What is it like being low bodyfat...

What is it like being low bodyfat? Asking those who were fat for most of their life and then made it to low bodyfat land.

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Abs are completely not as i expected

Same, never had abs, I'm 5-10lbs away, so excited


Can i get to this bf% without caffeine or supplements?

If not what should I take that isn't too addictive?

yes, check the /fast/ general for some tips in really getting your bf% down.

What would pic related look like if he got bigger?

I was always lean before and I'm sort of chunky now at around 15% BF - still got abs but I don't look shredded anymore.

I think the main drawback is that you do feel constantly small except for in pictures where you can sometimes get some sweet angles like in OPs pic.

I've gone up towards 20% BF as well which is not recommended IMO. Deffo just feel fat and sluggish. I personally think being around 15% is the nicest, you deffo look and feel bigger, will have some veins on your arms and so on.

Honestly I can't imagine what it's like to not be covered in a layer of blubber.

Pros: girls mire you alot harder. Idk about most people but my facial aesthetics get way better. Jaw will cut glass when i cut
Also, you may look smaller but in a tank or just in a t shirt its awesome to see veins up your arms, especially when its hot or you roll up your sleeves. Legit aesthetic af
Having a six pack is amazing af. Makes you love taking ur shirt off when your about to smash a sloot

Cons: when cutting, you will get FLAT af , making you appear super skinny temporarily , especially in t shirts.you will feel small,and it will fuck with you if you let it
You also get weaker.
You will never wanna bulk seriously again after getting lean
You look less intimidating to other dudes
Cutting can make you depressed/anxious in general. Science behind it , i dont care to provide studies tho

Girls tho mane. You look skinnier, but they notice little shit way more than you think. Jawline + veins with confidence will get you tons of pussy if played right

My sides feel weird, but mostly in a good way.

This. My front ab muscles are HUGE.

Also this except
>making you appear super skinny temporarily
I've never had that ever.

I don't know is what my bf is but I have visible abs even if I have a bit of fat.
Girls like it and my body is overall more solid then before when I was builtfat.

I was 200+ lbs during high school. Now I weigh about 155 at 5'10".

Getting fit is literally the best decision I have ever made. I know im still dyel compared to some on Jow Forums but I like being lean rather than huge.

>tfw running your fingers over your abs
>tfw when a girl runs her fingers over your abs

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I never have random pain in my knees or other parts of my body any more
I sweat a lot more now than I did when I was fat
Predictably life feels lighter, I can do random jumpskips for the lulz without getting out of breath instantly

Honestly, if I looked like that, I'd just maintain that. Looks good, man.
Lean > Huge

Currently 190 lbs at 6’2”, yet I look skinny as fuck. Reeeeeeeee help me Jow Forums

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You look good dude, what are your stats?

I want to compare so I can know if I'll look good after a cut.

Pull your pants up you fucking vengaboy

I’m a skinnyfat alcoholic and I’ve never seen my abs

Not sure I ever will. Imagine not drinking beer regularly haha

You're not that skinny, your proportions just look fucked because you're wearing your boxers 5 inches lower than they should be.

this is my body goal. You look just right dudeski

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Listen to them
You look good and lean, just get more fitting underwear

Former Rippetard here. Into IF now. Admittedly not very jacked anymore, have taken months off from lifting but I work a physical job (moving) and bike commute.

The main benefit of low bf% is just having a shitload of energy all the time and not having to constantly cook and eat.

>tfw 93% bodyfat
I'm never going to make it

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hi boogie

my face looks like shit at low bf, when its higher bf i look less gaunt and more sexy

its because youre skinny as fuck

>well proportioned
>doesn't skip legs

An all around decent fitizen right here. Well done. I'm assuming you're going to do a clean bulk to be 7-9 lbs larger at the same % BF next year?

>Imagine not drinking beer regularly haha

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Depending on how low we're talking. There's a certain treshhold, at least for me, where my body starts burning the cushioning fat in my fingertips, toes, joints etc.

I can't walk due to pains at 4-7% bodyfat. The 7th and 8th ab being visible has never been worth it for me.
The golden sweet spot is around your pic, probably slightly higher. But not much. You look good, you don't ache, your brain capacity isn't destroyed.
At the point where only the top abs are visible you feel so fucking soggy. Like the skin has the texture of cardboard being on the ground. You feel like every move has a ping because you can feel the skin not following but being dragged along with every movement

I once weighed 130 kilogram and the lowest ive been was 82, lower joints are screwed though. This photo is from a couple hours ago, should be 90kilos@6'3 which means rougly 16%bf. Those couple kilograms mean everything, while my face looks like chiseled when super low on body fat i just feel really small compared to when i have a couple extra kilograms. I would cut 2-3 kilogram if it wasnt for me trying to stop smoking now

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According to the navy calculator, my body fat has dropped 7% but I'm still fat.

I don't see it in the mirror, but do see it in pictures and my face. I can feel bone when I put my arms on my side now, which is weird.

I just went from 185 to 150 and I love feeling the cut between muscles and body. Also i feel way better physically and look great. I had decent muscle so i look good and have no loose skin

you look fine user
keep up the work


>You will never wanna bulk seriously again after getting lean
yep. I never wanna bulk up to where I can't see my abs again.

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*88 to be exact, and its great not seeing stars from standing up, stretch marks are gone, walking without sweating, heat doesn't kill you anymore, facial aesthetics and self confidence improve, you just enjoy life a lot more

This desu.

i'm cutting right now, 2300 calories and fasting, eating two massive meals and a smoothie bowl everyday, feeling amazing and abs coming back together

Bulking is overrated

He wouldnt get bigger because he wouldnt be eating enough. You can be big and fat, small and ripped, but you cant be big and ripped without roids.

At best, you can get big and have some general stomach definition. But you wont be ripped like that.

don't need to pull your shorts that low, don't wanna see your pubes