He doesn't like tattoos

>he doesn't like tattoos
What's wrong with getting art on your body?
It makes you look manly as fuck. Women love it.

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i like tattoos and everyones is entitled to their opinion but no matter who you are or what you think, if you spend less than a 100 dollars on a tattoo that is not a small text or simple figure then you are an idiot who ruined his skin

>unironically gets tattoos for women
never gonna make it

I spent around 1 500$ on tattoos for my half sleeve (still work in progress).


Post pic
Are you gay?

Why the fuck are there so many tattoo threads on fit now?

>It makes you look manly as fuck.
That's it.

You're not actually manly. And men getting tattoos - weak, onions looking men - has become so common that it doesn't even come across as manly anymore. It's basically makeup for men. Women put on makeup to look younger and more fertile. Getting tattoos has become a feminine act. Purity is the way forward.

Gays, sissies, women, sjw and communists have tattoos.

This. Being tattooless has more meaning today.

Havent seen a good tattoo in my life yet. Im cool woth it as long as its not on me. Those shits get boring after a week to look at. Also its associated with being a douche, low class so yeah.

shut up


Because a couple autists started anti-tat threads so now these are made to bait them hard...
>and they always bite

These. Tattoos were originally worn by soldiers, sailors, slaves, gangs, or people in prison. Nowadays every goyboy has a stupid looking tattoo with some kind of "deep meaning" that's shared by millions, essentially devaluing the idea of a tattoo. Either that or the tattoos themselves are utterly meaningless, things like pickle Rick or other short lived normie memes.

>Whore walking around in short shorts with LOOK AT ME!! tattoos on the back of her thighs, also wearing collar
>That guy with arm tattoos looking at himself sideways in the mirror doing curls, taking intsagram photos.

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I wish Conor Mcgregor was my boomer bf.

I honestly hate them and think they look terrible on everyone.

I want to shove my cock down your throat
Get off my board

Im not about them but i dont care what you do with ur body. Also do something because women like it makes u a fag

Should I get a forearm tattoo if my wrist is tiny?

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You know I never felt that desperate need for attention that so many people have, it really amazes me, getting a tattoo is literally just attention whoring.

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Everybody has tattoos these days. Not having them makes you unique.

It is but at the same time decorating yourself in flamboyant shit has gone on since the beginning of mankind so I get it.

lmao degenerate attention seeker

hurr hurr give me attention!!!

Literally, that's why most female tattooed chicks are also covered in BDSM spikes, too-much makeup and the guys with tattooes are the type to count calories autistically to get abs and show off their cut-off sleeves everywhere. Ala the insecure social media numale.

Yup, acting like a 15 year old roastie is manly as fuck.

Is a torso tattoo that barely gets seen by others still attention whoring, Jow Forums?

i don't feel the need to represent myself visually on the outside for people to instantly judge me by. the world judges me enough for being white these days as it is.

It's really weird seeing tats on a guy who looks 15 years old and is a total DYEL. Must be wannabe drug dealer or something else unsavory listening to bix nood.

you weesh faggots only got tattoos when it was safe to do so

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Reminder tattoos give you thyroid cancer.

this post just sent a wave of panic thru the population. Laser removals booked, longsleeves purchased

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>Wow Chad, nice $800 ink stain on your skin

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Tattoos are only acceptable if you are a criminal or are owned by a criminal.

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I think McGregors tattoos are pretty cool desu. Probably because they aren't tryhard or have some lame ass meaning behind them, they are just cool looking tattoos.

McGooby tapped like a bitch to a perma fried/cte'd nate diaz though

Wow mike, nice meth addiction

It all depends on the man. Most men get them to make themselves more interesting, because they are in fact not interesting. Successful men, like McGregor get them as part of their image and that is totally alright. If you are a loser in life it won't help you out much.

tattoos to me scream unhealthy self-affectation and a tangible pretension.

I have a lot of tatoos and have like 500 tinder matches

I just did it for the easy pussy, why should I care what some other guy thinks lmao

>makes you look manly as fuck

wanna know how I know you're insecure about your masculinity?

>I just did it for the easy pussy, why should I care what some other guy thinks lmao

That is so pathetic on so many levels.

>sailor jerry tattoos

nothing more hideous desu.

When they go back to meaning “I killed three zipperheads on Iwo Jima” and stop meaning “I got this to commemorate my African Dance Studies doctorate” I’ll respect them again

Either you're a pleb with shitty meaninigless tattoos or you're kinda forward and melodramatic about the things you've endured/accomplished. Either way it's a lose-lose to anybody who isn't one of the above or a teenage girl.

