>just cooked a pizza >had to eat 6 pieces just to feel not hungry and like I have a proper amount of nutrients
wtf why is my body like this? I see people who are just healthy and stay in good shape and dont even have to eat. if I dont eat a FUCKTON of salty greasy melted cheese meaty shit I feel like complete fucking garbage. I mean yeah no shit I could drink water and starve myself but I feel like shit. my hair falls out, my eyes get black, I feel tired, cranky, moody, pissed off. I feel like total shit like I cant even get out of bed or keep my eyes open unless I stuff my face with pizza, mcdonalds, cheesy breadsticks or just something like that. need lots of fat ass greasy salty shit or my body literally starts failing.
ive accepted starving is impossible and im gonna try and at least eat healthy somewhat and jog and walk a lot but still why the fuck am I like this? I have an unsationable appetite and if I dont eat my body just goes to shit.
I cant just starve myself because I have an incredibly receding hairline and im afraid if I starve itll get worse I can feel my hair falling out more when I starve or eat healthy
but why? why is my body like this? ive done everything to fight it and it just gets worse. if I just eat vegetables and drink water I feel like SHIT
like body shutting down shit
Lucas Cox
probably because you aren't getting any protein or carbs
make rice, beans, chicken and veggies
count calories
Charles Morris
Sounds like a combination of addiction and placebo. Try keto, all the meat and cheese you want and then some.
Hudson Harris
Because hunger is less about calories about more about nutrition, that's why vegans are always hungry no matter how much they eat. Eat a really good quality steak with plenty of butter and you won't be hungry for a while. Almost nothing in a pizza provides digestible nutrition, the cheese and that's about it.
Jackson Scott
idk its something about how tired I am. if I get a goods night sleep its not nearly as bad but I need 12 hours of sleep to feel good. all my friends sleep like 6-7 hours require like no food and I just feel like shit
i've been doing this and it does feel halfway good actually. i've been eating a lot of alfredo pasta with grilled chicken and vegetables in it
I dont even feel hungry after eating vegetables they fill me up like I just eat a few baby carrots and I feel full as fuck but I still feel tired, unsatisfied, lack of nutrients and shit like that
Andrew Gutierrez
stop giving advice ketofags
Logan Rodriguez
your stomach produces bacterias and when you eat a lot of sugars and carbs you produce more bacteria that like those things so that's what you crave (and why you feel like shit when you go cold turkey). cut out soda. switch to carbonated water. la croix is overpriced, buy the grocery store brand. then make a conscious effort to eat less carbs. wean yourself off like a junkie. you will fail. you will eat a entire pizza in a night. so you just reset and keep at it. when you want a burger, get a smaller portion of meat and more veggies. same with pizza. cut cut down your carbs to the point where something like steak and a salad satisfies you. I'm not telling you to cut out carbs completely because they serve a purpose, but we Americans consume way too many processed carbs and sugars.
Joshua Torres
>my hair falls out, my eyes get black, I feel tired, you have cancer. perchance have you insulted vladimir putin pubically any point in the last decade?
Jaxson Cooper
6 slices!?!?!?!? This guy's a madman
Ryder Walker
so if I just slowly lay off it i'll go back to normal? I used to eat pizza and shit like that because I was getting stoned all day every day.
mcdonalds pizza fried chicken and shit like that is the only shit that gives me energy
Austin Kelly
You're a fuckin whining pussy who is talking utter bullshit, the reason you feel like shit is all that crap you are eating. It's not hard with all the resources these days.
Julian Jenkins
You've trained your body to eat like a disgusting slob your entire life. You'll never make it unless you can learn how to eat like a regular person.
Brayden Bailey
how are your pumps in the gym? is your skin dry? do you get lightheaded when not stuffed? what kind of water do you drink(distilled, tap, softened etc)? do you feel weak when not stuffed? do you get changes in attitude throughout the day(suddenly talking to yourself, sudden confidence and happiness)? do you feel colder than you should be or than others?
Christopher Gray
I'm not going to preach that I feel like superman now, but my diet is way more balanced. if I eat carbs for dinner I can't sleep at all.
