/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

'dabbing my way out of this hangover' edition

ITT: bench press, squat and deadlift discussion.

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Other urls found in this thread:


bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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Gym is clossed until next week for renovations (hopefully Santa brings us a platform, safety bar and hyper machine).
I will try to do as much shit with bands and the 20kg db I have as posible. Would running for the first time in ages help preserve gains or further kill them? Any tips welcome.
Pray for my gains.

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Are nuckols 28 programs legit?
192cm 90kg with following 1rms, lifting for about a year but had to stop for 4 months due to multiple injuries :

Squat - 125kg
Bench - 85kg
Deadlift - 155kg
OHP - 45kg

Was thinking of doing 3x beg squat/ 3x beg bench/ 3x beg deadlift, with an accessory day for back work, OHP ( strength) and arms.

might throw an OHP volume in second day.


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Before the retard posts it again i'll copy and paste from the last thread so i can instruct newcomers on the facts:

>5th Set (modify to 7wk microcycle if needed)

>5/3/1 (non 2009 base template) ***GOLD MEDAL IN CRINGE***
garbage that was ripped off from a high school football routine. the chump who cranked this snake oil horse shit out is a total faggot fraud manlet.

>Westside for Skinny Bastards
great if you use steroids, subpar otherwise

>Madcow Intermediate
painfully mediocre for a couple of months, garbage after

>Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)

>Blevins Intermediate

>The Cube (+ Predator) *BRONZE MEDAL IN CRINGE*
garbage. the person who squeezed this turd out is a fucking loser and the "routine" itself is superfluous, stupid bullshit.

fantastic if you use steroids, textbook meme shit otherwise.

>RTS Generalized Intermediate

>RTS Emerging Strategies

>Nuckols Average to Savage
reddit garbage

>Nuckols 28 Free
reddit garbage

slightly above average for a total novice for a few months, permanent stall garbage otherwise

>TSA 9 Week
garbage. anything based on "weeks" is pretty much guaranteed dog shit.

>Candito 6 Week **SILVER MEDAL IN CRINGE**
garbage. look up the faggot midget who cranked this shit out and you'll know immediately why.

>Texas Method
great if you want to be a squat hero, garbage otherwise


>The Bridge

>Smolov Jr.
great if you want to be a bench hero for a while, garbage otherwise

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the dl and bench are good, squat is meh, but it easily fits with the rest so you dont have to worry about fatigue being mismatched

do it, dont listen to raffy or jimcel. run them and get stronger

sho sho raffy

Your worthless review is out of date.
Approved Intermediate Programs for PLG

>Bro Tier (must try hard and have sex)
5th Set (modify to 7day microcycle if needed)
5/3/1 (non 2009 base template)
Westside for Skinny Bastards
Madcow Intermediate
Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)
Blevins Intermediate (if you can find it)
Cube Kingpin
The Cube (+ Predator)
Conjugate (best in a good gym)
Spotoshot (bench only)

>Nerd Tier (must have IQ higher than bodyweight in kg)
RTS Generalized Intermediate
RTS Emerging Strategies
Nuckols Average to Savage
Nuckols 28 Free
TSA 9 Week
Blevins Skynet AI ($, but cheap)

>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes)
Candito 6 Week
Texas Method
The Bridge
Smolov Jr.
Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method
PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself)

*all of these programs work, but the effort and attitude of the athlete is most important

if you're only lifting those numbers at that bw your form is likely dogshit, fix it
then get back on babby's linear progression

after that, yeah you can do cuckols, we meme about it a lot but it's not bad

people staying on LP trying to eak out gains beyond what their GDE bodies will allow is the reason people stay weak for so long desu

Working on fixing form, dont really know how to do it, do you have any tips? ive watched a shitload of videos but i go to a commercial gym and ive yet to see somehow do a full squat or not bench with their elbows perpendicular to their bodies so getting advice from gymbros is out of question

Also didnt want to blogpost but i have an history of injuries everywhere ( except back miraculously), knees are completly blown up from decades of basketball, so is right shoulder, right ankle had a shitload of sprains etc
Also severe depression meaning i cant sleep really well so i dont recover really well.

Dont want to whine or sound condescending or makes excuses , but that probably explains bad numbers, if im wrong let me now

45kg @ 90kg BW OHP nigga wtf.

>those shit lifts

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Do 3x bench, 2x squat, 1x do, and an extra day if you want. Make sure your IQ is higher than your bodyweight in kg.

Just start light, and progress slow.

how do y'all incorporate core training into your workout? need to improve my stability and was thinking of adding side planks + normal planks on my lower day. would that be enough?

