How to channel self-hatred into exercising? Please provide exact setps to do this. Thanks

How to channel self-hatred into exercising? Please provide exact setps to do this. Thanks.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>go exercise
>don't forget you hate yourself while doing it

punch yourself in the face every 10 reps

Wear tight clothes so you'll have to see and expose your flabby body

This isnt helpful
kinda helpful

>Imagine how my life would look like in 5 years if I let my weaknesses and failures take over
>Realize that exercise is one of the things that might help me avoid that living hell

Attached: stay dry pupper.jpg (740x632, 118K)

Stay dry pupper

Stay dry pupper

How about you are a faggot and should kys. You dont deserve to live

>Stay dry pupper
Self-hatred is the worst kind of motivation, it will only lead to self-destructive behavior.
Get Therapy and just lift, it isn't worth it to kill yourself in the gym.

not really helpful. thanks

Frequently look through every FPS/FPH thread and save all disgusting images. ALL of them.
Look through them every day.
Then exercise.

Meditating on past experiences and things people may continue to express to you. Your failures, your disappointments, people berating you. Just simple contemplation and re-imagining of these experiences. Then, you allow yourself to become angered, and transcend that imagery while looking at yourself in a tunnel-visioned, blind yet composed fury. Then, you lift.

This worked for me all the way to illness and injury. I made a lot of gains, and lost most of them. It works, but tread carefully.

It only works if you're delusional enough to think that getting fit will change your life.

thinking about "her" every rep.

IF you can't do this naturally, you don't have enough hate.... and you know what? You never will.

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Lifting weights does not cure depression, but it can help. Brain chemistry is a funny thing. Just keep at it. One day you'll be happy and have no reason for it.

This is what I do

tnx bro :)
will try this bro

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>go to gym
>rack weights
>Look at insta/normiebook and compare yourself to everyone having fun and not hating themselves
>hate yourself for not being like them
>put bar on shoulders
Repeat for several sets, then
>go home
>hate self
>lay awake in bed anxious and hating self
>sleep too little
>wake up too early
Repeat until death

thanks breh

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Just listen to Hatebreed.

For me
>bullied in middle school
>hate myself and everyone else
>don't have really anywhere to vent it
>see some kids with cutting marks
>think it's fucking pathetic
>channel my hate energy into improving myself
>from 13 to 16 yo do only abs and push ups
>at some point realize how broken I really am and how it wasn't just teen angst
>join gym
>hatred grows
>weights grow

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