Adrian Wilson
learn how to cook, buy real garlic, onions, basil, rosemary, some peppers, real condiments and not powdered ones, flatening the meat before cooking it gives a better crust, when cooking veggies saute it on a little butter garlic and some herbs, look for a good low calorie sauce, it will make eating chicken lot easier. buy an air frier, "fry" some chickpeas with garlic and pepper, its basically a cheeto and its super healthy and tasty
Justin Howard
y-yes...does that mean diabetes?
Evan Sullivan
>if I dont eat a FUCKTON >6 slices of pizza
unhealthy skellyfag get out of here
Charles Wilson
i laughed way to hard at this
Nolan Hernandez
You're literally addicted. Read up on the symptoms of withdrawal from cigarettes, booze, or harder drugs. Even caffeine. To get off any of those substances you will feel like shit as your body readapts. Then you will get healthy
Caleb Adams
Yes to all. I drink tap water.
Ethan Ross
when was the last time you had salty food? also what state do you live in(for reference for tap water)?
Joshua Jenkins
Shit dude cut the weed before anything else. Weed fucks your test bad and will make losing weight or building muscle much harder.
have you tried vegetables? (you should eat vegetables)
Brody Lewis
I want to know where this is going.
Gabriel Kelly
Some states have disgusting water.
Liam Perry
yeah ive been trying carrots, vegetables, lettuce, celery, fruit. I walked a LOT today like 3 miles and my appetite has sense ceased. it comes back but way weaker, I feel like I have more energy, all the pizza in my stomach feels gross, and I just feel healthier and like I can run off vegetables. thanks guys I think this is it when I typed this up earlier iwas just sitting on my couch trying to take a nap cooking a pizza
im in NY but I live in a rural area and I get my water from a private well from rain water. thank god I dont have to drink that gross processed water from sewage and shit. my friend has town water in the town over and jesus Christ its like white and all bubbly and shit looks like it has bleach in it lmao.
Justin Moore
Are you overweight? If your body can handle it, and you're not an enormous tub of shit, then who cares? Eat up.
But yeah it's a lot like everyonehereis saying. You are addicted and no matter who you are you can adapt to a different diet. Just takes time and a little sweat and tears. But if you really want to change you of course can. I can give you more specific advice and info if you're interested.
Henry Perez
im incredibly obese
Tyler Cox
>I cant just starve myself because I have an incredibly receding hairline and im afraid if I starve itll get worse I can feel my hair falling out more when I starve or eat healthy
You actually can go hungry for days and lose up to a pound a day. Also eating less and going hungry might actually slow and reverse your hairloss.
Anthony Green
U need to grow a pair get some willpower and stop being a slob. Drink water. Ur an addict and eithdrawal is going to be highly unpleasant and stressful. Deal with it or deal with your mediocrity and shortened life > walked alot today >3 miles
I run 3 miles before breakfast every day. Faggot better yourself all your problems are due to your body having poor circulation poor nutrition and poor access to oxygen. Including the hair
Aaron Garcia
whenever I have low energy from hunger it feels like I could swipe my hair back and it would just all come out in my hand
Lucas Gutierrez
This. All of your "symptoms" from eating healthy food are the result of your poor health
Lucas Myers
if you feel hungry, eat, don't be stupid. just look out for what you are eating. drink plenty of water, too.
Austin Wood
fat logic the post
Nolan Ross
Boisterous and autistic laughter ensued after my brain registered this picture.
Adrian Bailey
sorry for late reply and forgot to mention, it could either be low sodium, high chloride, high potassium or low potassium
if its low sodium you would need to eat saltier foods, if its any of the others you would need to swap out your water source
Robert Ward
Why do you fat niggers always think your two options are starving yourself or eating a ton of shit? You're not special, eat healthy food, stop making excuses. Your hair won't fall out if you stop eating garbage. You're delusional
Brandon Jackson
your body required a certain amount of protein and your food was low in protein
4 slices and a protein shake will have starved off the hunger more than 6 slices imo