What body fat percentage do you need to have visible abs without flexing, like this?

What body fat percentage do you need to have visible abs without flexing, like this?

Attached: 38667394_2027195717592804_45651319058333696_n.jpg (1080x1349, 1.82M)

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he is flexing

Bf percentages are inaccurate, some people store more in different areas.
In general don't be over 12 no matter the measurement

Here too?

Attached: tumblr_orakeeSg2p1rphqceo1_540.jpg (540x675, 61K)

What about here?

Attached: ff814684701ac79285309595a8a532af.jpg (1080x1080, 111K)

Are you retarded? Yes

How can you tell?

By not being retarded

It's logical to think he's flexing because he obviously wants to look the best for that photo.

because he's posing for photos you moron

This is something that's always confused me when people show those infographics of what your abs should look like at varying BF percentages. Are those flexed or unflexed? Pump or no pump? I'm probably like 18% bodyfat or some shit and can still see abs after a workout with flexing. Bonus points for top-down lighting too, of course.

Even with flexing and lighting, it means you're either not 18% or you store uncommonly little in your belly

rule of thumb is that if there's someone without a shirt posing for a picture, they're flexing their abs. Only time this isn't going to be the case is if it's a candid shot or it's one of those duplicitous before/after photos

What's your estimate here then? Took this last week. 190 lbs, 5'9. Rest day, so no pump.

Attached: me_irl_2018.jpg (633x794, 89K)

I'm not him, my bf is 14% and it was measured on scale.
You look similar to me, so I would say your bf is 12-16% depending how you store fat in legs etc.

nice hair

Those scale readers are notoriously unreliable though. IIRC a reading of 14% means it could actually be anywhere from 4% to 24%

abs are just kitchen lighting my man. also he is flexing in all your pics but to get that minor vascularity under your bottom abs you should be around 10%. BF % doesn't matter anyway, different people lose fat differently, just cut until you think you look good.
bioelectrical impedence scales are the most inaccurate BF estimate at lower BFs. The current only reaches your legs at most. try using the scale and placing your hands on your feet and you'll see the BF% go down.

>the virgin squint

>implying he doesn't look like this

Attached: 10611001_824211404364078_1017171758_n.jpg (960x960, 136K)

Attached: tumblr_p3lkltFCpD1s2aoywo1_1280.jpg (640x640, 67K)

Attached: 11249186_926303107432596_1775401192_n.jpg (1080x1080, 175K)

Single digit BF%

He is clearly squinting here too

I'd fuck him daily, he's perfection

because his abs look compressed, normally they look like big cylinder blocks that follow your breathing

youtu.be/KlB5XZZdqec?t=15m15s start at 15 minutes if it doesnt go