You guys were right, I am fat

But my question is, can you cut while having insomnia? I read that proper sleep is needed to regulate fat loss hormones.

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i'd bbq with you bro

you're going to make great bbq when you're older brother. hell yea.


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Pajeet? Is that you?

Just fall asleep you pussy, insomnia is a Jewish psy-op /thread

Yeah, I'm that guy.

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Also, how to resist the pastry jew?

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Please gib advice

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You should be fine. Take some melatonin if you're really struggling to fall asleep, shut your pc off and stop using your phone at least an hour before bed time.

I lost 40lbs in 4 months while working nights and working out during the days.. I was getting 3-5 hours of sleep every night and cutting.

first an obvious question, do you take caffeine at all? alcohol? gorge on sugary foods?

pic related

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>You guys were right, I am fat.
What made you think otherwise?

Now I really have to ask: especially considering your body, why Daniel Plainview? Even with that exact facial hair you’d look nothing like him. It would be like an chubby Indian guy growing a goatee and shaving his head in an attempt to look like Walter White.

I eat sweet pastry's if my mom buys them . I don't consume the rest of that stuff. No wait, sometimes eat an entire can of shoestring potatoes but I mix black pepper in it. Am currently eating cashews

I empathized with his character a lot. But he is also just a physically beautiful man, did you see his body when he was mining with the pickaxe? That's my ideal body. I would need a leaner face to pull it off.

I look good under certain lighting.

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Jow Forums is not your personal blog. since when are people who don't even lift making their own threads with the dumbest questions even remotely tolerated here?
read the sticky
lurk more
stop attention whoring

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>No wait, sometimes eat an entire can of shoestring potatoes
jesus fat fuck, how many calories is that? you know those are basically potato chips and they're deep fried in pure fat, right?


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Shut up, they're the perfect topping on a burger. Also, side angle.

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