gravity edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fats are retarded. Look at the mental acrobatics in this shit.

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He's actually right, you know.

If something were to happen, a crash or the mattress flying off, that arm would be fucked. What a dumb idea. Why not tie it to the door or just loop through to the other window? Are fatties that dumb?

all those typos must be from how fat his fingers are

no hes not

>energy is just an imaginary concept and calories don’t exist
hey, I found your picture

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I always thought fat peoples' brain must be affected by their condition, but Jesus Christ, this is a whole other level. This nigga didn't even pass 7th grade biology.

>Come home after a workout
>fph thread only has a few replies

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That guy from lost really let him self go


post body then

sometimes you just got to have a pair of shoes, amirite ladies?

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Yes, they are that dumb. Fat cells attack white matter in the brain.

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On todays episode of things that never happened.

Are ALL fats this delusional?

being the only Jow Forums person in a family of fatties is torture

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Fatties are the best larpers

>if I use lots of long words people might think I actually met a doctor

The fat is correct in that energy is a concept. But the fat doesn't really acknowledge that the concept is based on observable phenomenon. Using this logic, the sun shouldn't be burning.

The fit poster also incorrectly stated you eat calories. By doing so created his own strawman for the fat poster to attack. You eat food, which provides calories (energy) He was talking in a shorthand manner, which the fat poster intentionally took literally in order to project their fatass fantasy further onto the world.

>fat as shit
>on smartphone wasting time
this is why people are going conservative

Real story
>half niglets comes up and takes my package of oreos
>"dis is mine you fat cookie monster bitch"
>cry, no father in sight
>see kids run to mother
>tell her the story
>"kids, I've told you all is fat people don't over eat. We have thyroid problems and can't lose water weight.*uses inhaler*. Besides from being a single mom I'm also a doctor. I have a PhD in women's study."

Nah, there are also people who are just fat and live with htat, some try to lose weight, some don't, most of them know that it's bad for them.
But there are also alcoholics out there who know that alcohol is bad for them, incels that know that staying indoors all day is bad and so on and so on.
You just don't hear the normal ones often. They still gross me out bodily, but I don't have a problem with them and can interact with them perfectly normal in a social context like work, party, whatever.
Won't fuck a fatty tho, lel

Wow it's almost as if fit people are more calm than fat people. Fatties are always so obnoxious

Why are fatties always so goddamn loud? If I looked like a tub of shit I'd just be quiet and try to blend into the background, not draw all the attention to me.

got catfished tonight

>matched earlier this afternoon
>knew that she was potentially working the myspace angles
>whatever, i don’t mind a bigger girl, how bad can it be

she showed up at my house and she was HUGE. still kind of pretty but just way way too big, definitely obese maybe even morbidly. took her to the couch and sat as far away as possible and just talked and dropped a few comments about how tired i was until she decided to leave.

not gambling anymore boys, only swiping right on women who are verifiably not cows

Be careful my dude, these sows are teaching each other how to contour collarbones. We're talking borderline Predator levels of camo here.

Would you, Jow Forums?

Based dad

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That isn't what a catfish is.

based Abby

What a joke city

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bodily gissue

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Why this always happen? This seriously happened with me twice and the third is already on course.

>fat person hate thread

>defending fatty logic

Fuck off nobhead.

The only way this is true is if the mother was fat too.

Never date anyone who was ever fat in the first place, unless if you are cooking for them

based Abby is based

Are you on your third marriage?
Also to answer your question, women usually get fit/ care about their appearance for other people rather than for themselves. aka to impress friends and hot guys. once they've gotten a real "catch" and got married, they have no need for looking good since kids and/or work is more than enough on their mind.
besides, they're already married so why look good when you already have a guy

lookin good vault boy

that happened with my ex too, I just don't care anymore

it doesn't just happen in marriages anymore, women will do this in ltrs too

And then everyone clapped

Oh wow he's a seattleite, how shocking wow wow just wow.
I see plenty of those fat, purple haired, middle aged "men" (and "women", but that's to be expected) freaks here just going to the grocery store, it's a circus. A very sad circus.

struggling student or recently evicted NEET? All the homeless people around me are manipulators and I've seen all but two drinking and smoking in people's stairwells. Fucking hate them

>going conservative
Trust me, I thought people had a limit to being tolerant to degeneracy, before I moved to Seattle. They won't go conservative even if it meant risking the safety of their families or themselves. If anything, they'll push further into the other direction.

>posse of fat loud women
>awesome personalities

I think to make up for not being visually appealing, they try to have a "funny" personality

>this is your brain on nominalism

I'm actually curious, how many former fatasses go on fph threads? I used to be 240 lbs in April. I've dropped over 40 lbs since then.

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Imagine being this delusional.

Not homeless. Id bet money on that. Just lazy-entitled hipster shitbag, larping his romantic view of being poor an bohemian.

Cheese is fine, tho.

At least makes panhandling easier, amirite?

Well he does make the claim that energy cannot turn into matter which pretty much contradicts Einstein so...