I can get laid effortlessly whenever I want, thots are hitting me up first even. try to explain how that’s a bad thing lmao

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I'm autistic, so autistic

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I could get that before the tattoo so I'm better than you, but I admit getting the tat increases the amount and quality of pussy


I'd prefer to be manly than look manly.

Throwing tantrums and endangering unrelated people is absolutely manchild behaviour.

Nice trips

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tattoos are fucking gay and trendy bullshit that retards get to fit in.

You have to have the right skin for it
It doesnt look good on black or hairy people. If youre white and hairless. Tatt it up shawty

if you wanna plaster ink on your body that tells the world "I WILL NEVER RISE BEYOND LOWER-MIDDLE CLASS" then go ahead bro

>He doesnt like graffiti

Whats wrong with getting art on your sikh temple?

I can't be buried in a Catholic cemetery if I get tattoos

good man

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>fags on Jow Forums saying tattoos are for attention
>I have three but none are visible

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I have 1400 matches and girls message me first all the time, I Guess having no tattoos is better

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what fucking autistic europoor language is that


America is literally a third world country

>gyms are fucking gay and trendy bullshit that retards visit to fit in.

cool story bro

calm down Ikea


thx dood

>having abs makes you a numale
you fat fucks never cease to amaze me with your coping

But all of gooby's tats look like shit, and I'm a fan of his.

>given glorious, functional, healthy, pain-free body
>pay a GED-wielding fallible stranger to scribble all over it
there is nothing more cucked, more faggoty, more stupid and shortsighted than getting "inked". Even aside from all the hundreds of reasons why it's for faggots, cringelords, beta maxes, it's just an affront to nature at the most basic; believing you have the right to scribble some stupid gay shit on your physical body. How fucking stupid. (this is the part where betamax numales parrot the toxic female community by saying "muh body muh choice" or something along those lines)

Tatfags deserve a bullet.

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>This. Being tattooless has more meaning today.
>tfw having "meaning" without even trying or intending to

It's usually poor people with tattoos that whine about having no money

You can't just ask for forgiveness and say a few Hail Marys and Our Fathers, all while pedos are welcomed?

I just read this in Sam's voice.

looks like a kid drew on you with markers.

when you see a boomer with a sleeve they look dumb as fuck and regretful

Almost every one who had them today is a slave.

Can you post face and stats please? I just wanna see what it takes to get qts of that calibre hitting you up

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Those all look like bot accounts

you should never get aforearm tattoo

Why not?
How will people know that you have tattoos?

Lol. How insecure could you be?

Is that a hebrew 666?

theres nothing wrong with it, I just dont like them

Why are all you faggots all like "well shit better ask FUCKING Jow Forums if they approve of x! Can't do anything without their collective approval after all!" ?? Can't you people just do your fucking thing without constantly seeking outside approval for once in your life? Just because you want to do it? Why isn't that a good enough reason? Only people with extremely low self confidence keep seeking validation from people they don't even know who they are Jesus christ.

>Whaddaya mean? Tattoos get the ladies!

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Was thinking of getting tattoos like this and going around attacking bald, big guys with tribal tattoos who are just going about their business. What does Jow Forums think?

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It's a waste of money and way too much commitment

Not tattooed

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>custom paint jobs aren't a thing
You're an even bigger tool than all the tattoo wearers

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tattoos themselves are generally seen in a positive light. only Jow Forums hates tattoos. this is true. do everyday losers wear tats? yes, of course they do. know who else wears tats? people who Jow Forums idolizes.

tl;dr: tats are good if you look good with ink on your skin. a pickle rick tat isn't gonna look good. a quote is probably just edgy and you probably found it on pinterest. get something meaningful which also looks good on your skin.

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if you're not +190 cm, blonde, blue eyed and 100% scandinavian blood you will look fucking retarded

except for the measurable impact they have on capability
tattoos might have a measurable impact on your social-acceptance in certain circles
even then, they don't preclude you from not being able to fit in


Well that's kinda easy when the competition solely consists of rapefugees

if you are blonde, scandinavian and blue-eyed, yet have a retarded tattoo, you will look like shit. if you have a good tattoo you will look better, objectively.
if you are not "aryan" and have a bad looking tattoo, you will look worse. if you get a good looking tattoo you will look better.
if you look good and get a good looking tattoo, you will look even better.

my point still stands

nordic rune tattoos on a manlet nigger pretending to be a viking will just be cringy

Based and redpilled

that is also my point. good to meet another man of culture.