I can’t even post here without being anxious? Why am I so beta?
Anxiety Thread
God damn it retarded just say "how you holding up Jow Forums?" If you want a decent thread.
But figured out I have generalized anxiety disorder. Not too bad of a case of it, just thinking about that feeds my insecurity of being weak though. I'm tired about stessing about stupid shit. Liftings helped a lot though, feels better when I'm comfortable and confident in my own skin. We're all gonna make it brahs
Its ok man.
Oops stupid fucking chinaman autocorrection showing I'm a gay phoneposter
wow you are pathetic, no wonder no one likes you, no one wants to answer you because no one likes whiners, this isn't the board for weak losers like you, this is the board for people who actually achieve things.
mous 08/12/18(Sun)18:03:29 No.61396863▶ #
Alright, I spent 5 minutes looking at it. I don't think there is an actual answer unless there is a gatcha solution.
Anonymous 08/12/18(Sun)18:06:00 No.61396880▶ (OP) #
God I want to fuck sorceress so bad
Anonymous 08/12/18(Sun)18:06:04 No.61396881▶File: autism test.png (1.35 MB, 794x732)
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Don't give up so easily.
Anonymous 08/12/18(Sun)18:19:57 No.61396996▶
The outsmarting is in the getting her to agree to it in the first place, or thats how I think of it
Anonymous 08/12/18(Sun)19:09:21 No.61397390▶
Thank you for your dedication, user.
Anonymous 08/12/18(Sun)20:20:46 No.61397905▶
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66 KB
You and me buddy.
Anonymous 08/12/18(Sun)21:56:52 No.61398726▶ #
Anonymous 08/12/18(Sun)21:58:35 No.61398739▶
A dick?
Anonymous 08/12/18(Sun)21:59:24 No.61398743▶
my feet
Slip slip on the nip nip
What did you achieve that makes you “not weak”?
the fuck is going on with this post
Busy day, many tings to sort out.
Gotta post what can when can.
Well killing the frog isn't gonna encourage me to open up now is it you fuckin'madman
Satisfying the parental super-ego that is Jow Forums.
Kill yourself faggot.
Why post to random threads? Is this some kind of password or something?
Injecting test helped my anxiety go away
Ssshhh closer than the thinker expect.
Careful could be deleted (via block) and
Able to censor words, so make sure you
Just don’t
ok so your just a crazy person, good to know
No. I’d rather go use fucking Reddit instead of . Even though they are incels they don’t jerk off to traps
Idk man he can just be a normal person seeking attention
Because you are not facing fears head on, did your parents baby you? Some kids these days are fucked up because their parents couldn't be strict with anything. Like kids who aren't told to stop being silly when they are afraid of the dark, instead their behaviour is reinforced and they don't learn that the thing that can't harm them is harmless.
I am not sure user, in some cases my parents were stricter than usual parents, in some cases less strict than usual parents.
I am happy and don’t have anxiety towards most things. I can speak to people no problem, play volleyball no problem.
Hell, i live in a 3rd world country and because of internet i have fluent english.
Tourists fucking love me because no one knows english even a little bit and some hotels around here offered me jobs but i didn’t accept.
So am I spoilt and babied anons? I am not sure.
So what are you anxious about?