How does this make you feel Jow Forums

How does this make you feel Jow Forums

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I’m mirin

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Mirin desu how long have you been lifting?
Height? Weight?

height weight age?
years of lifting?
5rms on the big 4?

still dead inside

glad that I deadlift

5'8 155
Maxes are 465 dead, 410 squat, 255 bench.
Been lifting for like 6 years not. Spent a lot of time fucking around. Basically do various powerlifting routines mixed with hypertrophy work.


It makes me feel absolutely fantastic user

i want you to full nelson me on the ass

hahaha ASS :DD are you homo?

You're gonna make it brah

no amount of gains will ever fix this
how does THAT make you feel Jow Forumsbro?
I'm fucking 5'9 master race up in this bitch. God made me perfect the day I was born.

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>How does this make you feel Jow Forums

like that's what I'm gonna look like after I get done fasting

you're as tall as I was in the 7th grade.

I was like that but was unhappy because I didn’t think I was big enough

holy shit yeah once I get done fasting I'm gonna look just like you only taller. You have the same dead, only 5lb lower on squat, and only 30lb lower on bench (which is probably due to me having more fat in my chest desu).

>Spent a lot of time fucking around.
Same here buddeh. Football workouts were shit too so I pretty much gave up on getting stronger Jr. and Sr. year

5'9 is unironically god mode for aesthetics. Tall enough to not care about others being taller, short enough to look shredded as fuck with massive bulk in each muscle group

Michael, what are u doing?

Depends on your genes. I am 5'10 and put on muscle extremely easy. Can't squat or my quads explode into a ridiculous size.

You're too tall lanklet faggot.

Son, I'm mirin' hard. No homo

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Breh look at jonnie canditos routines. He's got free ones on his website and they're great for strength and size. He's a an elite natty powerlifter

What do you do? The Intermediate Strength program?

Yeah and I'll switch up the compounds every few weeks so I don't plateau as often.

How fast have you been making gainz?

makes me wanna see the front shot too.



Well once I actually got on real routine I finally escaped my poverty lifts and my gains have been pretty linear. It won't be like this forever but it's nice.

I'm mirin'
What's your routine?

A little gay?

I hop around these programs.

Your back looks like shit. It appears you have large teres insertions and zero lats. Otherwise you look good. Your ass is huge

Thx I ran track all of my life so that's probably why

I feel better now

Attached: Hyper NUT.jpg (480x600, 70K)

Agree you need to pump up the lats, but in general, you look like a classic superhero. Very nice.

you have a nice ass no homo