PLEASE look after yourself bros

The aging gains pay dividends. Just look at people who treat themselves like shit

Attached: Justicus.jpg (2896x2896, 376K)

john lennon was a fruit who only got with yoko because she looked like a boy

there's seriously hotter asians then yoko

why did he get with her? he could have had any women in the world at the height of their popularity

do cottage cheese and yogurt age you as much as regular milk and other cheese? this is the only clean food that i can't get enough of

>negative canthal tilt
Pure prey

>be 32
>going through induction of new employee
>looks 40-50
>she's a year younger than me


He was a delusional autist with no manliness at all
>imagine all the people eating soi for life
No surprise he came to the point where he fucks some eskimos horrible womanlet.

Chad life got boring so he started slaying hippie alternatives too. Best of all worlds.

True legend

>Abused his son
More like true leg-end

Was John Lennon the biggest pussy to have ever lived? And who was the highest test beatle?

>who was the highest test beatle?

>hippie alternative
>best of all words
So you like hairy bitches who don't clean themselves?

Enjoy your yeast infection.

it was obviously george

I agree with this bro.

That guy was a massive fag with that hair and hippie clothes. Looked good way before he was famous

It was actually Ringo. You could tell his high test levels not by the size of his nose but for all the pussly he slayed during his prime. Hell, I believe he was only passed by Bill Wyman on the fuck-counter.

Lol that pic is all the hair and glasses. His skin barely changed.

>His skin barely ch-

Attached: Haggard old lady.jpg (2896x2896, 514K)


lmao he has literally no wrinkles or visible skin defects on the right, and the older photo is a shittier low fidelity picture that isn't going to show detail.

I thought you were shot in 1980?

Attached: 197.jpg (990x1243, 556K)