What do you do when you are in a relationship but see an attractive girl checking you out? How do you stop yourself from lusting for them?
What do you do when you are in a relationship but see an attractive girl checking you out...
I cant even imagine this scenario taking place for me
Fucking Chad
this. You obviously do not belong here
I wish i had gf
Or a date
Or held hands with girl
Just flirt with her. I don't know why, but my gf actually likes when I'm flirting with another girls but not moving forward, probably some kind of mogging
Pretty simple, every man tied down in a relationship wishes he could fuck other women. It's a natural thing to do when you see one and wish "fuck I wish I could fuck her." But the thing is if you truly love your gf then you won't act on your impulses. Otherwise, if you don't love her, seek another girlfriend who in your eyes meets your standards.
Use it as practice. Your current GF is gonna try and make you ugly and gay as fuck to keep you tied to her, which she will reward you in the end by saying "You aren't the man I fell in love with."
Girl ever give you a stupid shirt that isn't your style and you feel obligated to wear it? That's your leash.
If you love your girl, you gotta still be able to fish.
Your girlfriend has probably cheated on you and feels less guilty by letting you be flirtatious with other women.
literally happened to me today.
>have gf
>walking through uni gym and cardio bunny stares at me walking past
>i go to leg extension and start training
>look up in corner of my eye and see that she's looking at me again, when i lock eyes she turns away quickly
fast forward 20 mins
>finish legs and do core/stretches at end
>she pulls out mat right next to me and starts stretching right next to me whilst im training core
to be honest, could just be massive coincidence and she was doing her own thing. either way im treating it as my own confidence boost because she was a solid 9.5 and my gf is an 8 at best
lmao look at this incel. look at him and laugh.
This is idealy how it should be. She should be flattered anyone is hitting on me as it's a status boost for her. In my mind it should be ok to hit on women but never go farther than getting a phone number or anything.
Honestly the gym isn't even real life. That shit can happen on any given day. People just need that dopamine boost or that sexual motivation when they see others at the gym. If a girl checks you out at the gym, it's like a bonus because there are so many other men there as competition.
Women operate on jealousy and barely concealed hatred for other women.
Why not lust for her? No sense in suppressing it if you ask me.
But never do anything that might tarnish your integrity.
>tfw handsome face and great body but lack confidence
>tfw left gf to bang sluts but the grass wasn't greener (probably just because I haven't been laid in a while, I know that if I got laid I wouldn't be >tfw posting like this)
>tfw just haven't been laid in a while
Men have a tendency to think if theyre attracted to someone, that someone would be attracted back.
How do you deal with having a gf that’s not as attractive compared to other girls?
This, sadly. Only underdeveloped social autists tho.
I'd say my gf is more attractive than the average girl (average girl being a 6/6.5) but the girl that I thought was checking me out would at least be a 9/9.5. Like insanely hot.
It's not about having to "deal" with it per se, it's just acknowledging that there are always going to be attractive women out there, regardless of who you're with.
I could be with Ariana Grande, or idk some amazing super model, and would still think there are other women out there who are attractive, even more attractive in some cases.
Then I guess that you don't really love the girl that you're dating if you have to worry about stuff like this.
to me my gf is the most attractive person and best person in the world
don't stop till you find someone who you feel the same way about
Same reason you're repeatedly doing a lot of dumb shot in your life. You lack self control and discipline.
Lust all you want, just dont act on it.
Dont cheat unless your girlfriend is a massive cunt
No, even then dont cheat it will ruin your reputation, break up and upgrade
tfw i will never know this feel because i don't have a parasite for a girlfriend, but instead a person that constantly motivates me and pushes me outside of my comfort zone to achieve my goals
I’ve been dating my gf for four years with no problems. She’s was 7/10 when we met but she’s gotten fat and fucked her hair up so now she’s 5.5/10. We still get along well and have great sex so I didn’t care. I take her in dates and pay 50% of the time. I’ve been busy with work lately and she texts me
>user I need you do do a few things
>be more spontaneous
>text me more
>be more romantic
Why do I suddenly want to ghost her and find somebody else after four happy years?
This op. Just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you're not going to tempted. That other person could even be more attractive than your girl.
You simply refrain out of RESPECT for the person you're in a relationship with, because odds are, they wonder too from time to time but you trust them to refrain from cheating out of respect for you.
Is it easy, especially when you're attractive and other girls inflate your ego or make it easy for you to talk to them? No, it's not. I've had girls check me out, or at the gym start working out next to me, meeting my eyes and smiling, while but never once have I acted on it even if my dick had other ideas.
It isn't easy to be faithful, but if you're in a relationship, it's worth it to be a good man and keep your word, because once broken, it's easier to break it again. And then your word means nothing. To some people getting ass on the side is worth breaking their word over and disrespecting their partner for "reasons." To me it never will be.
Also, if you're stupid enough to cheat, you're stupid enough to get caught. People get CAUGHT, even years down the line. You will be giving off so many signs that you've cheated that your partner will notice something different about you, and you will have to live with the constant paranoia and guilt that you'll be found out (assuming you're not an unfeeling sociapth). She may not mention it, but her suspicions will be aroused by SOMETHING (like finding hairs on your shirt that aren't hers, or the bitch giving herself away through social media, the possibilities are endless).
You don't. It's how male sexuality works.
I never cheat. I just masturbate using other women’s vaginas