How accurate it is? Pic related is pretty much exactly my body rn and I can't recall a day where I ate more than 100 grams of proteins, on average probably around 70. A fish, maybe a steak, some eggs, some 40 grams of whey, some oats, some quark. Still far away from 150. My body isn't huge but I'm happy with it and it's getting bigger.

Is it bullshit that you need more than 100 if you want to get big? Or do most people just have shit tier pleb genes so they need that much?

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Other urls found in this thread:

u just need calorie surplus

>pretty much exactly my body rn
post a pic of your body then

If I wanted to I would have.

So you'r eimplying it's necessary to eat 100+ grams of proteins every day to get a body like that?

Really depends on weight, body type, metabolism, genetics, etc. The whole "one gram of protein for every pound of body weight" is a decent guideline in that it's more protein than anyone really needs, but it's still possible to gain muscle with less protein. Just might take a little longer

You literally don't need more protein than 0.82 per KG of bodyweight, as it does not give any benefits

post body

>The whole "one gram of protein for every pound of body weight" is a decent guideline in that it's more protein than anyone really needs,
Yes, great guideline in retards to how to waste the most money and food.

Not only is it plain wrong (0.80 makes a lot more sense), it of course also ignores body fat.

shut up and post body fagget

Funny how much one character can change.

I've met top-of-the-line dieteticians and they all told me that "1g of protein for 1lb of lean mass is a hack perpetrated by whey companies who want to sell more". You should hit 0.8g of protein per kg of lean mass which is A LOT less.
Jow Forums will argue about that all the time though.

You might need that much if you're roided up and training for Olympia. If you're just a normal cunt working out then you don't need anywhere near it.

But Jow Forums is autistic and they figure if Ronnie Coleman eats 18 chicken breasts per day, they should too.

I think I'm far from even hitting that and I have very big arms people comment on every day.

Sounds like you guys simply get Jewed good.

Pretty much this. Probably also shonen anime faggotry adding into it somewhere.

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I'm 6'8" and weight 255lb. By Jow Forums's rules I should eat around 250g of prots (or so they say). If you turn this to 0.8g of prots per kg I need about 100g a day MAX. I don't need supplements at all to reach that, at all.

fuck I want a woman

With a lean mass calculator, says I would need about 50g of prots daily, even. Makes perfect sense, I don't need to be autistic about macros and I ain't.

>0.8 per kg of lean mass

That's retarded. That's like 60-80 grams total protein per day. No actual group worth mentioning recommends this.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 1.2 to 1.7 grams per kg of body weight for strength athletes. The American Dietitic Association recommends 1.3 to 1.8 g/kg.

The 0.8 g/kg is the RDA for protein. AKA, the minimum amount needed for basic nutritional health in the average man. It is NOT the recommended amount for strength athletes.

The anti-protein circlejerk is twice as retarded as the pro-protein circlejerk ever was.

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>research aren't funded by big supplement companies at all guys!

For several months I was actually getting 1g of protein/ kg of bodyweight and i'm perfectly fine

Getting 1.5g/kg now just to be safe

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The 0.82 gram figure was per POUND you fucking moron.

For most fit, adult men, this falls right in line with the upper end of the recommendations from the ACSM and ADA mentioned here: It's not "0.8 g per kg" or "0.8 g per kg of lean mass". It's 0.8 g/lb. AKA, about 1.7 grams per kg.

Idk how you tards can fuck up units so bad.

How do you fucking retards not get enough proton? I eat like 230 grams a day with just normal foods like chicken, oats, and greek yogurt. What the fuck are you eating?

>ITT: ex obese sugar/carb junkies trying to justify eating 60g of protein per day
Go on with your cope delusions

what are your other macros though.

It is a meme but high protein is good when you're cutting to prevent muscle loss

During maintenance or bulk, you need MAX 100g

Carbs are much more important for actually making gains

>lost virginity

choose one

imagine eating 5lbs of chicken daily because you believe fitness magazines

Actually 120 grams is pretty close to ideal for everyone unless you're on gear. There's some extremely diminishing returns past that for nattys.

depends if you want to hit your natural limit in 2 years vs 10 years

you don't ""need"" much, but you're going to be that guy at the gym for 5 years and looking the same. You'll eventually get your limit, but it'll take years longer

3040 calories
50% carbs
30% protien
20% fat

>5lbs of chicken
lmfao. Try like 500 grams. I eat the same thing every day

>Turkey sandwich with guacamole
>Chicken, 500 grams
>Rice 1 cup uncooked
>6 eggs
>Wheat bread like 8 pieces
>Some ham
>Oats 1 cup
>Maybe yogurt or a banana
Man that was tough

>If you turn this to 0.8g I need about 100g day MAX
What? How can you be that bad at math?

250*1 is 250, sure. But 250*0.80 is still 200, not 100. It's only a ~20% difference.

You still need a fuckton of grams if you adhere to Jow Forums's guide.Twice of what you believe you need "MAX".

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>150-200 grams of proteins are the MINIUM needed for basic nutiritional health in the AVERAGE man

Jesus Christ, Jow Forums is retarded as fuck.

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If you're fat you only need .65-.7 grams of protein per goal body weight. As you obviously need to cut.
As you get closer to goal body weight It does need to raise a little bit, but not by much.
So at 190lbs sub 15% body fat you'd need around 130-140 g.protein.
If your goal body is below 190lbs and you eat 150 g.protein or more odds are you have an extremely high body fat.

Two chicken legs (15 grams), a cup of oats (10 grams) and your nigger yogurt would maybe put you at 50 and not more. Where are you getting your 230 from is the question.

