Congrats on your heart failure by 52
Why are you so out of proportion?
You need to get a bodybuilding coach mate, your body needs sorting out.
no legs
I don't even like this tripfag, but you all sound like salty dyels
How do I get arms like that?
Congrats dying as a dyel fucking nobody LMAO
also this is a progress thread can you fucking read with those ugly eyes of yours. Probably got nothing to show off KEK
They look fine. Better than anyone of this cancerous loser board
IMAGINE BEING THIS FUCKIN RETARDED HOLY FUCK, you got slapped to the fucking head with a BBC went you left your momma's pussy which made your face not deformed but also gave you permanent brain damage KEK
what about this leg progresss
Looking good mate. I'm trying to get my arm vein like yours. What did u do to increase it's size
That's a lot of insecurity you got going there, bud.
Leg routine?
tfw i look like your before pic
How to did you change your routine and diet from going from not using gear to using?
thick veins = low body fat and lots of muscle. It's that simple
But you're a secure by showing no pictures right? That makes some secure LMFAO
Squats, leg extensions, leg press, hamstring curl
1 year lifting it's probably sideways fuck
I'm still a fatass, but getting there
>under 200 now
>should hit goal (170) around the end of the year
i actually train less now that i have steroids, i only started eating more calories and kept the protein % a tad higher. We're all gonna make it breh, lift with me
I still do the same ''bro split'' as before. I just eat more and do more reps
Does this count as progress
your nipples are a perfect cone shape
Start fasting
holy fuarkk
I hope no one thinks steroids weren't involved lmfao
>thinks roiding will make him a 'somebody'
I feel sorry for you desu
Can I just post lifting numbers?
Looking juicy mas
Mirin' width
I wish I could afford steroids
Then I could just sit back and let the gains pile on while watching TV and stuffing my face with hot pockets like mast
Lifting for gains is for chumps
Jesus man
What kind of sick freak would be proud of being English or Canadian?
But i looked like this natty which is still better than you would look on steroids
So what is you argument again?
You have to know how much mires and attention i get. You will never believe it KEK.
All that roiding yet no self-esteem gains. Wack
From March to today.
Nothing too impressive but I'm optimistic about the direction I'm headed.
Mirin' facial gains.
All that lifting but stil dyel.
Good now gain some more mass
What would masT look like if he stops roiding?
Flabby vagina arms I bet
Looking good handsome
Dyel noob here but need help
Did you train for strenght before enhancing or have you been on the same split since start ?
Thanks breh, the lighting really helps me in that regard though.
I'm still 20-25% BF so I've still got some cutting to do, as someone who's been overweight and obese all my life, I'm terrified of bulking.
My genetics would never allow me to look shitty. You can see at my natty pictures
training for strength is for fat powerlifters that are too pussy for bodybuilding. Powerlifters are fucking fat hamburger lifters
Yes i only trained more and introduced more different exercises.
If you keep eating clean you can keep it at minimum if you start at lower body fat
Need opinions, cut for a bit and aim for 165-160lbs or bulk and try to put on mass, then cut? I want visible abs and I know I need a lower bf%.
10-11 months, have been stuck at ~80kg for months now, probably need to stop fuck around with people between sets in the gym and skipping exercises/meals to gain more.
lol, your genetics?
You're like 5"10 at best though.
And even Arnie, who is way better than you in every respect, especially body, looks like a vagina now that he's off roids
I'm in a similar situation man, I decided to cut tho
Well you said that you want visible abs, cut.
If I was you I would want to put on more size first.
Did you change your routine after gear
Cut a bit more then bulk.
I will fuck your twink ass in the ass
I am 6' mirin?
Because he didn't keep training and eating. There a lot of bodybuilders that still look great at older age. Look at Frank zane etc.
Never gonna make it
Looks like you won't have problems with loose skin. Noice
Yeah, I've lost the fat and Im stuck on that last bit that hangs around my lower belly. Since cutting, my lifts aren't going up as much.
I might try to eat on a surplus (+200 cals) for a week or so and see how I'm feeling. If I need more, I'll eat more. Hopefully in a month or two I'll have more mass.
Is it a good idea to copycat Zane's stack or there are better options available today?
The roids must be going to your head if you think you're BTFO anybody.
I've given you all the chances in the world yet you seem incapable of anything but bragging.
Total brainlet
you roid to compensate for being a MASsive faggot. You have literally no reason to sacrifice your health...not for fame...not for money...not for do it so girls might like you and guys will fear you...and for that reason youre pathetic and a literal retard. Your responses to critical comments are all telling and hilarious, please keep it going.
