Stop exercising

Stop exercising.

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That's the other half of the joke bud.

Seems accurate. All you guys do is lift and fall deeper into depression

It says too much not don't fucking exercise

not like it could get any worse

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I don't put too much stock in psychology, this sounds like garbage.

only white men need to stop exercising

Too much of anything is bad for you. In other news, water is wet.

This, absolute fucking state of newspapers in 2018

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>Start exercising to impress girls
>Start exercising to impress people at the gym
>Continue exercising to impress yourself
>Start training to reach your goals
>Continue training to destroy your goals
>Begin lifting to become a mass monster
>Continue lifting to leave your humanity behind
>Now you're doing whatever it takes
>Then you're doing it in the memory of Rich Piana
>Finally you're doing massive volume sets at the squat rack to achieve enlightenment

Normies will never understand how good my mental health has become.

>It’s a widely-held belief that exercise improves mental health, and a new study of 1.2 million Americans has added significant weight to the theory.

top bantz

These fucking Jewish scientists want the general public to exercise so they become better slaves.

But they hate people like us because they know our high testosterone levels make us very right-wing and redpilled about the JQ (the Jewish Question).

moderation and time management. We must master these two concepts Jow Forums.


>Get a facebook message the other day
>think it's from my ex, finally getting back in touch
>it's my mom linking this to me

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Moderates have never produced anything of value. Please be a fanatic.

Fanatics riot and destroy shit all the time what the fuck are you on about.

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If it's just mental heath then I don't have much to loose.

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Having that single minded, all or nothing kind of mentality is what makes legends.

Wow they're really going all out with the anti-fitness propaganda