High test shows

ill start

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>Hips broader than shoulders

That's just ammo packs *rubs head*


Punisher completely stole Daredevil S2 and after he was gone that series turned to shit properly.
His series was good but after the first few episodes it felt like spy stuff rather than actual Punisher material. Still good.


Huh, Punisher, now that's a manly superhero unlike those fags in latex *cuckles*

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It got good in the end though. My dick was fully erect when he pushed his thumbs into Rawlins' eyeholes. Damn that shit was good

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>High test shows

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Peaky Blinders is a depiction of how to be alpha as a skinny alienskulled manlet

Punisher parts yes. Also redpilled on 'strong women'
>woman literally fucks the bad guy
>lets emotions get in the way of her job
>tries to help in the end
>gets shot

can't post link but go to youtube and type punisher screaming montage/compilation

>punisher screaming was the best part of the show

hammer scene first episode was perfect - if it wasn't for that scene i wouldn't have watched the show

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Trailer park boys

kek that guy's head is huge, is that photoshopped?

Yuru Yuri

Thomas was fucking CHAD

The only good show ITT.

what show s this

true detective season 1

Well, the other shows are good. But TD season 1 is legit a masterpiece.

Is this show about the voyage to the north pole? Imagine being one of those men.

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season 2 was actually higher test (you're a fag if you didn't like season 2, btw).

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They were searching for a pass around Canada to avoid fucking leafs

best show to come out since the sopranos and the wire

why had canadians wanted to be fuck by some sailors?

Only based crime show out there.


whoa look at this monster! now that's a man who could really put up a fight!

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1.+ 2. season
and maybe the first half of the 3.
the rest is shit

won't pulling your hair back that tightly cause hairloss?

the actor who portrays ragnar's brother (guy in the middle) has a good frame, im mirin

Season 2 was absolute trash. Only retards and contrarians 'liked' it

Why is Punisher a little Mexican?

it was better than 99% of things on TV at the time.

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I dont know, i never had long hair
yeah the guy has that, natural strong look, inspiring

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me on the right

Does test give you a healing factor because this guy gets shot a lot

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wannabe high test=/=high test
the only high test /tv/ is cheese action kinos from 80s and 90s

Fuck me lads are we ever going to get them back again?

Hmm, I can almost see your point in that we’ve gone dangerously deep into the feminist aware and PC elements that creep into most shows.

Vikings is okay except for 'muh strong shield maidens'


Cobra Kai, alpha as fuck.

basedboy answers

the only patrician answers on this thread

Pic related is as high test as you can go


Hajime no Ippo
The Shield
Magnum PI
The Sopranos
Boardwalk Empire
Ash vs the Evil Dead
The Wire

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There was no higher test show than this

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>has a great jaw


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higher test show never existed
get mogged by perfect jaw and muscles of 6'3 man americucks

Television is inherently low test

It's low test to watch TV, but shows can still be high test

only if you suck cocks in your sparetime

The only true answer, faggots

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>tfw sorted yourself out

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I pop a boner pretty much anytime this guy is on the screen no homo.

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>no one even mentions the highest test show of all

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As a matter of fact, pulling your hair stimulates growth.

Back to with you

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The first 4 seasons are superb. After that, not so much...

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Don't remember why I lost interest on season 2 but the fights were good.

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Oh hi

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>High test

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>hasn't been posted yet


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This would leave me depressed after each episode.

>the scenes in the forests during winter

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it was still good but not as great as the first four

>ywn be this alpha

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thanks user. I'm glad you think I'm so based

the first 3 seasons were K I N O
everything sucked about season 4, except the finale.

This is the highest test show. Probably hadn't been posted because nobody has seen it on here.

There is no right answer. Only high test stuff on tv is non fiction.

Punisher actor is a low test never trumper. Self hating wimp unfortunately

I'm halfway through season 5 watching for the first time. It's amazing, it's actually the first good TV show ever made.

Too much "feels" and PTSD stuff. Punisher MAX worked because he doesn't feel anymore. Punisher is a lot better when it's just Frank torture porn, and he's a complex character in his own way. There's no need to Rambo him. "Hurr durr I kill bcuz other kill! WubbalubadubduBb I'm PTSD!" Fucking brainlets.
>Disclaimer: The chick who plays Madani also plays Mary Magdalene on The Bible and Son of God so that kind of pissed me off. Jim Cavaziel doesn't even do nude sex scenes because his faith and roles were so important to him. He had Jennifer Lopez wear a top while he wore a shirt. He also had a commercial against aborted baby stem cell research.

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The Shield
Stargate SG-1 self-inserting as MacGyver

seems like the kind of thing redditors obsessed with their own beards would force themselves to like

first 3 seasons are good and the attacks on Paris but it becomes
>muh strong shieldmaidens
>Muh ivar is so scaaaary despite being a crippled dumbass who's tactics are only good because the enemies lack tactics entirely

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>his faith and roles were so important to him
there's nothing wrong with standing up for your ideals
>He also had a commercial against aborted baby stem cell research
although this is stupid

The Sopranos made me less of a pussy

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Marvel/Netflix has an obsession with adding terrible subplots to otherwise good shows. Both Daredevil S2 and Punisher S1 had this problem. I think the other ones did too, but they were so mediocre I can't remember them

I address you directly, Jow Forums. Please listen as if you were sober and intelligent, and not a drink-sodden, sip-addled wreck.

You are certainly not without accomplishments: it is a rare man who can boast of becoming a bankrupt while still underage b&. You have brought upon us newfags, /fraud/s and meme diets.

You are Jow Forums's Helen of Troy. But then, a woman's role has always suited you best.

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This. The punisher scenes in daredevil were better than any scenes in his own show. When he picks up the shotgun and carelessly lifts it to the side to blast a guy, god damn.

That's what I meant. Either you read wrong or I'm not good at explaining myself. Jim Cavaziel takes his roles seriously while Amber Rose Revah spent her career as Mary Magdalene (and some foreign films), then turned around and did semi-nude stuff just for the game of it. She lost all of my respect.

Fame of it*
Don't phonepost, especially if you clean your electronics with alcohol like a retard. (It messes with the screen)

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if some faggot gives it a rewatch, they will find it was really problematic and on point about some issues.Had great and really funny episodes up until season 6.Johnny Drama is the best character and Entourage had the best girls in all of HBO

Forgot the image

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eastbound and down is pretty alpha

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Tv shows and high test are not compatible at all. Entertainment industry is about soapboxing, and is full of leftist propaganda by you know who. You're just falling for their agenda by paying out of your pockets to watch your tv shows and web series.
Pick up a book instead.

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I've only seen the anime, but I think they actually show him fucking all the girls in the manga.

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Burn Notice is Kino but never talked about

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>it was better than 99% of things on TV at the time.
staring at your wall is better than 99% of things on TV.