Damn those are some ugly legs
Could you please explain why you decided to get on the juice? If it really were natty picks (the ones you claimed to be natty) you looked good bro. Do you have the opposite of anorexia where you have to keep getting bigger?
Noice. What were your macros and calories on cut?
haha limp dick
my god that tattoo is dogshit
>has body hair
What reason has he given you to believe anything he says? What about his personality tells you he would tell the truth about those pics being natty? Don't you think a pituitary retard like him would say just about anything to try to prove to a bunch of randoms that hes not as big of a faggot as he knows he is?
you seem mentally ill my friend
500mg test isn't batty
Stop lying
assuming that's you
you looked fine and you managed to look like a veiny turd
Are you fucking smoking crack or are you fucking mentally disabled. I am btfo you and everyone else on this fucking pussy board RIGHT AS WE SPEAK LMAO
Not as ugly as your ugly face
Because i have fucking ambition in life i want to be the fucking biggest mofo in the room everywhere i come. I want to mogg the shit out of you fucking dyels to the point you wish you were never born with your cancerous inferior genetics
do you miss being able to fuck girls?
>thinks roids means he has good genetics
>thinks he has good genetics when he isnt even white
laughing at you my beaner friend
you must hate your life
But you still have the same mass as a twink would have. That's the point of being a twink, twink
Imagine being this jelly that you tell yourself that picture is not natty, just to feel a bit better about your own shitty genetics that would probably result in killing yourself
I fuck my gf everyday.
I can feel the roid rage from this post alone
my argument is that you're a fraud who looks ridiculous, definitely not "better" than anything lol
>hard earned
>uses steroids
Pick one
you're the type of guy to assault teenagers for deadlifting too loud
You got to increase your blood pressure, using steroid like mast will work.
Everyone can go to a gym lol try ordering banned substances and then putting it in your body
You must be new here, everything MasT does belongs in a cringe compilation.
I am baffled you didn't even kill yourself yet. Especially after i annihilated into fucking pieces with god-tier pictures
Really fascinating how this feeble dyel mind of is using this cope mechanism.
But who is better looking than me then? Where are the pictures? Who the fuck can take me down. I am fucking KING KONG YOUR JUST LIVE HER
I am the type of guy that would fucking mogg the shit out of you and your imaginary gf. After that she would only think about my dick. From now on you have to make a fucking copy of my body and glue it to your own body because no pussy is getting wet from now
The amount summerfags in this thread. Just let masTer do his thing,
>my ambitions in life are to be the biggest, most puffed up roided goon in every room, that'll show 'em!!!!!
answer me masTer
You look better natty, Jesus Christ man
>hard earned
Suuure user. Real effort there
>Mistaking people looking at your interestingly disgusting body as mires.
That’s not progress, that’s just sad
Fuck off faggot or you'll be dead in seconds
Shall we guess what year and where this blasting faggot eventually dies?
>2019, in the sauna
She'll be thinking about your balls, how fucking tiny they are from all that test you've been taking.
Anyone else get their bros to pin deca into their dick veins? I sometimes mix it up and get one to put a view orals up the bumbum at the same time. I hear its the purest way your body absorbs the test
You look/looked better... like never LMAO
No that's only when they see your ugly face and body
If you weren't a virgin then you would know woman give a fucking shit about balls LMAO
Think of how much happier you would be if you focus your ambition on something that helped people, your family would be very proud.
best cycle for shedding fat while simultaniously making some gains for noobs?
Im thinking simple Test-E 500 mg/week + IF (8/16)
Because he wasn't actually natty in that pic he keeps posting.
Pic related is what he was like before jumping on stuff, bloated with 0 definition and just overall mediocre.
Inb4 the cope posts about how his genetics are so good that he endep roiding LMAO.
irrefuteable factual evidence that training programs or routines are irrelevant when you get on juice
what's your arm routine?
current weight?
show back?
also this and what are you running currently
why don't you compete in classic physique? seems like you could do some damage there with those arms, unless they shrink when you cut hard
>that pic
looks better than 99% of guys here desu
compared to his "natty" pic? he looks mediocre, just fatceps flexing and pump maxing
Bro. You honestly looked better in the before pic. Maybe you should consider dropping the gear.
Inb4 "haha you're dyed tho" yeah yeah...
Think of how much happier you would be if you had my god-tier body instead of your dyel body with 11 inch noodle arms
You just focus on either gaining muscle or losing fat. Not both at the same time.
Actually that was me when i just started to hit the gym, no diet no routine nothing. Just fucking around.