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Do leg raises for D E C O M P R E S S I O N

I do Roman Chair sit ups, usually once a week.

Planks are meme shit for wankers.

>5th Set (modify to 7wk microcycle if needed)

>5/3/1 (non 2009 base template) ***GOLD MEDAL IN CRINGE***
garbage that was ripped off from a high school football routine. the chump who cranked this snake oil horse shit out is a total faggot fraud manlet.

>Westside for Skinny Bastards
great if you use steroids, subpar otherwise

>Madcow Intermediate
painfully mediocre for a couple of months, garbage after

>Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)

>Blevins Intermediate

>The Cube (+ Predator) *BRONZE MEDAL IN CRINGE*
garbage. the person who squeezed this turd out is a fucking loser and the "routine" itself is superfluous, stupid bullshit.

>Cube kingpin
See above. Same basic training principles, same garbage. Even the names fucking cringe.

fantastic if you use steroids, textbook meme shit otherwise.

Garbage. I'd rather you do cuckols for bench which says a lot.

>RTS Generalized Intermediate

>RTS Emerging Strategies

>Nuckols Average to Savage
reddit garbage

>Nuckols 28 Free
reddit garbage

slightly above average for a total novice for a few months, permanent stall garbage otherwise

>TSA 9 Week
garbage. anything based on "weeks" is pretty much guaranteed dog shit.

>Blevins skynet AI
Garbage. I feel sorry for people stupid enough to give money to this faggot.

>Candito 6 Week **SILVER MEDAL IN CRINGE**
garbage. look up the faggot midget who cranked this shit out and you'll know immediately why.

>Texas Method
great if you want to be a squat hero, garbage otherwise


>The Bridge

>Smolov Jr.
great if you want to be a bench hero for a while, garbage otherwise

>Bulgarian/Bugenhagen/Blaha method
Garbage. Enjoy burning out with no gains just like the faggy ecelebs who run it.

Is this the one Sean got an injury on? Career ending for GDE's, garbage for everyone else just like every other program which has 'hypertrophy' in the name

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I'm seriously considering giving up on being solely focused on pl and going back to a more cardio intensive sport. I don't want to lose what gains I have now though. Not sure how to do it though

What program do you recommend as the best intermediate solution?

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A Heavy Light Medium template if you want full body or the gbro upper lower template if you want a split considering you know how to program the shit he's too stupid to specify in his almost incomprehensible posts.
Here's how to set up a good HLM, it isn't hard so don't fuck it up:

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Wrong link sorry

>he doesn't eat 1000cal of white rice before going to the gym
What's your excuse?

Why do you say emerging strategies is garbage? I've made better gains on this than I did with various sheiko templates.

You can progress on anything as a novice

>Mike T has top level clients running ES
>still implies it's for novices

you can progress on anything if you take increasing dosages of anabolics

IPF btfo
How will they ever recover?
USPA is my new best friend and the WRPF is the only true world stage.


Unrelated to anything in this thread. I recently discovered this song and just had to share.

Added to "meme tier" for not being a program. It's a vague DUP template.

>I'm seriously considering giving up on being solely focused on pl and going back to a more cardio intensive sport.

If it's not rugby, you're a pussy.

A fair amount of volume at relatively low intensities (minimum two thirds of your max, but no need for more than 80%) for reps-per-set that leave a rep or two in the tank (RPE is handy for this, moreso "in-season" when you won't be able to control how rested and fresh you are in the gym very consistently) should at least maintain muscle.

Your 1RMs will likely drop a bit, particularly during seasons, but that's primarily from no longer practicing specifically for them. If you cared to, during the offseason, you could probably peak into 1RMs equaling or possibly surpassing old ones, depending on how good you are at powerlifting currently, how long your offseasons are, how beat up your seasons leave you, and you training throughout.

do you guys ever do quad or chest isolation e.g. extensions and flies

Below 100kg you look like you never touched barbell in your life at this height, believe me


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who is this viscosity monstrosity

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think i'm going to do Gbro's upper/lower split template combined with 5th set

all i want is a program i can do fora couple years that guarantees slow but maintainable gains so i can stop using any more of my brain than is necessary for this bloody hobby and just lift hard

Das it man. Focus on consistent long term gains and staying injury free.

CWS has said good things about pec flys

db flies are excellent. leg extensions are okay if you just want easy, quick pump.

Post template

probably he meant this

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That ain't 5th set. Where is the amrap?

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>he cant read

Is high volume back work the key for a big boy deadlift?
Is high volume tricep work the key for a big boy bench?

