Why did so many soldiers have dad bods?

Why did so many soldiers have dad bods?

Attached: 1527358697205.jpg (4720x3251, 3.59M)

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>me balancing a strict diet, working out 6 days a week, doing complex exercise rotations, getting enough sleep, etc
>still not as good as a trenchsoldier eating the shit they give him with barely any sleep and no weightlifting

Left is curled over is all. Or maybe they just had real issues to worry about like winning the war so you could spend your useless life in a gym in the hopes of attracting a 'gf'.

Both of these guys are skinny as fuck. The guy on the right has a bit of gyno

Because all this shit that you read on Jow Forums about how more masculine average guy was back in the days (yeah, in the beggining of 20th century, lol) is actually shit.

Attached: 15283204486410.png (1920x1200, 1.38M)

maybe it's because they were just drafted plebs (eg. dads)

>The absolute shit hits the fan.
>Damn near the entire world is at war, to the point that almost every country involved has conscripted service.
>Everybody is going war, no desk jobs unless you're recruiting 20+ men to take your place on the battlefield.
>One of the most costliest events in recorded history.
>Supply lines are complete shit and due to new weaponry everybody is literally just destroying fucking everything to the point that even 100 years later people will still be finding UXO on the ground.
>Kids that aren't even out of high school yet are preparing to go to war.
Lol, we all still have time to lift everyday, though. The media has you secretly brainwashed. The reason why soldiers got three reputation and respect and is because literal fucking teenagers had to write a will, ended up cutting kraut throats, fucked French whores, and then took a bullet to the dome before even being old enough to drink.

You have no idea what masculinity is

>Lol, we all still have time to lift everyday, though. The media has you secretly brainwashed. The reason why soldiers got three reputation and respect and is because literal fucking teenagers had to write a will, ended up cutting kraut throats, fucked French whores, and then took a bullet to the dome before even being old enough to drink.
can anyone translate pls

bois in 1918
>literally in a war
>kill or be killed
>This is your life 24/7 youtube.com/watch?v=mRPFQMO8yX4
>try to remain sane
>don't know what masculine or apha means

>wake up, browse Jow Forums and drink coffee comfy in your flat
>go to gym
>drink whey and eat oats man this is hardcore manly shit
>spend the rest of the evening shitpostin on the internet
>I'm alpha as fuck and 1918 guys don't know what masculine is

Because they're natural.
No they weren't lmao, they were just slimmer on average, but bitch tits and gyno were still a thing, baby faces were still a thing, scrawny small frames were still a thing.

Inb4 romanticist retards start shitting up the thread

They weren't aesthetics faggots

you don't know what masculinity is
you don't know what masculinity is obviously
you probably have this notion that masculinity = honorable/courageous which is really dumb.
masculinity is literally virility and physical development, in other words "high test".
soldiers in ww1-2 were brave "alphas"(whatever that means) but they weren't noticeably more masculine than most people alive today lmao.

Imagine some Jow Forums alpha male T-rex mode from 2018 being teleported 1918, he would get ridiculed and raped on a daily basis

Just about to say this, they probably weren't soldiers a year before the photo

you don't know what masculinity is
Post body
lower faggot

That Being said in my own mind I link being courageous with high test which means the guys in the trenches were more masculine than the average joes today. One could start to argue about the dropping T levels as an argument for men being more masculine in the past but ain't nobody got time to look for sources for that shit.

The most masculkine guys today ar robably incarcelated, masculine avoid domestication.
Soldier ar the epitome of domesticated males, they get their uniform, they get send to die just to get a at o ntheir solders calling them brave or heros for no reason at all than doing their job.
Theyre not, and they werent more masculien that ur average joe.

giving your life away as a throwaway pawn for the powers that be is even more 'beta' than tfw no gf

you sound like some kind of anarchist son.
you're probably still a teen and hence not a man.

Lindyboomer would like a word with you

Those betas could learn a thing or two from an alpha like yourself

Attached: 510.jpg (367x500, 26K)

Attached: lindybeige_sword.jpg (349x320, 64K)

Because they didn't have the strict metrosexual diet and exercise plans your average Jow Forumsizen has today. They were in a fucking war so they pretty much got as many calories as they could and their "lifts" were limited to carrying around packs of supplies.

Attached: Narcissus_SE.jpg (820x550, 79K)

Says the guy that literally does not know what masculinity is or what it entails.
Some kid that was sent to fucking die in some bullshit war is not more masculine than a farm boy in brazil or a hunter gatherer in the amazon, he just had a shittier life, that's it, that's the only difference.
>post body
Are you a ww2 vet? Post body with timestamps
>lower faggot
Ok so you were just pretending then

>That Being said in my own mind I link being courageous with high test which means the guys in the trenches were more masculine than the average joes today.
The guys in the trenches didn't have a choice, they were sent there, they were forced, if you were forced you would also have to deal with it too.
Would it automatically make you more masculine? Answer this honestly and you will know why masculinity has nothing to do with how kids young adults were sent to their death.

Furthermore niggers have less inhibition and constantly get involved in gang warfare and brawls, does it make them more masculine considering they do this out of their own choice?
>One could start to argue about the dropping T levels as an argument for men being more masculine in the past but ain't nobody got time to look for sources for that shit.
To be fair I haven't seen any compelling evidence that men of the past(WW2 and before) had higher test than men today.

Extra fat deposits are good for keeping their energy up during periods where they couldn't get food

>The guys in the trenches didn't have a choice, they were sent there, they were forced
No everyone who goes to war was drafted
>Would it automatically make you more masculine?
It would probably make a man out of someone who spends their free time talking tough on a Chinese cartoon forum

>It would probably make a man out of someone who spends their free time talking tough on a Chinese cartoon forum
If they survive, but doesn't matter because it wouldn't make them more masculine, since it wouldn't make them taller, wider shouldered, more muscular, hairier and more robust and virile and energetic overall, in fact it seems to do opposite, vets often have issues with virility.

Masculinity is about more than just appearance. Behavior and attitude are also factors.

because a majority of their time was spent not watching calories or keeping consistent with nutrient intake/diet plan or a workout routine