Why are these threads so trash? I see the same Facebook posts everytime, it's just a circle jerk. Let's see some OC

Fatass (120kg, 183cm) who's trying to make it, here. fph threads drove me back into the gym, and have made a good job of keeping me going there. I just want to look like a normal person again (at first. Might try to go ottermode when I finally get back to human shape).

I was not defending fatlogic you fuckin tard. Read for content

Mass/energy equivalence is literally the basis of physics. Wow, just wow.

>it could be water weight!

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I mean, there was that 1400lb guy who was all water weight, lost it all in the hospital, after leaving was at 900lb in like a month and died.

Tub of lard here (118kg). Fph is helping me a lot with my weight loss (started at 140kg) and with changing my "inner fat" way of thinking

How the fuck do you weigh 1400 lbs

Literally all water.


overactive thyroid

She's way too thin in the last picture.

When was the last time that an artist had properly represented themselves in their drawings?

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Edema apparently.
>He weighed 476 lb (216 kg; 34 st), having lost approximately 924 lb (419 kg; 66 st), the largest human weight loss ever documented.[5] However, he was readmitted to the hospital just over a year later in October 1981, after his weight increased to 952 lb (432 kg; 68 st). With his underlying condition of edema being incurable and difficult to treat, the decision was made to discontinue treatment, and he died 23 months later

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>sitting near a fucking trashbin
>trash everywhere

He deserves to be homeless.

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>"Hungry" and homeless
>Buys AT LEAST two fucking cans of Pringles, and what seems to be some fancy shmancy spring/mineral water
>Probably playing Candy Crush or some other shit on a smartphone

Fuck him.

>car crash or mattress begins to fall off
That arm is gone.

>roommate starting on the fat acceptance/love your body movement bullshit
>shares/retweets "I love my fat body" posts all the time
>girls in the posts are overweight at most, usually just thick, some pretty hot
>uses this as his excuse to Love His Body The Way It Is
>constantly eating dominoes, teriyaki, comes home with 3 bags of Arby's
>gallon of Kroger sweet tea constantly, at least one every other day
>compliments me on losing 70lbs doing [spoiler]keto[/spoiler], says he wants to do it
>explain that you need to supplement the diet with exercise, weights, calisthenics, etc
>"Oh yeah sure"
>lasts 2 weeks before breaking down and ordering 60 mcnuggets and a fat full bag of assorted dollar menu items, extra large root beer
>says the diet doesn't work, total bullshit, should have never tried it in the first place, makes him miserable
>Shrug and move on

At least I tried, right? It worked for me and I'm working carbs back into my system so I can get back on building more muscle and definition. I'm hoping he'll see my progress and try again but since his excuse for everything is that he's depressed and functionally unable to do it I doubt he'll even try again

235lb - 190lb here. 5'11 but plateaued. Still look bad, but at least I can fit into normal sized clothes again now.

M is correct. the rest of you are spooked.

A lot of genetics in that cart

>still has the double chin

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Was 275 last year
Now 185

I'm kind of been at maintenance for a while. It's a little hard to go lower until I move out next year

Used to be 250 Ibs, lost almost 90, and I browse FPH to remind me what happens if I falter and return to my old habits. It's great motivation.

I've seen more fat conservatives in 1 part of Georgia than my entire trip around South Korea and back, I don't think it's an politcal issue, it's a cultural issue, westerners are just fat as fuck, shit food, shit enviornment, shit acceptance, fat blacks fat whites fat Hispanics

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christ that reminds me of my cousin

ripped off like a very fatty chicken wing from a rotisserie chicken

I was 264 and recently hit 193 after about 6 months of just cardio and low cal/carb. I used to just do cardio before but eat junk so I stopped that, cut out booze (replaced with green), and stopped eating out almost entirely. I come in because I somewhat used to have the fat guy mentality of just staying where I was at, accepting it for what I was, etc.

It's such an awful place to be in, and seeing other fats like I used to be start doing to same things I used to do is just straight up sad. You know they're miserable, no matter how happy they'll tell you they are. Nobody is truly happy being like that.

Ex-fatty here, I only discovered fit after I lost most of my excess weight (from 126kg to 81kg at 1,86m), but it's a great motivation to get my ass up and work out.

I've never been one of 'those' fatties, though.

how do they buy all that shit? That shit isn't cheap

>heavily overweight guy I know starts sharing posts like these as an excuse to say that being fat is ok

She's at least thick, overweight at most. The problem is that people misinterpret her "fat acceptance" as "It's ok to eat like shit and be a fattie because that's just who you are :))))"

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I was 160 lbs last year, not fatass but overweight. Now 120lbs

QUICK Pockets

there's something faster than hot pockets?

Shiiit. Mirin' the dedication. Serious tricep/delt action going on right here. Might have to put it in my program

Used to weigh 380lbs, now 260. I read and contribute to these threads daily so I don't relapse and continue my weight loss journey.

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>(I'm sorry)

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