now
>user you dont need a condom, im on the pill
its beautiful
>i dont need leg training because I do cardio
>"Lifting weights is bad for you"
>"Women don't really like big guys. That's just fake beauty standards"
>"I came to the gym to only do bodyweight exercises"
>"I came to the gym just so I could use the treadmill"
>"I came to the gym so I could tell my friends I go to the gym"
Also hate it when people get jealous of folks who work out and achieve a good physique. I went to my brother's wedding a few months ago, and he had a bunch of his crossfit buddies over (inb4 'crossfit is a meme'. I have no opinion on it one way or the other). One of his friends was built like a rhino because he gets up at 5:30 and spends the majority of his days working out. One of the bride's relatives got jealous when rhino-man began getting the girl's attention, and started talking shit about him to me. That sort of mentality really disgusts me. You should aspire to be like your betters, not hope for them to be dragged down to your level.
People giving me shit cause I eat at the gym.
>"C'mon user! How're you gonna eat at the gym?"
How do I always look better and lift more than these people too?
>Tee Hee
This. This is all it takes right here.
>people who have a leg day
They are both niggers
Hello Elliot.
It's pretty obvious that women don't actually prefer the skinnifat dadbod OR consider bearmode dadbod thus "liking" it. But why is this a meme tho, who benefits from the image of weak slobby western men?
"Correct mouth posture"
This. Guaranteed to trigger all jawlets in the vicinity who will instantly go N-NO MUH GENETICS IT C-CAN'T BE MY FAULT
Funny how that term has changed. Dadbod originally meant something along the lines of blue collar guys with muscular arms (from blue collar work) but with a hard beer gut. Now it means fat guy in general.
And shirtless
Gee golly I really wonder........
Mike Rowe is eternally based