Nice to finally see you again after al this time. A lot has happened since we were 16. You are looking so strong now. Great job on landing that job. You really are going places with your life. Good for you user.
Could i come along with you to the gym sometime in the future?
the way you tried to mimic a female dialogue and failed miserably at it makes me understand you probably never really talked to a girl, and this is kinda sad. You gonna make it user, stop with these threads and go lift.
Lincoln Howard
Why are you doing this ? Leave me alone !
Robert Miller
Y-yes please. I uh can show you where the things are in the gym that are for exercise. You hah y-you can wear stuff that will help you sweat if it soaks, uh er I mean there is clothing for girls that has sweat soak, er soaks up sweat. These clothes are called uh yoga something. Yeah, you can wear yoga clothes if you want to I guess.
Blake Howard
>der wer yew trer to mimic der female diolouge
Shut up faggot
Henry Bennett
Grayson Fisher
Literally anime-tier
Nathaniel Ortiz
>A lot has happened since we were 16 that girl is no older than 17, tops
Elijah Diaz
haha yeah i guess it's boring tho haha I just pick things up and put them back, or else the gym guy yells at me haha do you wana calculate my expected lean bulking gains percentage with respect to the overall weight I should put throwout the next 8 months considering a consistent 300 calories surplus throughout the process with me haha
Cooper White
sorry i have not interest in jamals sloppy seconds
John Perry
Great job on landing that job
Kayden Price
This is not how to get fit. This is buffalo bill tries to workout type shit. Calories? Weight recording? Da fuck man. Dyel?
Isaac Sanchez
These threads might actually be the most autistic thing on this board I can hardly get through them
Carter Jones
op is mentally preparing for a post college future where he finally blossoms that will never happen.
Chase Turner
Yes counting calories is a thing The rest isn't and that's a joke about being an autist who lifts. Sorry i had to explain that to you
Julian James
I forgive you, friends?
Noah Cox
hm yes friends :)
Luis Lopez
Then I try to talk, and my mouth doesn't work - I can't make a sound. It's like I can feel something muffling my mouth, like a force pushing back on the air I'm trying to push out. I'm startled, and try to yell. Then scream. Nothing. I thrash about, stuck in place, while she stares at me like nothing's wrong. And then I wake up.
Jackson Butler
I know it hurts, son. Its ok, just let it go, move on, and go to the gym. The burn will get lesser with time.
>great job on landing that job Sod off you daft bint. I don't date retards who use the same word in the same sentence twice.
Henry Watson
yeah sure we can use my husbands gym.
Owen Carter
>mimic a female dialogue You guys are so autistic. If you stop treating chicks as an enemy species with mysterious intentions and more like human beings, you'll get laid way more and make more friends.
Juan Clark
>I don't date retards who use the same word in the same sentence twice >retards who use the same word in the same sentence twice >same word in the same sentence twice
>Things that will never happen for 400, Alex >Scenarios that will never occur for 600, Alex
Andrew Rogers
These posts are so sad
Who gives a shit what someone who knew you at 16 thinks of you?
Joseph Brown
Uhhhh yeah I uhhhhhhh guess so. Uhhhh I'm nut i mean I'm knotting I mean uhhhhh I'm not that strong yet tho. Maybe you can go with Chad insteed I mean in-in instead