And I'm not even saying that you need more than 100. Unless you want to look like prime Schwarzenegger which I doubt most people here want or do.

Ive concluded .8 grams per 1lb of lean body mass isnsufficient. I always try to error on the side of too much protein tho, as meat is awesome.

What do we consider gear?

Anything harder than tesrostrone. 2018 testostrone is still natty

>fats that low

Cheese and eggs are LIFE

You only really need 0.5 to 0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight, OP, not some static number like "150 grams".

Here's the thing. Sometimes people dramatically overestimate their level of physical development. I wish I had the screen shot of the thread where some guy claimed to have the same body as some elite body builder, finally posted his own body, and he was nowhere near as cut or built as he claimed.

any substance that equals supraphysiological levels of T

Is that based on gym bro science?

Manlets = 100-150g
Lanklets = 150-200g

The above figures are for natural lifters. This is the guide I use.

>natural limit
>2 years

You're never going to make it.

>This is the guide I use.
Use mine instead:

How my macros looking? Planning to eat the same shit every day since I'm not a gluttonous pig and don't care about enjoying food that much.

Hitting all my vitamin and mineral goals, and took care not to overdo anything.

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how do you barely get 70 grams of protein if youre supplementing 40 grams of protein daily? do you actually count your macros or are you guessing? even if you did look like that pic (since you aren't posting a body pic you probably don't), you would be getting more protein than that

I shoot for between 130 and 100 and call it a day.

Personally I would slightly drop protein for more carbs, I always feel like I have more energy in the gym when my carbs are high. you're pretty much golden though.

how good is that app?

This. Go watch what the health.

1 gram per pound is good if you want to stay lean and not lose your muscle mass. If you're anything like that pic, you need 150g at least at average height.

110-150 is what I aim for. I weight 175

No because you don’t need to be so autistic about it.

Using height is a perfect measure because smaller guys hold less muscle, much less, and taller guys have much more muscle growth potential.

A 5% bodyfat guy at 5’7 will be 160lbs MAX. And that’s someone with amazing genetics. That puts them at 152lbs fat free mass. That’s an elite phisque for someone at that height and bodyfat, most people at 5’7 5% bodyfat naturally will be 144-154 range. Take away weight from water, bones and organs, you’re left with only really needing somewhere around 110-130g of protein, which why is Recommend a range of 100-150 for manlets like this.

Now a guy at 6’0 is going a 5% bodyfat natural elite cap at like 185lbs. Take into account bones,water etc. Hence why I do 150-200 range for him.

What are some good high-carb foods?

Also non-ironically consuming propaganda

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>eating eggs is as bad as smoking

Prefer it over myfitnesspal, covers a lot more nutrients and has all the same range of products.

What the health is the worst documentary I've ever watched that was not even trying to be sly about how bias they were.
>inb4 not an argument

Sweet potatoes and regular potatoes are my staples. More veggies and fruits are good too, adding frozen spinach/berries to a shake is great.

How would I go about finding my micronutrients I need?


DV% are a good baseline, if you are taller and weigh more than the average joe you may need slightly more.

All you need to know is if your piss is really foamy you're eating too much protein.

just post body. you are drastically overestimating your build and you know it.

Already have plenty of potatoes and spinach. I'll just add some other veggies.

We all know it. Every /fit nigga knows this. Stop asking and just know he suffers body dismorphia in a way that we conclude he is dyel.

You're right.

what's the opposite of dysmorphia again? guarantee you have it

judging by this thread and others, no wonder everyone on Jow Forums looks like shit. they eat like fatties and they do full body 4x a week lmao

Post routine and body

Lol look at this dyel
You're not hitting your natty limit at 2 years

is that a pizza box on the floor right in front of her?

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Its mostly just propaganda by Big Protein(TM) to get you to pay for more overpriced whey bullshit

you didn't convert pounds to kilograms, idiot. literally what this guy said 9 posts before you lol

Maybe and only maybe if you have utter fucking shit genes, otherwise you don't need that much just to sustain your muscles at manlet height.

Why are you so gay and looking for every excuse you can get to see another guy's body? Holy shit, this thread is merely about the 1g/1lb meme and you can't stop sucking OP's cock in hope he looks like in the picture. Or in hope he doesn't because you're insecure.

It wouldn't even prove anything if he did look like in the picture. There are outliers.

Eating too much protein is gonna fuck you up later in life.

poat body

Imagine 80% of Jow Forums posters to be fatties and also fat girls who use their macros to justify stuffing their faces all day.

ok OP lol

Why do you think she is preparing a BRAP?

>claims to look like op's pic while eating low protein
>doesnt post his body to prove his point
and then we have some faggots asking why we want to see op's pic, fuck off retards

>merely pretending to be gay lol :D, oh and you are OP haha

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Not everything short of 200 or 150 for that matter is necessarily low, summerfriend. Ofc also depends on you data.

Since everyone keeps asking and I don't want you guys fighting.

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And yes I'm OP.

So fuck off now.

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Illusions of grandeur.

hahaha, oh wow

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you look nothing like the pic in the op faggot. I'm 99.9% sure this is bait, but still, go fuck yourself

Very predictible. I said "pretty much" my body (after bulking and not in August), not 100%.

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Left has more potential desu.

You think you look better than you do.


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Everyone does.

BTT, please.

you're at a higher body fat now than the guy in the op pic, so there's no way you were nearly that size unless you were a bloated piece of lard. Stop being delusional, twink

so my tdee is 2500 calories, if i want to bulk i eat 80g of protein, 100g of fat and 400g of carbs? lol that seems a little unbalanced