Volume and frequency yes.

>think i'm going to do Gbro's upper/lower split template combined with 5th set
Where's the 5th set?


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The guy was posting a screenshot of what i run, i do not run 5th set therefore there is no 5th set

>asks for gbro's template
>wonders where's the 5th set
You're not the brightest arent you?

Is it normal to feel some tension in my lower back after a set of squats or am i fucking it up?

A pump is normal, not a sharp pain

Been doing 3x20 goblet squats as my main quad assistance for squats and can confirm it’s good. No more knee caving on low bar squats and helped push past a plateau

Zerchers really hit the quads and will allow you to go a hell of a lot heavier

Lmao, enjoy looking like an idiot and people rushing to your help because they think you failed front squat.

Just stick to normal stuff like leg press or extentions, no point going for a meme lifts, lmao

don't care virgin

Maybe care more about progress than what people think of you

Youre in the gym to train not look cool

caring about what other people think so much that it changes the way you train is immediate never going to make it territory

I get pain similar to tennis elbow from them unfortunately

I cant even begin to figure out how that would happen

Deposited some Norman khan

Stink factor 3.4/10

>that much upper back


Dunno, could be something about a heavy bar wedged on the inside of your elbows and having to constantly fight to keep your arms from extending and snapping your biceps with way heavier weight than they’re used to? But I guess you know everything so it can’t be that you fat breathing mask cunt

Stop being weak. People, and girls in particular, used to mire a lot when I did Zerchers. They think you're strong enough to curl the weight.

yeah when i run his template i'm doing a little less, 4 sets of a row variation or a pulldown variation alternating each session of the four, but the fact is back work is very recoverable and pretty much always beneficial; i just probably need to work up that volume rather than starting from the off with it

I like this post except for the bit where it says Smolov jnr isn't garbage.

t. shit bench


Its involved heavily in all 3 lifts and recovers quickly...

Yeah maybe halve it all to start

Squat day is finally here. I'll do 20kg lunges and paused db squats until my quads burn.

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Why dont you just travel to another gym to train for a week?

what are all the exercises you do for upper back

I rather want to know whats good for tris other than pushdowns and jm press.

Is Westside for Skinny Bastards good for a beginner? My goal is 'some' muscle mass, but mainly strength.

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I'm morally opposed to paying 10€ for an hour of squat rack.

>mainly strength
>not muscle mass
Where the fuck do you think strength comes from? Your fucking ass?

If you go for hypertrophy, you will not gain as much strength as if you focused on strength maxing. That's a general theory. Show me a bodybuilder who will win a powerlifting competition.

I would say no, but seeing the picture you posted I think it will be right up your alley.

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Lmao every gym allows for free trial, just be a fucking gym hobo for a while. Go to local gyms once asking for free trial and never go back.

If you want to gain any decent amount of strength you’ll have to build a lot of muscle. One doesn’t really happen without the other

They won't because they're dehydrated and carb depleted any bodybuilder would be just as strong if they just peaked for a meet.

You are a fucking idiot

All done with straps, thumbless, focusing on pulling the elbows down/back instead of pulling with the biceps

My main rotation atm is
Cable rows
Single arm lever rows
Single arm lever pulldowns
Smith machine rows

Pushdowns are good for forcing blood through and growing the lazy head, but not much else

JM press
Ez bar rolling extension
Db rolling extension
Dirty 30s
Tricep extensions
Seated high pin press

Efferding. Ohearn. Coleman.

>Show me a bodybuilder who will win a powerlifting competition.

larry wheels. btfo you faggot.

Clue is in the name pal

So pushdowns purely for aesthetics and recovery and those others for big bench, thanks.

It's not unusual for bodybuilders to powerlift in their off-season. My gymfu says she'll do just dad after she's done with her next show (maybe I can give her the ole natty switcharoo).

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If you're a beginner, run starting strength or a similar LP program for a couple of months until your linear progress slows. After that, move on to one of the intermediate programs listed in the thread. Westside for hardgainers is a perfectly viable program that would work for a lot of different kinds of lifters.

Is there a westside for a fat fucks? Asking for a pal

its normal westside
westside for skinny bastards is desgined to make you a fat fuck

t. Weak faggot who didn't even look at the program


DB Bench 4x25
Banded facepull 4x25

Axle bar floor press 5x2
DB Bench 4x8
JM Press 5x10
Rolling DB extension 8x8 30s rest
Lat pulldown 5x10
Smith Row 2x20
BB rear delt raise 3x20

>smith row

No its this one youtu.be/df3GJr2sCtc

Nobody cares