Is surfing dangerous?

Is surfing dangerous?

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Yes. My friend got raped by a dolphin while surfing.

the most dangerous aspects are hard objects in the water (hidden rocks, your own loose surfboard, other people's surfboards, etc).
the water alone typically isn't enough to fuck you up until the waves get pretty serious, but there's always a small chance that you break your neck on a 1 ft wave in a sandy beachbreak.

tl;dr yeah kinda

it's gay as fuck

Surfing has too many carbs. I wouldn't recommend it

The locals can be pretty dangerous. Even if you're another local. You can live in this part of OC and the sand boomers will still call you a kook and then bring a fucking knife into the water to cut your board strap.

this is the biggest thing, had a roommate in hawaii that used to get griefed every day and come home raging about locals hating white people :^)

Stand up paddle is better, you use a lot more muscles.

Not especially. Learn the basics, know your limits and don't go out in waves you can't handle. Be respectful of other people and always be in control of your board.
My cousin has a massive scar under her eye from when her sister came off a wave and her board hit her.

Fuck it's so stupid. Locals are so polarizing between being the most chill guy you've ever met to the biggest cunt.

I get it would be annoying to have people come in and snake you everyday, but even if you're the most respectful person out there you're still on their shitlist.

Hawaii is especially bad.

>TFW you lose your board and your floating in the ocean
>a gang of 5 dolphins appears
>youre more than 1000ft from the beach and the dolphins are moving in closer
Luckily I was wearing a skin tight swimsuit instead of trunks that day. I was in there for a good five minutes before a friend with a boat got me out of there.

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Is surfing really the Chad sport?

Perfectly safe
t. shark

there's a big river near where i live and people there rent out kayaks/paddle boards/etc. i always get the best workout and pump from paddle boarding and it's the most fun

I heard they only bite when you touch their private parts?

no user. you're getting sharks confused with women

Been surfing for 15 years all over the world and never had a major injury directly related to surfing. Superficially I've broken rips, knocked a tooth out, your typical coral rashes, and one KO from hitting my head on a reef (which is was admittedly lucky to get away with). Having said that I was surfing in a group where one of the surfers was killed and eaten (yes actually eaten) by a shark in West Oz in 2012.

The risk factor is what you make it. The ocean can be unforgiving but you get to choose if you paddle out or not.

Southern Cali surfer here.
Don't be a kook.
Your own house is dangerous if you're that stupid.

>never had a major injury directly related to surfing
>Superficially I've broken rips,
>knocked a tooth out, your typical coral rashes, >one KO from hitting my head on a reef

What is a major injury IYO? loosing a finger, becoming paraplegic?

Happend to me and I got in a fight with em and chad came outta nowhere and helped me fight a group of locals and then he stole my girl and shot my friend but it’s ok cause I jumped out of a plane with no parachute and chased him but my knee is fucked so he got away but I tracked him cause I New a king tide was coming and he got away then but I’m sure he died so it’s all good bro

Not really, especially not if you're a good swimmer and don't panic when you're held underwater. Also kinda depends on the coast you're at.


damn dude thats crazy, hope your knee feels better

Ben Linden?