feeling lonely tonight lads, general gf and feels thread
Feeling lonely tonight lads, general gf and feels thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>being concerned about finding a gf while you don't even have (male) friends
Idgaf anymore i’d fuck a femboy
>doggo plays with chad and gets into his car as he's leaving
>you have to force your dog to stay
>tfw you find our your friend is cheating on his gf with your crush
>tfw he proposed to his gf
>tfw crush is crushed
>tfw you still haven't called them out on their shit
>tfw hoping their side shit is done
god damn i'm a beta faggot
Holy shit is that Sinfest? Is he still making it?
when I go round to people's houses the dog always loves me, does that make me chad?
Yes, and no clue- I found this on th some time ago
>hoping their side shit is done
What an individual
Stand up for yourself jesus
shes some fitizens gf
no clue sorry, just saved it from here a while ago
reverse image searched it and got this post which links a twitter on the top comment
Yea right
Just some twitter thot
What pains me is why i couldn't have this kind of father someone should've told me this years ago thanks for posting it m8
finnish gf is the only choice left if you're not a fag
White girls are cancer
Asian girls are alright but your kids will look asian and nothing like you
How do i finnish gf lads?
the variety of post quality on this site baffles me, you find some of the most retarded shit alongside heartfelt and helpful advice
just another night of listening to burial and watching the rain fall outside
i’m on drugs for my skin which are bringing out the worst in me mentally, i feel desolate and like i’m permanently in that space before you wake up when you’re not quite awake but aren’t actually asleep.
I haven’t been outside for three days and have neglected the gym. I haven’t spoken to anyone and when I try to speak my voice is a croak.
The girl I’m sleeping with is away for the weekend but comes back tomorrow, I don’t know if I can bare seeing her again. It’s not her fault. Everytime we fuck I close my eyes and imagine my ex. I think I’m in a stage of grief, as if she’s dead and I’m mourning her, but really she isn’t dead - she’s just moved on.
>I think I’m in a stage of grief, as if she’s dead and I’m mourning her, but really she isn’t dead - she’s just moved on
sadly if you don't look like pic related you don't stand a chance
thats actual clinical depression.
i know its hard but you really need to see a doctor or at least find a way to get some xanax into you.
Oh look its the male suicide statistic
>tfw you are cashier and ask girl how she is
She says good (no good thanks, and you?) and leaves it
Random guy or girl comes up and comments on something they’re buying
The two of them suddenly become best friends.
>girl is interested and appears to be miring
You flirt with them and they say ok and stop talking
>girl flirts with her boyfriend
Look I just want to Putin’s your shit in a bag, take your ,only and let you go home and do whatever.
Can you please not squeeze your girlfriends ass for 3 minutes?
When women walk around you.
There are roughly 3.5 billion women on this planet, you have a rough life expectancy of 85, don't give up your self respect for (at best) 15 minutes of sticky fun with a thot.
Move on, she knew you were interested but still chose to see the other guy, if you are ever in a relationship with her it's almost a certainty that she will cheat.
Except thats not true cut it by age and race sexual preference beauty availability and you get a 5% or less from that and thats not taking range into the equation
I dont wanna conquer her i want to love her
I know exactly how this feels m8 if it makes it any better you can be absolutely sure that when she's fucking tyrone you're the last thought in her mind
Tomboys are for
Getting in fights with her
Playing sports with her
Watching kung-fu movies with her and trying to copy the moves
Teasing her and laughing when she gets mad and pouts
Letting her pin you so you can feel her body pressed against yours
Flipping her back over so that you can stare into each other's eyes
Protecting her from bullies even though you know she can handle herself
Cheering her on and always supporting her, win or lose
Throwing her a victory barbeque where you make all her favorite foods
Massaging their legs, shoulders, and back
Holding them close and telling her you love her
Reassuring her that she is the most beautiful girl in the world when she gets jealous of the more feminine girls
Accepting all of her girlish sensibilities, no matter how much she hates you finding out about them
Patting her head
Getting caught in the rain during a cross country run and having to huddle together with her under an abandoned bus stop waiting for it to pass
Holding her hand in public
Making her try on cute dresses when you're out on a date even though you know she'll never buy one
Buying her sexy black lace lingerie, only for her to wear spats over them
Tracing your finger over the tanlines she got during the summer and feeling how warm her skin is
Having her jump into your arms and kiss you after spending time apart over vacation
Introducing her to your parents
Carrying her over the threshold of your new home to start a life together while she punches you in the shoulder and pouts that she can walk just fine herself
Gently laying her down on the bed
Whispering into her ear how much she means to you while caressing her toned body
Spending an entire night making passionate love to each other
Raising a new generation of tomboys with
Loving unconditionally as you grow old together
These are the things that tomboys are for
i’ll try to get myself sorted out - i think I find it most hard because I’ve never felt like this before, I’ve always been happy. This mood has hit me like a train and it’s hard to admit to myself that perhaps I’m not as impervious to depression and other mental issues as I thought I was. Thanks user.
Fuck outta here with that ugly short hairerd bitch boy
no problem man
i remember about a year and a half ago i had a real bad case of episodic depression, i drove everyone that loved me away. i was getting 3 hours of sleep a night for 2 weeks straight, had massive muscle cramps and i would literally bite my hand until i drew blood to distract myself from the pain. it was. the absolute. shitties. time. of. my. life. GET YOURSELF SORTED A FUCKING SAP
this is why you have never kiss a girl user
My lungs are dead i can only run for 3 minutes. My work capacity demands i take 3 to 5 minute breaks sometimes. I'm starting to look older and i always smell. I wish i never started smoking but I won't stop because i enjoy it. I need to keep myself addicted to things, activities, etc and i believe it's a sign of immaturity emotionally because i can't be with someone aka 'addicted' to someone. I'm funny, good looking and all the nice traits but i can't like someone and it makes me sad because i want to be with someone. there are some innocent sweet girls out there i imagine myself liking or some tough tomboy girl who looks like a goddess when she puts on some makeup she hates but is chill usually who i can imagine liking. There's that average looking girl with average personality who will love my eyes and face and my humour and I can like back. The thing is that i don't even try because i always think there's someone better for me and now i just want anyone yet if i got anyone I'd make them seem flawed. That sweet girl is too naive for the real world, that tomboy girl isn't feminine enough for me, that average girl has big ears but she never hides them and i can't stop looking at them.
I hate myself because I think that i deserve the best because i love myself. Sorry that was too faggy but i never introspect kek time to get snapchat nuds
Gayest shit I’ve read in a while